Seeking Recommendations for quality WOODEN Chopping Boards to Protect Knives.
Things to consider when posting your comment:
- Relevance (Only wood; no glass, etc., unless you know of something which is better than wood)
- Price
- Types of Wood (Please name the type of tree for those interested in researching issues pertaining to sustainability and habitat protection - I have included a link below to this effect to get the ball rolling, as I think it's very important)
- Wood Hardness (Is this important?)
- Wood Thickness (Is this important?)
- Grain Orientation
- Sanding & Post-Sanding Treatment (Is this recommended? If so, what type of sanding paper/ treatment? Vegetable oil treatment? Which oil is best?)
- Weight (Is there an optimal weight?)
- Size & Shape (Dependent on individual bench sizes, storage capabilities, etc.)
- Culture-Specificity (What do certain cultures recommend?)
- Interesting inventions (i.e. Boards which have a secondary function, unique storage function, etc.)
- Income (Also looking for information which could help people of varying incomes)
- Cleaning
- Factoids (any interesting facts, eg. I heard once that germs are neutralised by timber)
Please provide links to products mentioned (where possible).
Get a Bamboo chopping board, ( 39x29x1.8cm) which is manufactured from a sustainable renewable source, from the Reject Shop for $8.
It'll last for years.