This was posted 4 years 7 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PowerEgg 4K Drone $520 Delivered @ PowerVision


An obscure beast! Looks to have some interesting flight modes, a 290 degree rotating gimbal and a 4K camera. Might be worth evaluating as a cheaper alternative to the DJI; probably cheap enough to 'test the waters' for those interested in commencing drone activities. Was apparently $1599.

I've included a video review for reference:

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Power omelette?

    • +3

      Only of it crashes? Or perhaps that's PowerScrambledEgg?

  • That black case (and the egg itself) remind me of the Apple eMac’s.…

    Heavy, smooth/slippery, and no carry handle, making it a chore to carry.

    • +13

      You could use a spoon to carry it

  • they are quite noisy - might be a bit of fun if you have spare 520 lying around

  • +1

    Poweregg the new drone made by Dr Robotnik/Eggman to monitor Sonic…..

  • +2

    Max ascend speed5 m/s
    Max flying speed13 m/s
    Max flight time23 minutes

    Talk about a super egg!

    Pity it wasn't filled with chocolate…

    But like Heavy is an understatement 😬

  • +8

    I fly drones commercially and currently use the DJI mavic 2 pro which is 900g. This egg is 2.1kg. That is a beast and a liability if something were to go wrong.

    For that money I’d take the DJI mavic mini. Same sized sensor and only 250g. If you’re spending $500ish on a drone you’re probably not a professional so I’d recommend DJI’s optional Care Refresh. It must be purchased withIn 48 hours of activating the drone and covers any damage for 1 yr and it’s also extendable for an additional year. Even if you back over in your car. It’s makes DJI a no brainer choice IMO.

    • Any idea if the battery will damage the drone if I don't actively use it?

    • So what does a commercial drone pilot actually do? I'm genuinely interested.

      • Photos, site analysis, video shoots… Plenty of things

      • +8

        Sorry the term commercial drone pilot makes me sound like a bit of a tosser. I have a real estate photography business and drone photography accounts for about 30% of my turnover. I’d average about 2-3 shoots a day with the drone. I don’t actually need a licence as a few years ago the law was changed so that sub 2kg drones were exempt. Another reason why this drone wouldn’t be a good choice as it’s 2.1kg. To actually adhere to all the rules surrounding drones is almost impossible so the best you can do is mitigate the risks, the best way is to use a drone that has an exceptional safety record and be as small as possible so if something goes wrong the impact is minimised. I’ve crashed a couple and the DJI Care Refresh cover is worth every cent.

        Pay a little bit more and quality and features are amazing like the new DJI mavic air 2. Having said that if I didn’t use my drone for work I’d probably use it only a couple of times a year and it would become just another impulse buy like the Knife set I saw on here and bought but have no use for…

        In summary, if you want to spend $500 odd on a drone buy a mavic mini. Don’t be dazzled by the impressive rrp of this dinosaur egg. I so often fall for it.

        • +1 I'm also a "commercial drone pilot," came here to say pretty much this.

          • Over 2kg = legal issues with flying this in Australia without a license.
          • Quality and precision of flight controller, in-flight stability, range of signal etc is incredibly valuable and should not be underestimated. They have saved my expensive machine more than once.

          DJI is unmatched in these categories - the extra cost is worth it.

        • Good advice. Also getting a low use second hand Mavic Pro or something for around that price would be a good option. I know many who buy them, fly them a few times, and then sell them second hand.

      • Mainly real estate photos, or maybe the odd ad.

    • The mini is really good.

    • Until they fly away and DJI dont respond to emails

    • DJI’s optional Care Refresh.
      Do you know if this is transferable. Looking a 2nd hand DJI which has this and seller says it is!

      • It’s tied to the device’s serial number not the account, so yes.

  • +5

    Nanu Nanu

    • I came for the Mork jokes… Thanks to you and all those showing their age by upvoting your comment.

  • kinda ungly af

  • Seriously interested - do drones "wear out" or like all WRX's do they all just eventually crash and break well before their intended life expectancy ?

    I can't imagine this super egg surviving more than 1 awkward landing, especially with those awesome looking electronically operable legs.

    • +1

      the legs are retractable, but then you just have the gimbal and camera sticking out.

      • If the locking mechanism for the landing gear is strong enough and landings are mostly hands off, it should be OK surviving normal use. At its weight though your in trouble if it powered off mid air.

  • +1

    This looks like an alien spaceship and I want one.

    EDIT: I just bought one, thx OP

    • Looking forward to hearing you back, good luck

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  • Remember to consider availability and cost of accessories when buying things like cameras and drones. E.g. Spare propellers and batteries. There is very little for this particular drone… Otherwise it is great as a novelty factor and for display, a conversation starter in the park, or if you want a short joy flight once in a while :-)

  • 2.1kg in the air…like a joke. People can do the same thing with 249g in the air at the same price. Why this clunky?

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