• expired

Woolworths Rewards & New Bupa Members: up to 90,000 / 140,000 Points ($450 / $700 Woolworths Dollars)


Take out selected Bupa Health Insurance and earn up to:
140,000 Woolworths Rewards points for couples/family insurance* (that could be $700 off a future shop!)
90,000 Woolworths Rewards points for singles insurance* (that could be $450 off a future shop!)
Plus get 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras*.

*Terms and Conditions
1. Bupa Offer
All Eligible Customers (see section 3 below) who take out an Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy with Extras will receive from Bupa HI Pty Ltd (ABN 81 000 057 590) (Bupa) their 2 and 6 month waiting periods waived on Extras, which will be effective immediately.
Yearly limits, other waiting periods, fund and policy rules apply.

  1. Woolworths Offer
    All Eligible Customers (see section 3 below) will receive from Woolworths Limited (Woolworths) a specific number of Woolworths points (Woolworths points) (see the table below for details), deposited to their Woolworths Rewards Account in the third month after taking out an Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy. The number of Woolworths points you are entitled to is dependent on the value of first year’s premiums for the Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy you hold 60 days after joining (including any applicable Age Based Discount, Lifetime Health Cover loading or Australian government rebates) (First Year Premium).The amount of Woolworths points offered under this promotion is subject to change, in the discretion of Woolworths. Changes to Woolworths points offered will be published on this page.

First Year Premium range (AUD)

  1. Eligibility
    The Offers are available to you if you:
    a) are a new Bupa customer and must not have been a Bupa domestic policyholder for the past 12 months;
    b) are an Australian resident (excluding Tasmanian residents);
    c) take out an Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy (see section 4 below) between 23 June 2020 and 3 August 2020, maintain that cover and meet all payment obligations for 2 months. Note: the Bupa Offer is only available if you take out an Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy with Extras;
    d) pay your premiums by direct debit or payroll deduction (if available);
    e) provide your Woolworths Rewards membership number to Bupa within 30 days of joining. Note: that the surname for your Rewards account must match your surname or that of another member within your Bupa policy;
    f) provide the promotion code, “Woolies20” on sign up; and
    g) provide a valid email address upon joining Bupa.

If you meet all of the above requirements you are an “Eligible Customer”.

  1. Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy
    An Eligible Bupa Health Insurance Policy is a single, single parent, single parent plus, couple, family or family plus selected domestic Hospital only or combined domestic Hospital and Extras product or packaged product issued by Bupa but excludes:
    a) Any company funded Bupa health plans (either partially or fully funded);
    b) Extras only products;
    c) Ambulance only products; and
    d) Overseas Student Health Cover, Overseas Visitors Cover and Short Stay Visitors Cover.

  2. General
    a) The Offers are not available with any other promotional join offer.
    b) The Offers are not available if you join through a price comparison website (including Compare The Market and Health Insurance Comparison).
    c) You agree to your personal information being shared with Woolworths for the purpose of providing you with the Woolworths Offer. Woolworths handles your personal information in accordance with its privacy policy. Bupa handles your personal information in accordance with its Information Handling Policy.
    d) Woolworths Offer is subject to the Woolworths Rewards terms and conditions.
    e) If you breach these terms and conditions before becoming entitled to the Offers, then Bupa and/or Woolworths may elect, acting reasonably, not to award you with the Offers. If Bupa and/or Woolworths discover the breach after the Offers have been awarded, then Bupa and/or Woolworths may decide, acting reasonably, to remove the Offers from your account.
    f) Bupa and Woolworths reserve the right to alter, shorten the period of, adjust any details of, or cancel the Offers or this promotion at any time in their sole discretion.
    g) Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, Bupa and Woolworths exclude all liability for loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Offers, or your participation in this promotion or Offers.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (959)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +6

    Annual Premium Points Woolworths Dollars
    <$1,000 - ———14,000 $70
    $1,000 - $1,999 24,000 $120
    $2,000 - $2,999 48,000 $240
    $3,000 - $3,999 70,000 $350
    $4,000 - $4,999 90,000 $450
    $5,000 - $5,999 110,000 $550
    $6,000+ 140,000 $700

  • How does this work with the 6 weeks free they offer for new members? Can you stack it?

    The terms and conditions say you can't.

    So which one is worth more?

    • lol depends what cover you get and how much is costs.

  • +3

    the '9saver' promo is still valid and that is better with 6 weeks bonus and $100 gift card

  • -1

    Yet nothing for existing members…

    • +1

      Lots of other offers out there. Switch and claim 6 weeks free from another provider!

      • +1

        And remember, you don't have to re-serve waiting periods.

        • +1

          Is that right? Great to know!

          • +2

            @kane1990: Yes. Refer https://www.ombudsman.gov.au/publications/brochures-and-fact…

            I regularly swap, chasing promotional offers.

            • @YesPleaseThankYou: My kid admitted to the public hospital 2-3 years ago, hospital came back and said that they cant use my private insurance cover for some reasons so they cant treat us a private patient.
              I recall I switched to hcf a couple months back.
              So I rang and was told that the premium from previous insurance was lower (tho it was just $10-20 diff) but I believe they are in the same tier (of cover)
              Does is sound right?

              • @countmein: Without knowing your before and after policies and details of the hospital admission, it's impossible to answer.

                If you believe you have a case, take it up with insurer via their internal complaint escalation process. Keep things in writing.

                If still unsatisfied, refer the matter to the Commonwealth Ombudsman https://www.ombudsman.gov.au/How-we-can-help/private-health-…

                It may be too late now, but if you ended up paying $$$$, it might be worth your while.

  • 6 weeks free is way better then ww points, give me $700 in ww credits need long time to get it all digested as you can't use the credit to buy gift card.

    • It's true. I've done the calcs. For the level of cover I would switch to, the value of the 6 weeks exceeds the value of the Woolworths Rewards points when converted to $.

      (Not that I would switch to Bupa, as it's a shitty provider.)

      • +2

        Bupa is one of the most expensive one amount all I have compared(13 of them), even more expensive than Medibank

        • Yep, and Medibank (according to complaint statistics from the Commonwealth Ombudsman) is the most complained about health fund of them all.

          Better to stick with member-owned funds. They tend to return a greater percentage of their premiums to members in the form of claims.

  • 140000 can be converted to 70000 Qantas points? That's pretty good if you are thinking about switching health insurance anyway.

  • Just remember that the most recent Commonwealth Ombudsman report into the health industry shows that Bupa had the second percentage of complaints:


    If you want to bang your head up against a wall when dealing with Bupa, go ahead and join :)

    • Sorry, I meant to say 'second highest', above.

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