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Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra - The Complete Collection [Blu-Ray] $84.95 Delivered @ dvdshop Amazon AU

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" Water… Earth… Fire… Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. But then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world."

For the first time together on Blu-ray, experience the complete Avatar saga with Aang and Korra. From the discovery of Avatar Aang in the frozen iceberg in Avatar: The Last Airbender to Korra's heroic journey to set things right in Republic City through The Legend of Korra, relive all the epic air, earth, water and firebending in this ultimate Avatar collection.

Special Features:

The Making of Avatar Featurettes
Original Uncut Animatic "The Avatar State"
Behind the Scenes with the Avatar Cast & Crew
The Women of "Avatar: The Last Airbender (The Legend of Aang)"
Audio Commentaries with the Cast & Crew of The Legend of Korra
Scene Bending Animatics
"The Making of a Legend: The Untold Story" - Parts I & II
Plus Featurettes, Animatics, Shorts, and More!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +23

    There is no movie.

    • +7

      There is no war within the walls.

      • +1

        There is no cabbage man within the stall?

      • +1

        The Earth King welcomes you to Lake Laogai

        • "Well my girlfriend turned into the moon."

          "That's rough man."

    • My name is Ong

    • The movie didn't have the "cabbage merchant".. it didn't deserve to be in this collection.

    • I'm Joo Dee

    • +1

      What movie?

  • +4

    fantastic series!

  • +16

    Leaves from the vine
    Falling so slow
    Like fragile tiny shells
    Drifting in the foam
    Little soldier boy
    Come marching home
    Brave soldier boy
    Comes marching home

    • +3


    • +3

      Watched this ep again yesterday, don't do this to me.

      • Do you have a soul???

  • +2

    If you're not sure whether you'll like them, both series are currently available to stream on STAN to try out first

    • +5

      Unsure about LOK, but ATLA is on Netflix as well.

  • The version of ATLA on netflix doesn't look great - especially the earlier episodes - I wonder if this bluray version looks any better.

    • +6

      Have another look. Netflix is rolling out the HD version ATLA.…

      • Haha perfect timing - I just finished rewatching the series last week. Thanks for the info, looking forward to rewatching it again sometime down the track.

      • +1

        thats good because i tried watching it on netflix recently and looked… pretty bad.

      • Definitely alot crisper now, we were mid-season 1 when they did the change.

      • So the one currently in Netflix AU is the better one in HD ?

  • +4

    I thought the Legend of Kora was actually better than TLA, don't @ me.

    • +35

      You're entitled to your wrong opinion.

      • -1

        you actually got a chortle out of me.

        ..and yes his opinion is wrong.

    • +1

      i back it mate, both great in their own way

    • -1


    • First season is great, third has some great character moments like with sue and her sister etc. Last season is meh and second season sucks HARD.

  • Both of these are available on Stan btw.

    • And Amazon Prime video

    • No one should use Stan.

      • +1

        I somewhat agree. But at $54 a year when sharing, it's okay. I subbed purely for better call Saul in this instance.

  • -2

    Can I pay extra to not have TLoK?

  • +2

    Probably watched the series 30 times 😍☺️

    • +1

      How many times have you watched the unaired pilot?

      • with Mark Hamill as the narrator!

  • Awesome series!

  • Referring to ATLA:
    Honestly, is their a better anime series out there?

    • +1


    • Yes, but not many.

    • +1

      Technically western animation and not anime (being japanese animation).

      Have you watched FMA, FMA Brotherhood or Dororo which was released in 2019? Then the classics like Cowboy Bebop and maybe binge some Gainax stuff like NGE, TTGL etc

      • Would you say TTGL is as good as cowboy bebop/nge/fmab? Looking for new series to watch

        • +2

          TTGL is an absolute blast, there is one poorly drawn and poorly animated episode 4 (apparently guest directed) but its got a great build up and crazy hyped up mecha power levels.

        • “Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!” - Kamina

    • Yes …

  • Wow. One of the best TV series ever made. Loved the Avatar series.
    Kora was not bad either.

    • +1

      metal bending is OP though

      • +1

        Lava bending is the real OP move, you cant do anything against it.

        • actually Blood bending before anything else :D

  • +2

    Zutara forever

  • +3

    The melon lord approves of this deal.

  • Fire, Water, Air and Dirt
    (profanity) magnets, how do they work?

    Brilliant series.

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