Really good price for an 860 Evo and comes even cheaper with cashback which can be redeemed at
This is not a duplicate as the price has dropped even further.
Really good price for an 860 Evo and comes even cheaper with cashback which can be redeemed at
This is not a duplicate as the price has dropped even further.
It says @BudgetPC boy.
didn't say name in title when i posted, hence my post….champ
First post my bad, updated.
hope to see you around more. good deal
No prob, just easier when skimming through the deals
Sadly i got 11 down-votes for pointing it out…In the words of Monty Python….there's no pleasing some people
Dude, he posted it and 1 min later modified it. Afterwards everything was fine.
10 mins later you asked for something that criticized him but he was in the right…
@The Milk Man: You can open up an ozbargain browser tab, do something else, come back 10minutes later and not incessantly hit F5 to refresh the page.
@The Milk Man: hence 1 min later…i dont hit refresh 60 times a minute
So i was correct in my comment
for interstate buyers we're looking at around ~$11 postage.
$156ish. Not the best price its been, but probably the best at this time
What was the best price?
Its been around this price prior to the recent events.
for interstate buyers we're looking at around ~$11 postage.
You could try a pricematch at your local PC shop, they might not add on the postage. This has worked for me in the past.
For a moment I thought it included the NVME SSD because the big black bar in the picture (。ì _ í。)
Great find OP!
The QVO 1tb also discounted to $145 (or $126 after cashback).…
I found this too. Does anyone know What’s the difference between these two? I read through the describes and it seems the only difference is 3 or 5 years warranties.…
See here for a comparison. The only difference is that EVO uses the better TLC memory rather than QVO's QLC (hence the higher endurance warranty of the EVO).
If you are using the drive for gaming, QVO is fine but if using it for a boot drive or media related work, go for the EVO. However, for around $20 difference, the EVO is probably the better value proposition.
Wow, thanks for your explaination. I had a glance on that web, the evo is slightly better than the qvo on random read and write, and much better endurance (600tbw vs 360)(even I have no idea what are those about), for $19 difference I would go for the evo. Ps I've got an evo ssd card for my dashcam and it works fine so far. I'm an old school guy, once trusted a brand (or a serial of a brand), always go for it.
Actually I just did a bit more research, found Toshiba is about half of samsung’s price. The features are not bad. I think Toshiba is also a good brand, why it’s not so popular in Australia compare with Samsung?
@avivadz: Just google it there're plenty (from amazon, catch and other retailers). Also available at officeworks, 1tb $69, 2tb $99, 4tb 149. Depend on the reviews I guess it's good enough for storage/game but not for pro jobs.
@webtonmoy: nah, i've found out the toshiba ones weren't ssd. thantks for mention that and correct me. actually they work fine for me for person use/storage. I bought the 4tb canvio advance from officeworks $141 (price beat, google it, they're around $150 on some websites), and using the usb 3.0 port on my pc, transferring speed is around 100mb.
$11.90 shipping to sydney
check onlinecomputer
try MSY who alsoo have the same price -…
Thanks for the heads up, MSY ended up being a few bux cheaper.
1 per person. I want 2 for mirror setup. I will Wait for a cheaper round over the next few months.
Pity it's BudgetPC.
Refuse to purchase anything from them.
Rang. Was told they had 2x of an item in stock. Drove the 45mins to get there. Was told they only had 1 and then was left waiting in their store for close to 30mins whilst they went looking for it… only to be told they couldnt find it and theyd get the warehouse to look for it on Monday.
p.s their website listed 5.
Sorry for what happened last time, happy to offer even more discount for you for anything. Just for you Bro! ;)
Next time please wait for stock ready for pickup message before travel please. Apologies again.
Website list "5+" means we have more than 5 unit. In this case, we have few hundred units SOH.
@mrbean12: Sorry, yes you are right, should be Dear Customer.
We have many customers very close to us thats all.
@mrbean12: Who cares lol, u always have to be formal???
He's giving u a discount lol and it's in a forum as well. Chill
@BPC Technology: I saw on your website 5+ units.
I rang to confirm you had stock.
Was told you had two, and confirmed your opening times. Advised I would be heading down today to purchase.
I drove 45mins to stand in your store whilst someone looked for the 1 item that was showing in stock. To be told 30mins later you couldn't locate it.
Won't be returning as a customer.
MSY price is same, if u prefer that one. I reckon all other retailers will match this one soon, maybe due to our stronger dollars effect kicked in
Good price. 500GB is cheap too at $97 ($78 after cash back). Btw, can’t we just buy from other ebay stores and claim the ebay price match?
Good thinking. But would ebay add on the delivery charges?
Yeah, I read the T&C, it'd add the shipping, which is $11.90 for my area on this one. Might just wait until ebay retailers dropped theirs closer to this price then (still few days left for EOFY).
Last time I price matched they didn't add delivery charges. It was fairly quick aswell, provided them link of the product, it was from UMART and they price matched. Just check beforehand if the store is on their list of competitors, as I tried shopping express (or square) and got rejected.
Anyone did the price match? Interested!
BudgetPC is not on the list of approved retailer…
Bro, we are 2nd on the approved retailer list for cash back. Check it again please.
Also we have these following model at heavily discounted price. Limited stock here, 1 per customer please.
MZ-76E500BW @ $97.00inc
MZ-76E1T0BW @ $179.00inc
MZ-76Q1T0BW @ $145.00inc
MZ-V7S500BW @ $154.00inc
MZ-V7S1T0BW @ $296.00inc
Sorry I mean the best guarantee eBay, edited.
hey bro
Can we do a deal on 2Tb models please?
I upvoted you just for that. I come into BudgetPC all the time and know most of the guys around. I honestly cannot imagine any of the guys I've spoken to there saying "bro". Hahaha. Fantastic!
Hey Bro - is there another Cashback deal that is current? The promotional period for one you've linked ended 31 March 20.
Never mind Bro - @daywalker282 posted current offer below (and BudgetPC is on the official retailer list).
Hi Bro,
Can you please let me know the difference between these two?
I read through your website and seems the only difference is the warranty years? But as the serials are different, I guess there must be something else.
MZ-76E1T0BW @ $179.00inc
MZ-76Q1T0BW @ $145.00inc
Cheers, ta
Thanks for posting OP!
Time to claim Price Protection again ^^
Via your credit card?
Yup, 28 Degrees.
EDIT: Just realised they don't offer Shoppers' protection to new applications any more =S
Estimated Shipping Postcode 0832 $74.96!
do I need an Australian ID to claim the cashback?
It's bank deposit.
So what do you use for "Cashback" is there a site? I have an extension called "Shopback Cashback Buddy" and on my mobile, I have "Cashrewards".
This cashback is from manufacturer (samsung), shopback/cashreward cashback is commissioned cashback 3rd party via their website.
So how do I claim that cashback do I go to Samsungs website and show them the receipt or is it done automatically?
Question for you guys, I already run a 2tb 660p, if I get the 860 evo how would you configure it? 860 as the boot and 660p as the games drive ?
Yep. 860 will have better write speeds and durability, works well as an OS drive. As a storage drive, you won't need to worry about the writes speeds as much, outside of the initial transfer of your files.
The 860 EVO has better endurance being TLC, and you should clarify that by write speeds you mean sustained write as the 660p is a lot faster in burst scenarios.
Good point, so if I were to get this would I still use the samsung as a boot drive ?
@NotAnAudiophile: It's difficult to say. The 660p will die first, but the 860 EVO might be a tiny bit slower in some operations but that's if you don't put files on the 660p. I'd use the EVO as boot.
Good price. Last year at this time, paid $189 for it.
Wait, with $16 cashback on 860 EVO 1TB, how can you make the price drop from $179 to $145?
It's $34 cashback, check the Samsung site.
Thanks. I looked at the wrong model number lol.
860 Evo 1TB cashback is $34 based on Samsung website.
Just to note, the Samsung promo limit is 3 drives/M.2 per household.
Thanks OP
ARRRGGGGHHH 2TB ridiculously over priced as usual.
yup, i would get the 2tb in a heartbeat if its a better price. TBH I don't think 2TB drives will come down in price for a long time. Seems like 1TB is the current sweet spot.
im still debating whether to get a couple 1gb or buy a 2tb seagate at under $100 or even a 4gb hell why not. only as a steam drive im already running a boot NVME drive and 1tb secondary NVME. im wondering if I should even bother with SSD if its mainly just for a bunch of games i may or may not feel like playing
Makes neglible difference and not worth it according to video comparisons.
ended up getting it from MSY instead as it was a bit cheaper
I just got mine and it says the serial number/imei is invalid. Anybody else has this issue?
Got the 1tb Evo from msy
As if.
I have the same issue, let me know how it goes
I've emailed Samsung promo so I'll let ya know if I get it fixed
Any resolution to this? I also get invalid serial number. I've emailed Samsung promos and awaiting a response.
Please use the serial number on the SSD, not the one on the packaging. If the SSD already installed into PC, please take it out or take a photo of the label to find the SN. Cheers
I tried this and got a 'Product and Serial Number do not match' despite making sure the model entered was the same on the box and with the SN on the ssd itself, ive just sent an email to Samsung about it
please take it out
Don't. Just run the Samsung SSD software. It will show the full serial number. A screenshot of it is also acceptable.
How long does the Cashback take to process from Samsung normally ?
2 weeks i think
I bought an ssd a few months ago and with the cashback it was cheaper :P
oh wait 145 after cashback, that's a really good deal lol
Thought it was 179 after cashback
Are there any good deals on TB drives?
thanks OP! got 1!
So I can claim a 1TB and a 500GB SSD because it said per Participating Product?
I was about to complete my pick up order and then I noticed you have 2. Visa & MasterCard : 1.5% Surcharge.
So I placed my order with MSY.
Name of shop in title champ