Please do not upload Udemy course with unintelligible accents no matter how free it is

This is my first Udemy ( course that started, and I am giving all my efforts to finish it but it is just an absolutely torture to get through, and it is 4.4 stars?! If this is 4.4 stars on udemy, god help the quality of the courses.

  1. Accent! I speak three languages, read widely, listen to a massive amount of audiobooks with various English accents, yet i can understand 50% of their speech. I usually watch lecture video at 1.75x the speed, i am having trouble doing 1.25x speed, when it comes to topics that I had no experience before, that is new to me, I simply can't get through because I simply can't understand the explanation, which isn't much anyway.

  2. So I turn on the caption because I have no idea what he's talking about, the caption don't even understand him, giving out random transcripts and the caption itself covers 15% of the f*king screen

  3. data files don't match and only have results. So basically you have to delete the formulas at the beginning of the section because the files are answers.

  4. Only 720p! 720p on my 4k monitor lmao.

here are videos of my torture sessions from yesterday, I want my time back……

I had a more careful review of the 4.4 star reviews, vast majority are left by Indian names, I highly suspect the validity of the rating system on udemy. Very disappointing first experience.

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  • +13

    Omg…. Like listening to the call centre…

    • Haha couldn’t have described it better. Sounds exactly like last time I called Optus

    • -3

      Wow so many people downvoted a rational comment, awesome

      • Did you actually look at the course.
        The instructor is barely speaking english

  • +1

    You don't have to do the course and others may want it.

    • +4

      I highly doubt it. I'll give anyone $20 if they can prove they have finished the course by stream it like I did.

      • -1

        I'm interested, lol how long does it take?

        Let's get a pool going if 1000 people put $20 in I'll do this course :) lol then buy a new car.

      • +6

        Please post as a separate bargain.

  • +4

    Geezz that's terrible, really difficult to understand

  • +6

    Yeah, that deal had 135 positive, no negative. I wonder how many of the 135 people actual got as far as I did in the course.

    • +7

      Did you do the needful and vote negative?

    • +1

      Do you really think everyone who gets a free Udemy course completes (or even starts) it?

  • +8

    Welcome to university in the 21st century, cheaper, and in some cases better academics are doing what our lecturers/academics don't/can't be bothered doing. Good english accents are so rare these days this is considered pretty much standard. Honestly i reckon it's not that bad compared to some that i've had at my uni. We used to joke we should get a translation degree thrown in for free.

    But yeah, can make out what he's saying, most of it you just follow whats happening on the screen. If it was an hour of slideshow torture that would be a different story.

    • -5

      i reckon it's not that bad compared to some that i've

      You went to university?

      • Yep, love ma uni fam

        • -1

          Oh, I see. You studied in a foreign country. I hope you make progress with your education here.

          • +1

            @kahn: Not sure what triggered this assumption, but no i studied at Australia's group of 8 universities, and i can confidently say these accents are standard across the board.



      • What's the error here? Are you saying the above is in some way flawed English?

        • -1

          The university student doesn't use the uppercase I.

          • +1

            @kahn: What an egregious error.

            It was completely unintelligible with that disgusting lower case i.

            Thank goodness for your valuable input.

    • +1

      Lol agreed.

      This accent is pretty standard based on my experience of uni lecturers.

  • +6

    I actually think his accent is somewhat understandable. I've had university lecturers with worse accents actually. I guess not knowing Excel wouldn't help, for instance I understand he's saying "work sheets" but if people don't know Excel and they look at the captions and it says "what sheets" they might start calling them "what sheets" LOL.

    Can you get a refund if you paid for this course? Some courses offer money back guarantee. Also, did you not preview any of the lessons first before buying (if you did)?

    • +1

      that's why I gave up until much later, because most of the study in the first 3 hours are things I already know, so I can follow along and I know the terminology so I could have figure out what he's talking about even though the accent and caption is undecipherable. Shit hit the fan when I got to the topic that's complete new to me, it's like listening to Japanese, fk that. it's much better to spend your money and time on a better material than this crap.

  • +3

    That's a hard sit through

    • Depends on how you feel about the subject. Some people might be passionate about Excel, in which case they can easily follow.

      That being said, you get what you pay for. I dont know why people still bother paying for these online courses or even going to dedicated websites for it. You can find amazing advice and lectures from some of the world's best experts right on YouTube.

      If you want specialised courses, I'd recommend LinkedIn learning.

  • +10

    I don't think people who post Udemy deals have actually gone through them.

  • I could underatand if it was only a little bit free - but if its a LOT free, then different story!

  • IMO it's not that bad. But I've heard worse on YouTube. When Apache Kafka was still a new thing, most of the tutorials were impossible to understand.

  • +1

    I know what you mean when you can't understand someones accent. but after watching the sample videos, this wasn't that bad. I could understand 90% of the time on first listen. I've had to listen to way way worse.

  • +2

    I listened to some of it. I think it wasn't that bad. Not defending them per se (It's still hard to follow but not THAT hard) but objectively speaking, it is still comprehensible.

  • Nah it's just you, and you're just getting butt hurt that the accent doesn't speed up well the way you like it.

  • I could probably get through it if I cared enough about the content. Just at normal speed though, which is painfully slow.

  • I can infer what he is saying. If he is giving technical terms, it would be hard to make out what he is saying

  • First mistake was doing ANY Udemy course

  • Udemy instructors make very little money. You make 25-50% of the final sale price, of which can be $10 or even half of that if the person is in India. So you get half of whatever they pay in rupees, which is a couple of dollars.

    There is no incentive for highly paid/skilled Westerners to go and pay a few dollars by wasting a many hours creating a course.

  • You can't "upload" any online courses to OzBargain.

  • I couldn’t learn with that accent.

    Is this you in the YouTube video and you film your working pomodoro sessions? Do you have a specific app/software doing this for you? Looks interesting.

  • i think that is only one of the issues, i bought a web designing course and the presentation was bad, cant see properly due to the resolutions of the original presentation. I signed up in another youtube course and completely free and the quality of the video is excellent and even the course module is much better than udemy.

  • +2

    I can easily understand him having grown up around Indian people however if you have trouble slow it down a little. In the context of the videos tutorial it’s very easy to understand.

  • -2

    I listened to 5 seconds of that video before becoming overwhelmed with the urge to self-harm

  • +1

    I thought I was the only one to start an excel program on Udemy and give up after a few hours due to the difficulty I had understanding the accent. I also knew a little bit when I started but found it too difficult to get through once the content became more complex and I was interpreting the accent as well as the instructions. Good to know I’m not alone!

  • -1

    that's Indian accent?

  • Where you will take a journey from being a Big Nut in Excel

    Whats what he said, right?

  • +1

    Is it just me or the accent seems ok?

  • i am actually thinking of making one soon on encryption.
    it was going to be mostly me in front of the camera and a whiteboard to explain things better. Maybe a little bit of screen recording when needed.
    i was not thinking of using a slide show, but i noticed a lot do, should I?
    Anyone have any tips on what makes a good video course?

    • Using something to write like Khan academy so that it's impossible for you to block the view is worth its weight in gold to me.

  • At least it was free and you can simply just walk away from it. For 2 subjects at uni I had lecturers who you couldn't understand a single full sentence that they said. One had a German background and one Asian. Still had no choice but to plow through it. I really think that in situations like this, they should really consider whether the person is easy to listen to and understand before hiring them, especially for a teaching role. Don't get me wrong, it's not about being racist or anything like that, it's about being able to understand what they are saying clearly.

  • TBH not that bad, slow it down

  • They are free for a reason people.

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