Just accepted an offer for a startup tech internship that pays under minimum wage.
Edit: I'll look back on this as a learning experience, thanks everyone
Accepted an Internship for under Minimum Wage

i was offered $10 an hour for my first internship, pushed them to $20 an hour (still under minimum wage as needed the experience), but yes @jimbobaus is correct, they don't have to pay you anything as technically you're learning/training. Although it seems if it's billable work they should be paying you at least minimum wage, again this is debatable.
Why did you accept the offer if you thought you were getting shafted?
Then question the pay after signing?
Wouldn't you want to think about this before accepting?
why did you accept?
Was kinda desperate and in the moment, also not good at negotiating.
Looks like someone did you a favour in your moment of desperation and now that you're no longer desperate, you want to use external leverage against the party that did you that favour.
Then why didn't you just wait a day, instead of accepting it first then question it after the fact?
Perhaps you can now get in contact with them again and say that you've reconsidered, and unfortunately will not be able to take up the internship?
$100/day; no tax? no super?
As others have said, it was an offer that you have (apparently) accepted. At least you have another three days/week to complement that income.
If you are not happy, look elsewhere but do the right thing and tell them now.As all have said Internships don't need to be paid.
However check the link Jimbobaus provided. There are people/companies that use internships as unpaid work instead of what they are supposed to be. So that link gives information on when it should be paid (ie a job) and when it can be unpaid.
How adorable
Being paid to learn. How lucky.
Yeah, I have no idea why apprentices get paid. Lucky buggers.
A paid job.You have taken the job and then second doubted the descision because of the pay after the choice. Either call them up and say sorry for wasting their time or see how it goes. It's only an internship which you can add to your resume for the next job or take it to a grad position if offfered and maybe try to negotiate more pay then. No experience in your current stage is an uphill battle against every other person looking for a first job.
Use pay from internship as money for foodstuffs to bribe fellow officeworkers who you can then ask for a referral in your resume for when you go for a REAL job?
Rules above for internships.
They do not always have to pay at all.
Check the rules to see how it applies to you