Hello ozbargainers.
I've been looking into the area for 2-3 years now.
I've always been outbid or just pushed out of the market due to the median price and high demand from international buyers. (I'm asian and not racist lol)
The house is located perfectly between my partner and family.
With supply going up, demand going down, whispers of "10%" or market crashes to property..talks of abolishing stamp duty…interest rates at an all time low..
What Would OZ Bargainers Do?
Background information.
South-east suburbs Melbourne.
Currently on 85k pa, partner is roughly the same.
We both currently already own a investment property.
Our jobs are quite secure with minimal turnover.
If we are unable to make re-payments we'd consider liquidating assets and being flexible.
I personally think for the land (250sq) it's quite small, however it's niche.
I'd hate to link the property incase a billionaire ozb user beats me to it.
Forgot to mention there's 600sq of livable space + a large backyard.