Morning Fresh Antibacterial Lemon 400ml
Morning Fresh Limited Edition Watermelon and Pomegranate 400ml
Morning Fresh Soft Hand Vanilla and Rose 350ml
Morning Fresh Raspberry Crisp Apple 900ml
900ml same price at Coles - Credit daywalker282
Morning Fresh Antibacterial Lemon 400ml
Morning Fresh Limited Edition Watermelon and Pomegranate 400ml
Morning Fresh Soft Hand Vanilla and Rose 350ml
Morning Fresh Raspberry Crisp Apple 900ml
900ml same price at Coles - Credit daywalker282
The others are still Wednesday, 1 July.
Coles offers cheaper for 900ml @ $3.75…
Thanks updated OP.
I didn't downvote you, but it feels to me they have changed the ingredients to less effective than it was a few years ago.
Thanks updated OP.
Used to be good, we noticed it no longer cleaned as well probably a year ago.
Choice seems to agree scoring these around 40%.
Didn't Choice also say just water was as effective as detergent?
No they didn’t
Yes they did…
They rated it as 40%…
They have since correctly changed their rating so that water ranks worst.…
@spaceflight: Wow it’s crazy that they said that. Some of their reviews are a bit dodgy though, like reviewing tomato sauce and not even testing rosella which is Aussie and also the best tasting imo
What did Choice recommend instead?
Morning fresh ultra concentrate ultimate is the choice number one detergent this year.
Which no longer exists from what I gather?
@Plasma: I bought four bottles last week. I mix it into bottles of cheapo detergent to give it a boost and also to make it last longer.
What is with this, 4yrs ago?!…
Is it still the case?
Thanks OP
One of the best smelled and suds easily. Wonder if anyone has tried something better than this?
Try Kin Kin Naturals tangerine and orange dishwashing liquid and the best part is no nasties!
I have. Day and night, earth choice is like the watered down version
Same price at Coles, cheaper still at Reject Shop. I don't get what the deal is here?
Too many Amazon groupies up-voting?
If it's the same price to get it delivered to your door, thats a deal. Especially if you only need it you can skip a whole shopping trip, or some people don't have Coles nearby.
Skip a whole shopping trip for having this bottle delivered? Wow what a mediocre deal!
If it's the same price to get it delivered to your door, thats a deal
Not for the planet
If it skips a shopping trip, it's also better for the planet.
If you were already going shopping at Coles or the reject shop, you wouldn't take advantage of this deal.
@NobalaKoba: Who goes on a special shopping to just buy dishwashing liquid?
But even if you picked up the dishwashing liquid as part of your commute it would still be better for the planet because there is no packing material that's been produced/freighted/used just for the delivery or delivery vehicle (which may include a plane) to get it to you.
Anyone else notice that morning fresh has gotten really average in recent years?
I went through a bottle in the past couple of months and no matter how much I used it, the dishes would feel a little oily… I had a bottle of the aldi stuff (no issues there)
Anyone else notice that morning fresh has gotten really average in recent years?
i don't know, i buy the liquid but i don't wash the dishes…same as laundry detergent, toilet cleaner, floor cleaner, bench top cleaner, glasss cleaner, sink cleaner and any other cleaner
Anyone else ordered and still waiting for the order to be dispatched? been 2 weeks and still no shipping :(
900ml same price at Coles tomorrow, $3.75
"Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months" …