This was posted 4 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Zip Pay] Switch: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild $48 + Delivery and More Game Deals ($0 with Club) @ Catch


You don’t have to be new member of ZipPay. - Confirmed

Free delivery with Club catch - Free trial available

More Games:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons $47 with Zip Pay

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $43 with ZipPay

Splatoon 2 $42 with ZipPay

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim $42 with ZipPay


Also try coupon code CATCH4Q2K - Minimum $60 spend

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Oh sick got it for $38 with referral credit from the ring fit and Zippay

    • +2

      That's a bargain if I ever saw one

    • +2

      So as long as you pay on time. No fees for Zippay. No wonder why this is the latest craze.

      • +5

        You can pay it all off, as soon as you are done paying on Catch. At least that’s what I did.

        • +2

          Thanks for the heads up, first time using Zip, just went to pay it manually.

        • +2

          Was going to do the deal, but I don't think I can deal with the convoluted way to cancel the Club Catch or also having to deal with the Zippay. Not for me. Great deal though by OP

          • @Melb69: Not sure if a visa gift card works. But if it does, keep $5 balance on it and use it to signup every time.

          • @Melb69: Agreed it's a bit annoying that you can't just click a button and cancel Catch Club, but after sending the message off they cancelled it the next day and was pretty painless fwiw.

    • +1

      Congrats, it's an awesome game!

  • +1

    Just did the above method with Animal Crossing New Horizons and got it for $47 shipped. Great deal considering its sold out everywhere and $70+

    • Yup, grabbed Animal Crossing myself.

  • Cheers. Got Pokemon Shield for $43 shipped.

  • So does that mean if you wanted to buy a couple of items… You need to do seperate transactions?

    ZipPay says minimum of $50. I'm assuming that's prior to the discount then?

    • Works on only one transaction per catch account with $50 minimum prior to discount. That transaction can include multiple items. You can also combine it with UNiDAYS discount but that doesn’t work with Nintendo items.
      If you want something else then you will need new catch account, but you can use same Zip account

      • Thanks…

        I wonder if Catch tracks multiple orders via the same payment details… Lol

        Experimenting time :D

        • Stupid thing rejected my ZipPay application…

          No cheap games for me :(

        • I just put in two separate orders, one for Mario Kart 8 and the other for Xenoblade Chronicles. I used two accounts that I just made. One in my name with my debit card, the other in my Dad's name with his debit card (to get the Catch Club for a free trial).

          $43 for Mario Kart delivered
          $47 for Xenoblade delivered

          Both paid with the same Zip Pay account.

    • Most of the Switch games would be over $50

  • Anyone know how the pick up from Target works? Does it work like click and collect or is it shipped to Target to be picked up?

    • It's shipped to Target.

    • +1

      It works the same way as click and collect except it's not target's stock as far as I know. Catch just ships it to them. You go to the service/layby desk and show the barcode in your email just like you would for a click and collect.

  • So you don't need to be new customer to get $20 off?

  • If I use club catch for free delivery it forces me to use credit card and not zip pay. How are you guys doing it?

    • +2

      Remove game from your cart and checkout club catch trial first, then go back and buy game with Zip Pay.

      • That worked thank you :)

        Just got Fire Emblem Three Houses for $48 :)

  • Selected zippay as a payment but don’t see the $20 discount.

    • Have you used the discount before?

      • Nope. Not sure why it’s not giving me a discount

        • Try another catch account?

  • Zip pay application unsuccessful. Doesn't even tell me why.

    • What's your credit rating like? That's usually what determines a successful application or not.

      • Never owed anything in my life, so I don't even know why. Might give them a call tomorrow

        • Hm, maybe if you've never owed anything, i.e. you haven't had a credit card from a bank to kick off a credit rating… You might have a bit of difficulty getting an account.

          Give em a call and see what they say.

          • @Goldfire: What is the difference between Zip Pay and Zip Money?

            • @williamk30: Zip Pay = interest free shopping with payments made at your own rate, if you pay it off quick enough (before the end of the following month) you won't incur fees ($6) - limit of $1,000

              Zip Money = an actual line of credit for purchases above $1,000 with pretty high interest rates

              Almost everyone will use Zip Pay for everything.

              As far as limits go, my credit rating is considered good, so I had an overall limit of $1,000, whereas my friend had a limit of only $350.

            • @williamk30: I would say the most important difference is you can pay Zip pay by credit cards. You still get base points and up to a whopping 3-4 months interest free period. But do note Zip pay is $1500 max so not much saving after all.

              • @truetypezk: Ah okay, I'm going by the max limit of Zip Pay located here:…

                About half way down. Unless you might mean Zip Money…

                • @Goldfire: I think that might be the initial limits. We have 2 Zip Pay accounts and the limits are both "increased" to $1500 progressively.

                  • @truetypezk: They are initial limits, I'm still on the $1,000 limit because I don't really need any more, they did offer the $1,500 limit to me though.

              • @truetypezk: Oh it accepts credit cards? I thought it only accepts bank cards/debit cards. I tried using AMEX and it did not work.

    • I just signed up and bought botw- thanks OP. I don’t have “proper” debt or own credit cards either, but I do buy phone plans+phones rather than outright, and see that those applications show up on my credit report which is rated “good” on finder’s Credit report. I also have all utilities and no late payments or defaults so maybe that helps? This was my first time using zip, Afterpay etc. zip extended me $1000, I’m a ft student with only infrequent contractor jobs on the books, I Would not lend me money based on the paper trail.

    • +1

      Called Zip Pay today, but they were unable to tell me what is wrong with the application. Told me to try again 12 months later.

  • +3

    Respect to Nintendo and Zelda BOTW this game never goes down in price.

    Best game I have ever played.

    • +2

      I agree, it is the greatest game that I have ever played. It is so wonderfully detailed, and such a beautiful and big world. I just can't stop playing it.

  • I was almost going to close my Zip account yesterday because I was getting nothing out of it.
    Lucky I decided not too.

  • +5


    This game offers countless hours of fun.

  • OP, what's your experience in how fast you receive items from Catch?

    • +3

      I have gotten mine within 4-5 business days.

      • Cool, thanks.

  • -2

    lol how is launch price for a 3 year old game a deal?

    • +2

      So it was launched at $48?

      • my bad just saw the second price. good price

  • No cashback?

    • Got Animal Crossing :)
      Also, tried UniDays code and it didn't work. Feel free to use it: CATCH4Q2K

  • +2

    The code doesn't work, seems to be targeted.

    Also, genuine question but what do others think of saving $20 but your credit rating gets impacted negatively?

    • I applied twice and didn’t go through both attempts. I currently have a phone contract and small car loan that’s being paid off on time. So I gave up on zip pay and I’m worried about that :(

  • Got a set of joy-cons for $88!

  • +2

    Hrm thanks for the heads up but I'll be going for a mortgage next year and don't want anything to affect my application.

    • +2

      Yeah good point. I might just hunt around for the games second hand instead. I have a good credit rating but dont want to screw that up!

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Got it for $54.95. Didnt take the club catch offer so copped a $6.+ shipping fee
    If you pick zip-pay the discount comes in during zip payment authorisation. Its listed as a discount of $20

    • Hence how I got Pokemon Shield for $49.95 ^_^

  • +1

    So just to confirm if I sign up for catch and zip, then pay the zip straight away and cancel the catch I would pay 47 in total for animal crossing? No other fees?

    To be fair if I find catch club worth it I might keep that, so I guess thats the point of the offer.

    • +1

      I believe so (Not entirely sure)

      I was tempted to do the same but, I have enough subscriptions in my life with my income so, I didn't and copped the shipping :) Still $49.95 :3

    • Instead of paying it off immediately, you can just set an automatic repayment of full amount at the end of next money so you have more money for 0 interest.

  • Bit off-topic but is there anywhere that gives good discount on switch games if you buy 3-4? I have a couple of birthdays coming up.

  • +1

    I submitted Club Catch trial with a credit card I already used, then tried to change it and without realising I got charged $6.95 for the trial :( Make sure you use a new card for Club Catch trial! But got Zelda for $38, bargain!

    • Isn't Club Catch $6.50 per month?
      $6.95 is the cost of postage.

      • Ah yes sorry it was $6.50, I didn't check the amount properly

    • how 38$? any other coupon?

      • I had referral credit $10

  • Picked up Xenoblade chronicles definitive edition. Looks great.

  • +7

    If you are signing up for new Catch account, use referral (random or your family/friend) to get $10 credit after first purchase. Sign up for free club catch trial membership (need to give a card not earlier used at Catch) prior to first purchase and this trial club catch will be treated as your first purchase so you can get additional $10 off on your actual purchase.

    • Nice one!

    • -1

      Damn missed that on my first purchase, but just grabbed fire emblem for $38, thanks!

    • Good pick up

  • Has anybody else's orders not shipped yet? I bought Super Mario Party also, and it has been sent, but BOTW is still "In Progress".

  • Excellent…got two games, Mario Kart odyssey, Zelda.

    Is Mario kart deluxe is worth after having odyssey? Or can someone suggest any other games?

    And can I cancel catch club before receiving order?

    ( New to gaming, never played anything. Buying for kids).

    • +1

      Kart is racing game, so yes.
      I cancelled club catch straight away, no problem whatsoever.

      • Thanks. Getting Kart as well. Seems great multiplayer game.

        Cancellation is little weird, have to open a support request. Done that.

  • I just applied with a debit card and was unsuccessful so assume my credit rating just took a hit. Upon reading the thread again, I am seeing people mention that a credit card could've been used. I do have a credit card and had a good credit rating. Should I apply again with credit card or will this make matters worse?

    Wasn't aware debit cards had an attachment to credit rating.

    • I did used my debit card and worked.

  • +1

    For some of them, paying $1 more in exchange for free shipping by choosing sold by Target is a good option for those who have run out of Club Catch trials.

  • +2

    Has anyone’s order been shipped? Mine is still in processing order stages. I thought they shipped them in 1-2 business day?

    • My order shipped the same day that I ordered. It is still in transit with Australia Post in Melbourne.

      • When did you place your order?

        • I ordered Mario Maker 2 on Monday. It was shipped on the same day.

    • Same, ordered mine two days but still in processing stage.

    • My order of Mario Kart & Odyssey still in processing

    • Mine's still In Progress too, I had issues with Club Catch so that was cancelled altogether so not sure if that's impacting my order right now…

    • Looks like depends on game. Ordered Smash bros yesterday and its shipped. Odyssey was ordered two days back and still in processing. May be because of stock.

    • Still no movement on any of the games I ordered (Zelda, Mario Party, ACNH) or joy-cons. Bit disappointing since they all said they leave the warehouse in 1-2 business days…

      I gather others are still in the same boat?

      • The 2 games I ordered were both shipped today. I did contact support and that might’ve pushed things along. Good luck

      • Mario Kart ordered on Tuesday, not shipped out yet.

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