Pretty good deal. Cheaper than last deal on Amazon and cheapest around if you have prime for free shipping.
Mod Note: Also the same price for
Pretty good deal. Cheaper than last deal on Amazon and cheapest around if you have prime for free shipping.
Mod Note: Also the same price for
OP's deal: 709 ml/$1
Your deal: 926 mL/$1
using Subscribe & Save prices.
Obviously you need to consider if you're going to use 1.25L in any one sitting, I find that's rarely possible unless kids are involved.
You don’t just put the lid back on?
OP's deal: 874 ml/$1
blah-blah's deal: 1000 ml/$1
if you leave in a container deposit state
which taste better, the no sugar or the diet?
by the way,
i think there is should be just one type of this i mean no sugar means for diet, right? confusing name scheme
No Sugar taste a lot better than Diet. No Sugar also tastes better than regular Coke as well to be honest.
I prefer no sugar. A work colleague prefers diet. Will just depend on personal preference.
Coke no sugar tastes like a better less sweet coke, it used to be zero (or evolved from it, not sure), which is much more recent than diet coke. Diet tastes pretty different altogether, it has a slightly saccharin aftertaste. That said, i grew up in the era before coke no sugar is a thing so I've grown to love diet. I think most other people prefer coke no sugar.
Crap, I just bought yesterday for $20.52
Kirk's multipack @ $16.19 (subscribe & save) or $17.99 (one off):…
thanks this is better not boring 1 flavour for 30 cans
30 x 375mL cans consisting of 6x Pasito, 6x Lemon Squash, 6x Lemonade, 6x Ginger Beer, 6x Creaming Soda flavours.
yup i was comparing with drinking 30cans of 1 coca cola flavours. this is better has variety
Glad it was useful. I thought it was good value, and like you say, more variety.
are people still taking advantage of sub and save thing? i mean i haven't tried it even once, i feel its like abusing as i have no intention to buy again.
Of course! Do it, wait until it’s confirmed, cancel the subscription.
we do that just for $1-2 ? hmm….. i feel guilty
I' a veteran Ozbargainer, and I haven't done it yet. I can't be bothered for $1 - $2 either (plus it does, as you say seem dodgy). But no judgement to anyone who is doing it, each to their own.
10% was better than CB, and now that CB pays zero, why not. Just set at 6 month delivery intervals and cancel. S&S T&C's state that if u cancel and buy something you may not be eligible for S&S prices, so there are limitations to their pricing model.
You feel guilty for Amazon out of all things?
I had a S&S earlier this year for 2 months, then I got an email to say the price was going up $5 so I cancelled. Cheaper (then) to buy as a one off.
@KerrAvon: No, cheaper to buy as a subscribe and save, and then cancel once shipped. Its a no brainer.
If Amazon really cared they could put something in place to prevent it. Minimum order period or whatever. As long as you’re buying from them the 5% won’t hurt them, and it’s not like they mustn’t be making a profit at that price.
That works fine, but they can also just not send it to you and say they didn't charge you.
Originally my view was like yours ChiMot. That was until I realise amazon/seller can (and do) abuse those who subscribe by jacking up the price for next shipment. I now view it as a battle where you try to minimise your cost while they try to jack up the price for maximise profit at expense of subscribers.
Edit: now even when I plan to repurchase, I will alway end subscription and start a new one. Been burnt from their price jacking before.
okay, you just sold me. It IS Amazon, after all. I don't think Bezos will shed too many tears.
okay so for example i bought now at $xx and i subscribe for 1 month period.
will they send me notification of how much the price before sending me the 2nd batch? otherwise they can just increase the price and i have no choice but to pay?
You get an alert reminding you of the upcoming order and advising you of any price changes. The price is locked in at this point and they give you a few days to skip/cancel the order.
@nepalesesquirrel: Use a 6 month interval and cancel when you get the shipping notice, not when you are almost due for a re-order.
@Smigit: same same. I s+s everything I can, and ALWAYS cancel, I just choose 6 months in case I forget!
I do it regularly.
No shame here.
U don't even need to give a reason for cancelling, just cancel once it's arrived.
Cheers OP
Thanks OP, my Prime trial ran out so I bought 3…
$10.80 refund with SA container deposit scheme refund. 😂
Buy 6, and the 6th carton is essentially free!
Let me check with the wife…
Pretty sure it's max 3 & sub/save can't do multiple orders
Per Amazon account 🙂🙃
Wish they did Vanilla in 36 can packs :(
is s&s free delivery? im not a prime user but free postage every time…
LOL - Free Standard delivery my 1st July - Expedited Delivery 6th July!
I'll take the free delivery thank you Mr(s) Amazon
Anyone noticed how Coke No sugar tastes differently lately?
Thanks OP
standard price variation. just like petrol prices.
Sugar makes people obese and leads to severe health problems. All soft drinks should be consumed occasionally or not at all. I recently cut all added sugars from my diet and I feel a lot better. Mojo Activated Kombucha is a delicious sugar free soft drink alternative. In the interest of good health, losing weight and living longer, I suggest you do the same. Remember sugar is extremely addictive, that's why we crave it.
I also crave a good bargain.
Ughhh no one cares….
Christ, you must be really fun to hang out with.
This is the truth. The losers who downvoted this are probably fat, sugar & dopamine addicts. I like you @Bargain-Junkie, one of the good addictions to have is a bargain addiction, one that doesn't come at the expense of your health. Good stuff.
@cityofsydney Lol, I couldn't help but try and educate all the people that underestimate the affects of 18 teaspoons of sugar in every can. And to make things worse they feed it to their children! I use to love coke until I realised how harmful it is. People replace water for coke everyday and then they wonder why they get diabetes.
Is the "Subscribe and Save" price a guaranteed price that is locked-in indefinitely?
No, it sells at whatever price it's currently going for as it ships. Only the first shipment price is guaranteed.
Price increased to $23.85
I think this one okay deal too - 6 x 1.25L for $8.10 with Sub & Save -