• expired

50% Sales of Crypto Currencies @ Crypto.com (ALGO)


Hey, guys, this is my first post so bear with me:

Crypto.com in other posts has mentioned about the 10% Cashback in MCO currency for shopping at Woolworths and ALDI during the extended period. Some even mentioned that in itself is not worth it. However, on the other spectrum, there is the actual trading of cryptocurrencies and long term investments that have not yet been explored here and this post will explore the sales within the trading of Crypto.com. Please note that I am sharing what I have learn and by no mean responsible for any loss in following this post nor am I a financial adviser. How you invest is totally up to you. You will be responsible for how your own investment. :)

For those people who work 9-5 day jobs or not familiar with trading or not willing to trade due to the risk of volatility in the cryptocurrency, then they may look into crypto sales.

Almost every two weeks, Crypto.com announces a cryptocurrency where users can participate in the sale. This occurs on the exchange only > (https://crypto.com/exchange). Usually, the sale is 50% (subject to change), but for some of the past sales, it has been 50%. This event is known as "The Syndicate Event". Each event, Crypto.com allocate a certain budget, for the sale. For ALGO sale the budget is $500,000. Not all details have been released at this stage yet so keep eyes out on the syndicate page.

The way it works is

-Users must stake min 10,000 CRO for 180 days in order to participate in the sale. 10,000 CRO cost around $1825.41 AUD at the time of writing.
-On the day of the sale usually fall on Tuesday for Australia, users get to subscribe on an amount dictate by how much you have staked, the more you stake the more you can subscribe (please note this does not mean that you will get the amount you specify).
-After the sale is closed, it takes 24 hours for the crypto.com to calculate the allocation for each user which will take into account whether the sale is oversubscribed (oversold) or undescribed (undersold). For more information please see past sale events as detail calculations and example is shown.
-The following day, users will get an email to either accept or reject the allocation.
-If you accept you will get the currency at 50% which you can then either trade back for CRO or other currencies etc.

Staking 10,000 CRO does come with some benefits as long as the offer is not withdrawn by Crypto.com, and these are:

-20% return per year in CRO interest which is paid daily to the user's exchange account.
E.G 10,000 CRO stake gives 5.47945205 CRO at the time of writing, its roughly $0.98 AUD per day.
-rebates on trading fees
-Crypto.com pay benefit (10% cashback in CRO)
-2 times the rewards for buying Cole digital gift cards

So far I have made a return of at least double when CRO was $0.06551 USD per CRO to $0.1270 USD.

Please comments below on your thoughts and experiences.

Also would like to have a thread down below on discussing the rate people are getting when topping up their MCO card. E.g $20 SGD top-up costing $20.83 AUD on UP at 3JUL0517am.

If I have missed anything, feel free to comment below! :)

Thank you for reading. :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (249)

Up to US$200 worth of CRO cryptocurrency for referrer & referee after referee completes the following in the first 30 days.

Receive US$40 worth of CRO with $100 worth of crypto trade in the first 30 days.
Receive US$60 worth of CRO with $50 deposit and use it in crypto trade in the first 30 days.
Receive US$100 worth of CRO with reservation of a metal crypto.com card in the first 30 days.

Turn off adblocker when attempting to obtain a referral link

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closed Comments

  • -8


    • It is not, I actually made $200 usd from the last 2 BTC events. :)

      • -1

        Do not walk run, I know someone that lost thousands of real dollars, it was not me (:

        • To say that there are only win and no loss is an understatement. However, if this someone didn't invest correctly then, of course, all money will be a loss. I did lose quite some $$ on BTCM so yeah.

  • Good to see this posted here, I'm personally a Jade Green card holder and have had my MCO locked up for over 2 years (back before the CRO Airdrop was a thing). Also keep all my Cryptocurrencies stored on this app (yes I understand not your keys, not your coins, but theres some good interest to be earned).

  • Gawd, the value of your crypto Will be 50% off by this time tomorrow 😔

    • That what I thought initially but after couple of sales, I realized it is not. If anything, its boosts the value of the coins. Note US and HK citizens are not yet allowed to participate.

  • +1

    On another note, I’d love to see a documentary made by all those dudes who thought they were geniuses by trading crypto when everything was going up and it was impossible not to make money, so they were buying lambos and stuff.

    Where are they now?

    • They have upgraded to Gulf Stream jets these days.

  • More like cringecurrency

  • What is the discount code?

    • You have to get an exchange account, which should be easy given that you have a crypto.com account already? As above, you are required to stake 10,000 CRO to participate. All the information can be found on their website.

      • Could be best time a few months ago when cro is below 0.1cents.
        Cro at its peak above 0.15 means you need to put in more money to join.

  • Merged from CRYPTO.com Discussion Q and A

    Hey guys,

    I have not seen any forum apart from deal posts that have discussions on all aspects on crypto.com. So here goes; some of my questions below.

    • Have anyone tried to withdraw money in Australia using their MCO card, if so, how much did they get charged? I was under the impression that it was free.

    • How do you top up your MCO card (with which bank), what fee incurred?

    Please feel free to post your questions so other people can help out.

    Also, check out the upcoming deal @ https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/550342

    • You should join the Australia group and ask this questions - https://t.me/Cryptocom_AUNZ

    • +1

      First question. What is an MCO card?

      Second question: I got an email from the tax nazis the other day claiming I had disposed of some crypto and I damn well better report it on my tax..or else. Given I have not disposed of any crypto and am still waiting for Lambo, what does this mean?

      • +3

        MCO card is a debit card that you could use to pay for shopping, main thing is you get cashback. Check it out at their website. crypto.com

        This part probably is a scam trying to scam your money, check with your tax accountant or check with ATO?
        "Second question: I got an email from the tax nazis the other day claiming I had disposed of some crypto and I damn well better report it on my tax..or else. Given I have not disposed of any crypto and am still waiting for Lambo, what does this mean?"

      • +4

        ATO is provided with records of all transactions on Australian and some foreign exchanges.

        Note if you traded one type of crypto for another, that is considered a disposal event and you need to calculate any capital gain or loss at that point in time.

    • +1

      Obligatory "lol crypto" comment.

      Insert "I laugh all the way to the bank (eh?) from my investment…" comments below.

      Neg if your lazy (bonus for the gramer nazi's).

    • -2

      I have a spare $50k how long would it takw to flip it to say 400k in crypto?
      Do you guarantee investments?

    • Can you claim your MCO losses as a tax deduction when the inevitable happens ?

      • Can carry capital losses forward to offset future crypto gains

        • Wouldn't the losses/gains be applied to the total of your financials for the year? What I mean is that I don't think they treat your crypto earning/losses as separate from your earnings/losses from other means? So if you made 100K on property investment but lost 50K on your crytpo holding your net profit for the year would be 50K. At least that's how I understand it.

  • There has been lots of good discussion about this in the Australian Telegram group - https://t.me/Cryptocom_AUNZ

    • I tried clicking on it, not working…

      • You'll need to have Telegram installed to join the group.

  • +2

    bought MCO at ICO. made quite a bit off it. have to say this is one of those crypto companies that didn't fail compared to a lot of the other ones. sold all my MCO after i got the card. holding the CRO though as its all airdropped and its going up in value. hopefully they could pull of some thing that would be of real world use.

    • -3


      • +5

        You're offering crypto financial advice and don't know what an ICO is…

        Summary of crypto advice right there :)

        • huh?

        • I had a chuckle about that to

      • Initial Coin Offering

  • Don't know if this should be classified as a deal due to how variable cryptocurrency is.

  • -2

    Looks like a scam.

  • +2

    I've been looking into this the last couple of weeks.
    I would be interested to dive in on a "don't stake what you can't afford to lose" basis, but the major blocker to me are the reports of their security/validation process.
    People have said that it feels rather dodgy, and I'm not comfortable yet sending an image of my Au Passport (among other data) to this group without any assurances around what they may do with it.

    • +1

      TBH, I don't blame you.

  • +1

    Typical crypto account to take photo of yourself holding your ID.
    Its concerning since there are news of hacking and sold to the black market but its the only way i think they can do ID validation.

    CRO already went up in the past couple of months.

    Maybe due to this syndicate hype and continous advertising?

    I still dont understand how they can give 50% off and who is absorbing those losses.

    How ATO watching this crypto? Do you also need to provide TFN for ATO to keep track?

    • I guess you can give x% off anything when it doesn't have any real value?

      Seems like a pyramid model to me. Get in early, get people below who now want it and pay more than you did, get out.

      Share market has kinda gone this way aswell of late. People buying stuff for no other reason than someone else tolled them to do so, or a computer algorithm noticed others were buying, so you should get on it aswell.

      Almost a reversal of what Warren Buffett preaches. Timing the market vs the time in the market.

      • Sounds like Australian real estate market…

  • May or may not be a forum for this
    but i have found the best RPG crypto game to date only launched a few mths ago. It's fun to play and you can make some decent crypto from it as well from a earning perspective.
    in case anyone is interested in RPG games its www.chainzarena.com

  • Can I get a 50% discount on bitcoin?

    • That event has ended last week. :(

    • +2

      Finished for now, there are new syndicates each week though

    • Hey Cluster there is another one coming up soon! Check this out on the exchange. Pm me if you need more information. :)

  • -1

    This is called the Minmax strategy.
    Here's a spreadsheet I found to easily calculate your potential profits

  • Do we not need to have a minimum trading amount? The emails I've been getting tell me that you need to have a monthly average trade amount of US$5000?

    • Yes they have recently introduced a minimum 30 day trading volume requirement. US$5000 if less than 100,000 CRO staked. Or US$10000 for 100,000 CRO or greater.
      The next one: https://blog.crypto.com/crypto-com-exchange-to-list-compound…

    • Hi Patryn;

      This post has expired so I did not bother to update. A bit have changed since that event. We are now required to trade min 5000 usd in order to participate the event weekly. Atm I am still working out whether the 5k trade volume start on the date when i hit the 5000k trade volume or per calendar month. Welcome to PM me for more information as I work them out. :)

  • Has anyone received their MCO card from staking it MCO/CRO?

    My Ruby is still pending and they're very elusive and vague when coming up with a projected itmeframe.

    • Check the updates on the other deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/9105999/redir
      Card issuing was suspended since 14th July as they are moving to another issuer. They are expected to come back sometime this month (unconfirmed).

      • Thanks mate, didn't see your comment there. Not very happy with the MCO/CRO swap there.

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