Do You Think I Need to Pay Extra to Receive My Desktop Earlier?

I placed an order from Techfast on the 18th of June, and I am still waiting.

I was trying to refund on June, but I did not because of their policy (25% deduction)

Their expected delivery time was yesterday(8th of July).
However, they gave me 3 options today including:

Option 1) Gigabyte Bronze PSU: you can add this to your order for $59. Just let me know and I can issue an invoice for payment via credit card, and merge it into your order. There will be minimal delays for your order if you choose this option.

Option 2) 80 Plus Gold PSU: Alternatively, we have 80 Plus Gold rated units available, for $149. Due to Australian supply shortages and recent supplier pricing increases, this price is $149 and I'm not able to offer a better price. The brand of these may vary between Gigabyte, In-Win and Deepcool and while I can leave an order note on your preference, I cannot guarantee which model will be used as stock levels vary.

Option 3) Wait: If you are happy to wait for the bundled 750W unit you are welcome to do so. I don't have a specific time for which they will arrive due to logstics fluctuations, but your system would be completed as soon as possible when they do.

Ridiculously, I will only pay $139 if I order option2 on their website.

I will send an email to fair trading and wait with option 3.

Please give me any advice, if you have another opinion.

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      • You assume the price….

        Benefit of doubt.. shudder at the thought the original psu could be sourced for less than $40
        All speculative with the lack of detail provided on actual parts involved.

      • This is correct, it's part of their business model which is completely fine but it's up to the buyer to do their research.

        First the cost of the original part which is swapped out for the upgraded part is not subtracted from the cost of the build. I also only just realized the upgraded part charges you for labour/installation which would have already been charged on the original part but as you don't get refunded for it, you essentially pay for installation twice.

  • +6

    I ordered from Techfast recently. The computer came through but was significantly delayed. The build seems good (touch wood).

    I bumped into this video after getting my PC and it made me laugh.…

    • Lol, with Techfast they don't even answer.

      • Lol. Also Luke was responsive on ozb for me.

  • -3

    gosh, if I didn't know better i'd say the whole world came crashing to a standstill and it meant things globally have been delayed. But good on you OP for jumping down the throat of a small business. Lets hope you never have to wait for a package again!

      • Still waiting on 5 packages from china that were ordered during COVID, i don't think we're quite back to square 1 yet

        • +1

          That would be due to manufacturing time frames(which a retailer should check with factory at time of wholesale purchase), like I said shipping times have returned back to normal.

          Putting it bluntly. Covid19 could not be used as an excuse for anything sold in approximately last 4-6 weeks and claiming unforeseen logistics delays. (Manufacturing delays should be communicated to customer at time of purchase)

    • +2

      Hi Sarahlimp,

      As I mentioned above, I was already trying to get a refund in June, but I couldn't do it because of the 25% cost, and the e-mail that came after the promised time just says pay more or wait (due to COVID-19) if you don't like it, should I just stay still?

      If I were the owner of a small business, I think I would have already refunded it in June or this time. What I wanted was a refund, not a faster delivery, since June.

      The problem with Covid-19 is that we all have to deal with it, but is it only customers who have to deal with it?

      If I'm an owner of a similar business, I'm going to tell customers in advance that it's 20 or 30 business days or more, instead of stating 14 business days, and I'll give them a full refund if I don't keep that promise or if they want. And the website will say Available: Depends/Pre-order instead of Available: In Stock.

      This is the reason I jumped down the throat of a small business.

      Thank you for letting me new expression by the way. :) "Jump down somebody's throat"

      • It just passed the expected delivery date why would they refund in June? Just pay for the bronze, enjoy that your psu will be a lot less likely to blow your pc up and move on.

        Is this stress really worth it when your being told lol that psu must be shit.

  • I just want to jump in to say that I don't believe that there was any bad intentions from Techfast team. I purchased one of their systema during black friday sales last year. It's a great system, very neat and well put together; with great communication from the team. Luke has always been super responsive and helpful on OZB, and I feel bad that the community would turn on him so quickly. I'm not surprised that they have come through for everyone, as they always put the customer first from what I've seen.

    • +1

      Same reason why msy or pccg or mwave have been taken in the past, people paid a product and expected to come in a reasonable time, a month is not a reasonable time, as the others have said it has been more than three month since covid 19, it is not an excuse already, why sell a product when u don't have it in stock, let the customer keep waiting until they are angry? No email, no sorry, (disclaimer, gathering from the facts of all the posts before, I personally have never purchase from them) I don't think this type of customer service can be allowed just because it is cheap, and to be honest , they aren't cheap any more , I recently bought from ozbargain deal 3600 + x570 for $550, that is call a deal,

      • yes need to weigh making the books look good or reputation.

    • It hasn't been quickly. It's been a few of customers who've had issues with every deal, those customers who've had issues start to build up and it's just reach tipping point.

    • We bought a friends pc from techfast, he loves it.

  • Is it really that hard to just build your own pc

    • Some people just don't have the time or inclination, or don't want to have to troubleshoot issues themselves. When I bought my system at the end of last year, a lot of people agreed it wasn't really any cheaper to build it yourself. Below is the system I got, I don't think I could've done it myself any cheaper, and didn't have the time or interest anyway.

      Bundled Thermaltake Versa J25 Case × 1

      RAM Upgrade: 16GB [3200MHz] to 32GB [3200MHz] DDR4 RAM (2 x 16GB Modules) × 1


      Mobo Upgrade: Bundled X570 to Asus Tuf WiFi X570 × 1


      Bundled AMD Ryzen 9 3900X Processor × 1


      PSU Upgrade: 750W 80+ Bronze to 750W 80+ Gold Power Supply [Black Friday Special!] × 1


      GPU Upgrade: RX 580 8GB/GTX 1660 6GB to MSI Ventus RTX 2080 SUPER 8GB Graphics Card × 1


      SSD Upgrade: 480GB to 1TB m.2 [NVMe] Solid State Drive × 1


      Bundled 1 Year Return To Base Warranty × 1





      $2,764.00 AUD

      • It only takes 1/2 a day for a new but once you know how to build a ocs, takes 1hr.

        • That's physical build time. Doesn't include research, purchasing, setup and troubleshooting.

          • @happykamper: yes that’s true however if you are just as happy to buy techfast complete build then use that bulild list and staticeprice or pcpartpicker.

            The research is the longest time but even buying from techfast ine still needs to research what they want right?

            Purchasing not that difficult. Staticeprice will give you the best prices or you can post in forums like here. Delivery is very quick and items in stock.

            Set up and troubleshooting. My 14yo did it in 1/2 a day for his 1st build. I think now that he knows what to do, will take 1-2hrs.

            Basically, if ppl wanted to buy a system from techfast, they could purchase parts and build the exact system for faster and possibly cheaper.

            Obviously if you could receive a complete build from techfast in 1 week then there’s no issue.

            • +1

              @sal78: Static ice is good to see how a retailer you're looking at stacks up but it often matches wrong products and doesn't index prices for big stores like may, centrecom and shopping express. You also have to take into account the postage fees when you split order between multiple retailers.

            • +1

              @sal78: It takes me about 8min to assemble a pc, install is and set up maybe 30 mins? Who is taking 1-2 hours lol

              • @Slippery Fish: 8 mins must be a pretty basic build, I spend 30-40mins on cable management alone on each build I'm doing. Gotta make it today.

                • @Agret: Air cooled, cable routed… My dad used to have a pc shop and I've built hundreds lol

    • +3

      Super easy. My 14 yo son did it all by himself. He did run into a few issues such as 3 point pin from RGB fan conttoller that plugs into no where, no picture, unable to detect own wifi network and a few dodgy window keys before getting one that worked!

      But you know what…. troubeshooting is how you learn to be better. With the monitor, he was getting frustrated plugging and unplugging, ensuring nothing’s loose and them he gave up n took a break. 2 hrs later he saw a cable and found a slot and the monitor worked 🤣

      Wifi was due to our ISP changing our IP address and we gad no idea until we called support.

      The best part is that he needed a bigger desk so he used an old desk top from ikea in the garage, swapped the desk legs etc and in the process he had to change his bedroom around to fit the bigger desk. So he also wiped down the cornices, windows, vacummed and cleaned his entire room and de-cluttered. 🤣🤣 This is the first time in his life doing this.

      It has always been me doing it. So amusing to witness and a huge win 😂 I’m more happy than he is. Finally his room is clean and I didn’t lift a finger .

      He’s happy I’m happy

      • +2

        I totally get having your kid build their own. It's a great project to bond over, and gives them a sense of satisfaction. I still remember building my first PC and the sense of relief and accomplishment when it POSTed first go. In sure I'd have my kids do the same when the time comes :)

  • +2

    Simple, ask cc company or paypal for charge back and move on with other shop.
    Anyone who post similar deals from this merchant should warn about possible delivery delay.

  • +11

    I dont understand how wating ~1 month for a PC with subpar components (manufacturer wise- motherboards, ram, psus, cases etc) only to save 50-100 bucks is a "bargain".

    We have had plenty of good component deals. Build one yourself and no need to stress about trivial issues like this.

  • +5

    Whats with all the love for techfast?

    Have you people ever heard of centrecom, CPL or MSY?

    • hahahaha they post frequent deals on here

  • +1

    Aussies are too relied on one store to build pc, there is dozen of stores who can do that better. I'm not going rubbish techfast but they create a big blunder in this case by taking peoples orders that they can't fulfill. Do the right thing give people the refund and suck in the lost.

  • +1

    Same old story, had a couple of bad experiences too; ended up waiting weeks and weeks longer then paying more than I saved by going through them just to replace the dodgy parts (mobo died 1 month in, bad brands and bad psu). Should have just done it myself.

  • +4

    Looks like techfast is not really fast.

    • +2

      Its been known for a long time

  • Sorry I cant give any coment to OP.

    Just want to say about Techfast Business Model here. Selling “cheap” computer with many factors in it (upgrad RAM, CPU, etc) is their main income.

    Everyone know selling computer here in Australia has very low margin and specially dealing with warranty, refund, etc will drain their money fast. As well as “no stock issue”. Business owner had to upgrade it with their own pocket money otherwise this happens (ie Posting in Internet forum)

    What I can see this business model wouldnt last long in Australia. Been there done that a while ago.

    Best wish of luck to Luke and TechFast staff.

    • +2

      20 yrs ago PC shops only sold new builts. Then you had the MSYs that sold parts to PC shops but they rarely sold to end users and component prices were hush hush.

      End users bought whole systems from pc shops.

      My 1st job out of Uni was working for a Chinese IT hardware business so I do understand volume builds. We let HPs, Dells etc sell to retail because they provided the RA, phone support, 2yr warranty etc We were B2B and sold around 200-250 standard systems per week. It was a wonderful time for IT biz. $750 complete builds, $200 margin, around $1.5k cheaper than brand names and we were receiving purchase orders for 10, 20, 50 systems etc We provide on-site hardware support but usually we just send a tech to swap over a new system immediately as we understand how crucial downtime is for businesses. It was fun times monitoring daily prices of RAMs, buying large quantities with cash because the demand was so huge, you get priority if you pay cash. Got my lil bro a job there building pcs. His dream job for a student. Slave labour lol

      I spent a yr in that job. Interesting. Warehouse in Silverwater. Newly built.

  • +3

    Lol. l just watched this

    Then read this post.

  • +7

    Every time I relay my poor Techfast experience, I get negged hardcore.

    Fact of the matter is, I had a shit experience and now I have a shit, poorly built computer.

  • +1

    Is this the end of Ozbargain's obsession with Techfast?

  • +2

    Finally, I received my one yesterday. It is wokring fine. Thanks all.

    • Wow.. only one month and WOA

      should buy a lotto ticket..

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