I want to do payment one of a recurring payment and then cancel the card. Thanks for suggestions.
If a Credit Card Is Cancelled in PayPal, Does The Next Attempted Charge Get Rejected or Flow on to Another CC?
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It is linked to the card you used at time of initiation.
You can go into your PayPal dashboard and change the card for the payment if you wishThanks. I wish to make 1 payment only. I'll have a look at disabling recurring payments.
Actually, I will make one payment and then cancel the card anyway. BUT, will a recurring payment go to another card of mine in PP or just get rejected?
if you do not update the card for the rec payment it will rejected
Thanks, good news - just what I want.
Assuming you've signed up to a service that bills on a recurring basis via PayPal?
You don't have to remove the card - just cancel the recurring payment in PayPal. The merchant can kick and scream all they want but they won't be able to draw another cent from your PayPal account, regardless of what cards or bank accounts you have in there. I've done this before and it went exactly like that - I just had to ignore the merchant's emails for YOUR PAYMENT METHOD WAS DECLINED for the next few weeks (which they weren't supposed to bill me for anyway…).
Perfect, just what I wanted to know. Thanks so much.
You can disable recurring payments.