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Vodafone Releases Its iPhone 4S Plan $15/Month on $29 Cap

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I was browsing offers on Vodafone and found that they have released their plans for iPhone 4S. Have a look.

Mod: Edited title for clarity

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closed Comments

  • +2

    shieeeettt soo cheap!

    • +9

      Can you get a dial tone on their network though?

      • +54

        Since when does a mobile phone have a dial tone?

        • +2

          Ooops, you know what I mean. :)

      • +2

        lmao +1

        • +1

          whoa, thought for a sec this was a waterproof phone. I'd definitely snap one up if it was.

      • Seen a lot of good deals from VF but vow to stay off their network, I still have 3 more months of IPhone 3GS with them, can't wait to get out.

        • I broke those shackles 2 months ago and went with Telstra.. a bit dearer but more reliable. This deal is very tempting, but no thanks vodafone.

    • +9

      Seems pretty average to me, and worse value than my current Telstra plan which I got when the iPhone 4 came out 1.5 years ago ($49 cap with 3GB data and 16GB iPhone 4 for free). 200mb of data included is pretty low.

      • Telstra offered me iphone 4 32gb for $150 on a $29 plan which is a good deal from Telstra but I didnt take it up as was waiting for iphone 5, wish I did now. they offered it because we have a few telstra services I think.

        • -2

          does telstra has $29 cap?

        • I dont know, this was offered at Christmas time last year.

        • +36

          you waited since last december for the iphone 5?… how does it feel now? :P

        • +1

          Nubz, I feel your pain

        • they do, just ask for the plan, they dont like selling the plan on a $29 cap but they do offer it and u get $150 of credit with 30MB of data… which is shit go on the BYO $49 n buy ur own phone better

        • the one they offered me had 500mb of data if I recall. they had the welcome credit promotion going as well, which I think is what made the 32gb only $150.

      • My Telstra plan is $44 with the iPhone 4 and one month free due to the $200 credit from porting my number to Telstra. Data is 1Gb per month.

        Current delas are not as good as a year ago when you were buying the new iPhone 4 soon after release.

    • +6

      Really? I guess for the iPhone 4s…
      For those not necessarily looking for the iPhone the Samsung Galaxy S2 is still cheaper on a much better plan and network (Virgin - Optus)


      GS2: $44 * 24 - 5 * $44 / 2 = $933.50 with $190 + 250mb Virgin
      GS2: $49 * 24 - 5 * $49 / 2 = $1053.50 with $400 + 2GB Virgin
      I4S: $44 * 24 = $1056 with $180 + 200mb Vodafone

      Personally I wouldn't bother with an iPhone with 200mb of data either and it's still too expensive to be a better alternative to an outright purchase.

      Yes I know they are different and I am not rating the deal down, just highlighting an alternative.

  • +3

    Hmm thats alright, but I get more data on my Optus $29 plan.

    Still think I will either buy outright and stick it on live connected, only need to spend about $15-$20 a month that way and get great value.

    • +2

      I was thinking of doing the exact same thing. Am just waiting for all operators to come out with their plans and evaluate if buying the phone outright and getting a live connected sim for $16 is the best value.

  • +3

    24 months contract
    so the phone is $15 x 24 = $360.
    this is good value for a new phone.

    the $29 cap plan itself is very average though. The 200Mb included data can be a deal breaker for many people. I know I use a lot of data on smart phone. 200Mb a month is just not enough.

    • +1

      200MB a month is going to be an issue. Getting an iPhone 4S without a reasonable amount of 3G data is not a good idea - you are not getting the most out of having a dual core smartphone.

      As for the plan itself, when you calculate it carefully, $1056 - $799 = $257 ($799 is the cost of the phone outright in Australia). $257 / 24 = $10.71. Basically, it is a $10 plan - and based on that, roughly on par with TPG plan so it is not too bad.

      For low usage (although I really think 200MB is just too low), it might be a cost effective plan - but not really bargain. However, Optus offerings will give Vodafone some stiff competition - especially if Optus offered the same type of Online special discount like they did for iPhone 4 last year.

    • +8

      200 mb data would be okay with vodafone, mine never go over, cos the connection is shiieett.

  • +11

    No point having a dual antenna phone capable of fast downloads when the network can handle like 1/10th of the speed. Getting Vodafone would be a big mistake.

    200MB data? doesn't the new io5 on the phone automatically sync your stuff and its software regularly? thus using your included data + more..?

    • +8

      The auto sync is over WiFi

    • +3

      You can turn icloud backup off, it's not practically to backup all stuff in the cloud.

      And yea, shouldn't get vodafone anyway.

  • +4

    I would have expected a bit more of an aggressive offer from Vodafail. They should come up with an amazing, hard to resist offer to get people back to their network.

  • IMHO, voafone isn't too bad for net speeds. 400kB/s down, 130kB/s up. almost as good as ADSL(better then most peoples adsl actually).

    Service use to be horrid, but they have shaped up the last few months and i don't mind. So if you avoid this because its a Voda deal, don't beacuse they arent that bad (in Sydney anyway).

    • -1

      Sydney, in sydney, your speeds will always be better then most other places, large cities are not a good judge of speeds (it annoys me when companies promote "you can get this great speed" and in tiny writing it tells you on in sydney near the CBD or so). get comments from away from sydney, anyone not in a major city will see much much lower speeds on average.
      in a major city, speeds are good for pretty much everyone.

    • +7

      The gripe isn't just with the the network over the past few years - it is the horrid way Vodafone tackled the problem of a poor network. They simply didn't acknowledge it at first and their "solution" was to call their support line. Only after a major backlash did they finally acknowledge there was a significant problem with their network and what did the CEO do? He publicly recognised the problem and suggested customers contact the support number! Sorry vodaphone but your brand is well tarnished in my books… but those who just see the shiny big posters with low prices are going to flock to their plans and suffer once locked into lengthy contracts. Short memories.


    • I'm in Sydney as well dude. The signal of the phone is ok (I tell it from my friends', I never used one) but when it comes to the net it's just horrible (I used one several months ago). Keeps lagging and dropping all the time.

  • +2

    I think another telco will beat this offer, its not that amazing. Voda should be offering much better with all the attention they are getting lately.

  • +4

    always remember to check, virgin will probably have $39 cap and $5 for the phone. you will get more credit for the same overall price.
    i almost got the 29$ + 15$ for phone deal for my iphone, then i realize i would pay the same amount overall on the next cap up and get more credit for it.

    also, vodafone has worst reception on average of all the major providers.
    highest return rate on vodafone products (not the mention massive reception complaints from people).

  • +4

    I'm keen to see what Telstra has for us.

    • +1

      It will not be easy for Telstra to win customers with their current Freedom Connect plans. However, if they release a special set of plans for iPhone 4S, then all the top end Android phone plans will pretty much lose their appeal. There will most likely be no low cost plan from Telstra. $49 plan + handset repayment would be the minimum plan for iPhone 4S/16GB I reckon.

      • Indeed, the current Freedom Connect plans which begin at $49 will have a hard time enticing value-conscious users as they barely have the same allowance as my TPG $15 plan. Even considering the congestion on Optus's network, most people will find triple the cost hard to swallow. However, back when the iPhone 4 came out Telstra released some very aggressive plans with generous MRO bonuses.

        I'll be interested to see if they do the same again.

  • +3

    I am on Optus and I hate it, I'd imagine vodafone is worse. Nothing more frustrating than not having 3G reception, or it dropping out every 10 seconds and the guy sitting next to you on telstra having full 3G bars browsing at fast speed… And this is near Sydney CBD !!!

  • $5 per month on the $49 cap looks like much better value. only $10 more/month + u get 1.5GB as well as $550 worth of inclusions instead of $180.

    Would probably suit the average user that wants more data

    • Um… if you are a non-TPG ADSL customer, yes. If you are a TPG ADSL customer, their $15 plan + outright iPhone 4S will come out being cheaper than Voda's equivalent (the $49 cap). Not sure about LiveConnected plans… wouldn't suprise me if their $15 plan is roughly the same as TPG one.

  • +3

    TPG on $15 plan:

    (15x24) + 799 = 1159

    Vodafone on $29 plan:

    (29x24) + (15x24) = 1056

    Plans at that level are about the same (except for data - TPG>Vodafone). In effect you are paying $103 for an unlocked phone with a 1 month contract instead of 24 months. Also you need to factor in having your payments broken down into 24 months rather than paying in a lump sum for the phone.

    • +3

      Actually if you compare it to LC then it's

      (11X24) + 799 = $1063 which gives $450 + 1.5GB on Optus network
      Which is more comaparable to the $49+5 Plan which comes to total $ 1296

      This $29+$15 plan is more comparable to the LC $145 + 200MB plan
      (8X24) + 799 = $ 991.

  • +9

    Is this really a "bargain"???

    Sounds like an ad….. It's not really a special offer or anything …. Should be removed

    • If it's the cheapest then it's a bargain to me.

      • +8

        Not proven to be the cheapest just yet, with other telcos still to release their plans. Which is why my vote is "neutral". :)

    • +12

      Agreed. Nothing special here.

    • yup

  • +3

    WARNING to anyone who goes with Vodafone to make sure their area is in an upgraded area.

    Their customer service has improved though. I got a free $80/month iphone 4 plan until my area gets upgraded.

  • +7

    This isn't a bargain! This should be go to forum!

  • +2

    expansive! I just upgraded to iPhone 4 32gb for 12 months contract, 45 infinite cap with $20 handset/month + 10%off = $60/month for 12 months… why need to go for 4S???

    • +11

      Yeah i agree. The 4s Looks exactly like the 4. How else do you show people that you're better than them! :P

    • +2

      Shouldn't be negging when your cap is not for a 4S. If it was, then you should neg.

    • +7

      No real bargain to be had & appears to just be advertising. This should probably go in the forum area.

      • +1

        I agree. This is simply advertising, not a bargain. It should be moved, hence the neg.

  • I hear a lot of gas bagging about voda being so crap, sure network speeds are not brilliant here on the coast, (not compared to the speeds I get in Sydney) but I can't fault their service lately, the are a value provider and I have better customer service than I do with my telstra their mobile call centre is worst than useless. The only time I have not been able make a call was at the bigdayout, my mates with telstra had the same dramas.

    • +1

      telstra their mobile call centre is worst than useless

      Telstra's social media support team is excellent — probably the best I've experienced from a telco — and can handle most requests promptly through email. I haven't needed to ring their call centre in nearly two years. Just contact them through (no need for a Twitter account) this form: https://help.telstra.com/app/twitter/twitter

      • Mate… that's just you. Not for me. I often get two totally different outcomes speaking with two different Telstra CSRs about the same thing - can be two extremely different outcomes. The main issue I have with this is that I often have to make 2 phone calls to solve my problem. When you talk to a wrong CSR, it can be impossible to reason with him/her (even if you have proper proof from Telstra Web site, the CSR can still deny the facts and have his/her own version of terms and conditions).

        Telstra might have the best mobile network coverage in "most" areas, but their online usage pages and their wide variation of CSRs are inferior compared to Optus or Vodafone.

        • +1

          Mate… that's just you. Not for me.

          At the end of the day, it's hard to judge the overall effectiveness of a company's support based on our own (probably) limited experiences. I've had terrible support from Optus (which is why I switched my business away from them in the first place) — frequent overbilling issues, which took months and many many phone calls to resolve, and ultimately requiring the intervention of the TIO. I, and many others on Whirlpool, are pretty happy with the support from Telstra's social media support team, though.

  • It is unlikely any of the telcos can offer any true "bargain" for iPhone 4S. Come on guys, this is the latest Apple smartphone and we know iPhone 4S will sell like hot cakes - even with RRP.

  • +3

    cap iphone 4 16gb is $29 + $18

    and cap iphone 4s 16gb is $29 + $15

    • +5

      Just goes to show that with an Apple product, you don't need to offer a good deal and a lot of people will still buy.

  • +1

    the deal sound reaonable, even it's looks almost exactly same as iphone4 but once compared there will be some different.

    I don't see there having problem with this deal, but with vodafail i really not interesting on it.

  • +9

    Ahh, I see the catch. It's vodafone.

  • +3

    These are just their standard plans for the iphone. No special offers or discounts, not a bargain…

  • +6

    Here is my REAL experience with Vodafone just now.

    I called a home phone and the call failed.
    I called another Vodafone mobile customer and it failed due to them literally having no service.
    I called another Vodafone mobile and it failed after 30 secs.
    My sms took 3 minutes to be received. On Telstra it takes 3 seconds.
    It takes 15 secs to load a text app on a 3g area on Vodafone. That said there is 3g perhaps 10% of the time.

  • +2

    I am pretty sure vodafone has a $4 per month mobile internet pack which gives you 700 mb per month (unlimited social networking, youtube etc.,). This will make your plan $33.00 but still not bad I guess.


  • +3

    My dad got hit with a $500 bill every month for passing his $79 cap or some ridiculous cap. My SMSes are never received, my mum keeps thinking I've been murdered by crystal meth tweakers because I never get her texts and reply to them, and their service keeps dropping out.

    By contrast, Vodafone in the UK and in Spain were brilliant and average, respectively.

    EDIT: Should also mention that this isn't any sort of special offer, as said above by multiple people.

    • -3

      "My dad got hit with a $500 bill every month for passing his $79 cap or some ridiculous cap."

      Completely his fault, should have monitored usage.

      • +3

        Vodafone, is that you?

      • +2

        Or maybe he was trying to on the shitty network and that's what made him go over.

      • Not according to the TIO.

  • For those interested in the actual topic, there is a comparison of currently available plans by Aussie Telcos here, which should get up updated when Telstra releases it's plans.

    This post being the cheapest of the plans available. (not saying it's the best value, but then not all cheap deals are)

    These are bundled plans - see above comments by some members, for outright purchase with unbundled plans. Eg TPG and TC


  • +1

    Fair enough, this deal per se is acceptable. But not the network.

  • +1

    Hi guys, anyone know abt the law firm which was doing a class action against Vodafail?
    I want to join them. Any clues??

  • +1

    I'm due for a new phone - going from work paid for blackberry to something else, but I can't justify Vodafone. You get what you pay for, and on Vodafone that appears to be one connection attempt in four.

  • +1

    this is just a plan?

    • It's a 24month plan, the iphone 4s is included.

  • Where's the bargain? Are we going to post Optus and Telstra’s iphone plans when they launch? This is just advertising

  • 3's network is pathetic, almost always on 1 bar, with crap reception

    when my current plan expires, im going optus or telstra

  • anyone has any idea when 3 & vodafone network will merge, so the people using 3 will get better reception.?

    • Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought it's 3 into Vodafail. So 3 will be using Vodafail's towers?

      • 3 has its separate towers, the network is not merged yet, I am not getting signal on my 3 mobile but full signals on vodafone mobile.

    • Also pretty sure it's the reverse, so Vodafone's already congested network is due to get a lot worse.

  • -1

    althought VHA = vodafail, this is the best pricing they have ever had on an new model iPhone launch - normally you are looking at $60/month

  • +1

    Tried several times to get this plan over the `net but failed.

    So I had no choice but to call Voda using the phone. After 2.5 hours and three transfers later, I finally got to speak with an Indian guy. The VoIP line from Australia to India was very, very bad. Anyway, back to the story, I placed my order and I added that I wouldn't be calling if the website was working. SO he said something in the lines of "yeah, because everyone is placing their orders over the net". Next he read me the T&C. Then I balked when he said that he was going to charge me AU$10.00 shipping fee. This is when I nearly lost my lid: Why would you want me to charge me $10.00 shipping for? I called because your website keeps crashing. You can't expect me to use something that doesn't work. You admitted that the website is loaded.

    He backed off. I expect my new 4S to arrive by the end of the month.

    • Trust Vodafone to extort you for money when they're the ones with the problem.

  • +1


    The biggest reason is one of the best features of the iPhone 4S is Siri, which requires a constant data connection. You will run through 200MB in no time. Sure, the monthly payment sounds attractive but you will be paying insane overhead charges if you actually use your phone like it's supposed to be used.

    • Siri is bullcr@p anyways, look how Apple handles previous Siri app owners

  • I'll be sticking with my Telstra Cap Plan @ $39 per month with $450 Credit (+$50 Bonus Credit), 3GB Data and a free iPhone 4.

    Also got the added bonus of having great call quality, reception and really fast internet.

    Nothing could make me want to go back to Vodafail ever. Just a shame that Telstra's newer plans are not as good as the one I have now.

    I'm voting this 'deal' as negative… Purely because of the poor network (Northern NSW). Dropped calls cost of lot of money, especially on a small cap like this.

    • How to get $39 plan for iPhone 4? I can only see $59+$15 plan on telstra website, is this a plan for existing telstra users?

    • That's pretty damn good, Protocol.
      If you feel like sharing, you should consider posting that up as a deal while explaining how you got it.

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