UPDATED: No longer at $99, back to full price of $160
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris Deluxe Month 1 Edition is only $99.95 on the PSN Store instead of the full price of $159.95 like on the Xbox Marketplace or Steam. This is likely an error in pricing, but 100% works if you buy it. i left no expiration date because it might get changed at any moment.
The Deluxe Edition includes:
• Full Game
• Premium Pass which includes 2 Major Expansions and a Special Costume as a bonus (is $70 Separately)
• Virtual currency
While Purchasing the game in the first Month gives you:
• 4 costumes from the Design Contest
Damn that's a better price, but I want the steam version. Wonder if I can get steam key cheaper elsewhere.