Looks to be the cheapest that's been seen, good deal if you're a Technic car fan.
LEGO Technic Fast & Furious Dom’s Dodge Charger 42111 - $119 Delivered (RRP $179) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 18/06/2020 - 14:23 by 1 other user

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I wasn't fast and now I'm furious.
Same price as big w
link please
Don't know if you've dropped into Big W today, but woof.
What happened
toy sale aka karen convention
@cynicalmike: Googled it, can't find it. What is a karen convention? Can understand somewhat based on context of your comment but I want a clear colloquial definition please.
@martyn: ahhhhh, ok, that makes sense. I googled "karen convention" and got some baptist church convention as one of the top hits and photos of women at a Trump convention.
@hoarie: the poor girl in the toys dept was being harrassed by both a Karen and a couple old people. Poor girl.
@martyn: "As of 2020, the pejorative has increasingly been used as a general-purpose term of disapproval for middle-aged upper-middle-class white women."
So can it be considered racist?
@inamberclad: well, at the moment it is a socially acceptable form of discrimination. i predict in the next 5-10 years it will be considered as bad as racism as political correctness slowly takes over (along with all the hypocrisy to go along with it).
but hopefully it won't be because karen's are the epitome of human scum sometimes (toilet paper wars of 2020)
for me it just ruins any chance to actually be legitimately able to speak to a manager in times when it is actually necessary. but managers are becoming more and more dismissive and generally replying arrogantly to reviews (even when they are clearly in the wrong).
in conclusion, karen = bad. me = good.
@cynicalmike: And that's why i haven't understood.. toilet paper wars where i shop was fought by middle to older aged chinese women.
Totes embarrassed by my "people". But can't call them Karens, right?
@inamberclad: i'd say where you shop was the exception, but yes, so as to avoid discrimination of the discrimination Karens can be of any race/creed/colour.
you can call them Karens, because like racism, it's not really racism if they're your own people.
A billion mums with trolleys loaded up, the line to the laybuy counter almost went to the exit, and shelves picked clean. It was like a slightly more civilised version of toy store scene in Jingle All the Way.
got it! thanks
Good price. There's just something about this model I can't get over but can't quite put my finger on it. I love the Dodge, but the Lego model just looks off. Maybe lack of subtle lines or something.
You mean its ugly , just keep it in the box where it looks airbrushed and ok :)
Should have been a Creator set like the Ford Mustang.
Horrible wheels, blue pins stand out, rear window is a mess, rear wheels are tucked wayyy in.
The real car is such a simple blocky design that they really blew this.
It looks like a Dart rather than a Charger
Not the Dart! They always think its the Dart It's a wee ripper!!
You can put your finger on the fact it's gappy, fragile, inacurrate and overpriced.
Haven't seen this before, Amazon are now showing themselves as an "Other Sellers on Amazon", at the same $119 price.
Sold out I believe. Tried to add to cart and didn't work
Does this fit on the technic transporter?
Much too big.
Glad it’s sold out then
Missed out :<
Boh missed out again
this set is pretty hard to get a hold of
Nice! Missed out! Wallet Saved!
Please let me know if there is a Chevy Impala set from Supernatural…
That brought a smile to my face. Definitely worth watching the 4min video!
So, BigW, sold out online within moments of being able to access sales. In store, sold out. Everywhere else, sold out.
This pops up, I check it out… sold out.
Damn Daniel… maybe more stock will appear eventually.
I am still pretty skeptical about Amazon's pricing. Feels like bait pricing a lot of the time - anyone else has a sale and they do these flash deals that get people back to their website before anyone looks elsewhere. Yet they are always allegedly out of sock in minutes (guarantee they are not actually out of stock).
Someone mentioned previously Amazon has an algorithm that flags when a high volume of an item is purchased and the price is adjusted.
yeah i had a funny experience with a vinyl album that was half price with 2 left in stock. i boughtne and when i looked later the last copy was full rice..
I'm cool with that part. But it seems predatory to me that they then magically run 'out of stock' very quickly, yet the same item will reappear quickly after prices go back to normal.
Seems like they drop prices to prevent sales to other businesses but then also aim to minimise their own lost profits by only dropping them long enough to screw over the competition (e.g. here on day 1 of the Big W sale).
You nailed it
That is their strategy
At first glance, I thought it was the Blues Brothers car….. now I would definitely buy that!!
Sadly it's about 7000 likes away from ever happening :(
That looks soooo cool!!
Judging by the way these flew off the shelves this looks like a good keeper for the investors out there.
Dodge deal IMO…