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[eBook] Free - H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction @ Amazon AU/ US

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Amazon AU - Amazon US

4.7 Rating

The Nameless City
The Festival
The Colour Out of Space
The Call of Cthulhu
The Dunwich Horror
The Whisperer in Darkness
The Dreams in the Witch House
The Haunter of the Dark
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
Discarded Draft of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth"
The Shadow Out of Time
At the Mountains of Madness
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Cool Air
Ex Oblivione
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family
From Beyond
Herbert West-Reanimator
In the Vault
Pickman's Model
The Book
The Cats of Ulthar
The Descendant
The Doom That Came to Sarnath
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
The Evil Clergyman
The Horror at Red Hook
The Hound
The Lurking Fear
The Moon-Bog
The Music of Erich Zann
The Other Gods
The Outsider
The Picture in the House
The Quest of Iranon
The Rats in the Walls
The Shunned House
The Silver Key
The Statement of Randolph Carter
The Strange High House in the Mist
The Street
The Temple
The Terrible Old Man
The Thing on the Doorstep
The Tomb
The Transition of Juan Romero
The Tree
The Unnamable
The White Ship
What the Moon Brings
The Very Old Folk
Old Bugs
Sweet Ermengarde, or, The Heart of a Country Girl
A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson
The History of the Necronomicon

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closed Comments

  • I've seen lots movies and stories based on his books but where are his books like?

    • +1

      The colour out of space is fantastic.

    • +1

      Hit and miss, Some really impressed me and others not so much. I think the real value is the works that came by others who were inspired.
      I read them with the same mindset I would play the first in a long running video game series, It wont be the prettiest version or have the best content but it's where it started for many that came after.

      Also there is a few things like his racism etc. which affects his work that some find offensive.

      • -1

        Also there is a few things like his racism etc. which affects his work that some find offensive.

        If there are specific books/stories that you find racist then post the titles. Otherwise a nebulous cry of racism just seems insincere.

        To answer the parent, Lovecraft's appeal is that his writing evokes imagery by what he doesn't say, rather than what he does say. His short stories do this very well. The books, not so much.

        • +2

          You're talking about a man who wrote a poem called "On the Creation of Ni**ers". This isn't people reading something into his writing that isn't there. He wrote thousands and thousands of letters that made it really, really clear that he was a straight up racist (and a homophobe, and an antisemite…). Not a "my, but I sometimes worry about the impact of immigration on this fine country" racist (though he was that too, lamenting about "mongrelisation which would mean the hopeless deterioration of a great nation") - but a "people who aren't white are subhuman" racist. Black people in particular were "beast(s)…in semi-human figure, filled with vice".

          Here's just one example from the list above. "The Horror at Red Hook" discusses "hordes of prowlers” with “sin-spitted faces…[who] mix their venom and perpetrate obscene terrors.” They are of “some fiendish, cryptical, and ancient pattern” beyond human understanding, but still retain a “singular suspicion of order [that] lurks beneath their squalid disorder.” With “babels of sound and filth,” they scream into the night air to answer the nearby “lapping oily waves at its grimy piers.” They live within a “maze of hybrid squalor near an ancient waterfront,” a space “leporous and cancerous with evil dragged from elder worlds.” You say he evokes imagery by what he doesn't say, but he's more than happy to make it abundantly clear he's talking about immigrant dock workers:"the “Syrians, Spanish, Italian and Negro[s]” whose neighbourhood turns out to be the literal gateway to hell.

          We haven't even got into him telling stories about hideous monsters who turn out to be (gasp) Chinese people or (the horror) Inuit people yet.

      • +1

        Times changed. My mid 60’s encyclopedia used the N word to specify a race and it was considered normal.

  • Thanks OP.

  • +3
  • Back to 1.99

    • Works out to be about 3 cents a book.
      Is it worth it?

  • US is still free.

  • Not free at both now, reported.

  • Us is still 0.99… not bad

  • +3

    if anyone missed this they're actually out of copyright, you can download them in multiple formats here:…

  • Now free again.

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