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Global 6 Piece Takumi Bamboo Set + Magnetic Knife Storage Block $355 (Was $955) + Delivery @ Victoria’s Basement eBay AU


Following the knife set on the front page, I found this on eBay,

Set Contains :

  • Paring Knife 9cm
  • Vegetable Knife 14cm
  • Carving Knife 20cm
  • Bread Knife 20cm
  • Cook's Knife 20cm
  • Magnetic Knife storage Block

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia
Victoria's Basement
Victoria's Basement

closed Comments

  • +3

    All aboard the "Global Knives" band wagon..

  • +1

    I find this style of knife block the most pointless and dangerous. Am I missing something here?

    • I believe so, this block looks nice and… it's magnetic so it should be safe?

    • +4

      The view is most blocks tend to blunt the knife when inserted or removed. These dont touch the edge if the knife is placed right so tis better for edge retention.

      I have a normal knife block, but I insert upside down, and remove the knives carefully so the edge never touches the opposite side of the timber. Not sure why really, I then use it on a timber chopping board anyway but I guess careful storage reduces the contacts. But youre supposed to learn to care for good knives by sharpening anyway so I would think contact with a timber block is pretty moot to be honest.

  • Yeah, but it's made out of wood/bamboo AND magnetic…looks pretty cool

  • +4

    The RRP's on these are ridiculous, and $355 for this one off event isn't overly special (it is cheaper than in shops, just) and can be had for $369 any day of the week at Kitchenwarehouse.

    From what i've heard great knives though.

    • What's the difference between this one and the other global knives set?

      • Seems like the magnetic block?

    • Don't get cashback (3% ~ $10) in the shop though?

  • +2

    https://www.amazon.com.au/Global-Takumi-Piece-Knife-Bamboo/d… with free deliver for member.
    The price is nothing special.

    • fair call

    • Over 5% cheaper after cashback than Amazon.
      Plus you can use the discounted eBay gift cards from previous deal.

  • The Ebay Plus Month seems to have this without the magnetic block on this Sunday if anybody is interested.
    Price isn't released yet but Im guessing around half the price?

  • They sharpen up really well if you know what you are doing or have them sharpened professionally.
    but they don't hold an edge for long enough IMO considering what you pay for them.
    Having said that and given my somewhat 'love/hate' relationship w/Global knives, they do make a GREAT cleaver & bread knife, there is no two ways about it.
    Just wish they were able to increase the edge retention factor on the slicing versions of their knives. And to pay 'RRP' as always shown in such posts… I feel sorry for anyone who paid that much for Globals.
    This offering… not so bad I suppose, but for god sakes, never pay the 'RRP' where Gbls' are concerned. Please note - no offence to those who like them, as I said I have a love/hate relationship with them.

    • I'm curious about the not holding an edge for long comment. Don't most professionals sharpen their knife(s) before every use? That would suggest that not holding an edge is just the way it is with knives.

      • I tend to agree with that as well.

        Chef's hone it a few times a week.
        As soon as they feel it is dull, they will sharpen it. My guess once every 2 weeks or so.

        Average length for a knife to be re-sharpened is like 3-4 months for everyday home.

        • +1

          More like twice a week.

          — Restaurant Chef

      • Indeed a very relevant comment. I suppose my comments are more with respect to household users. Most have the idea that a knife can or should stay sharp after sharpening for something ridiculous… like a year or more! Anyone who is a Chef, or has been in the industry knows this isn't in reality the case. I once heard a guy say he felt a sharpened knife should stay sharp for some two years!!! But again I would add, Global knives DO sharpen up VERY well… but most who have used over the longer term will agree that they need real sharpening more than other quality knives.

        This is just my opinion, I fully accept that there are Global Fan Boys out there. You'd wanna be given what you pay. I can safely say that 90% or more Chefs do not use Global knives, and I believe this is because they have learned by forking out $$$ for 'good' knives. Oh but they look nice to many… and they are probably marketed much better than competitors. Also - some Global knives are better than others. Certainly the higher end ones. Personally I see more consistency with higher end German knives. Softer metal… yes. Easier to sharpen, a resounding yes. Handy for users when you just want to touch them up before usage.

  • Damn. I want that block without the knives. I guess I know now what to look for.

    Or I could buy an Ikea bamboo chopping block. And then some rare earth magnets. And then a router to cut out the back of the board to put the magnets in. And…

    Hmmm, maybe cheaper to just buy a block.

  • Brilliant design. I actually hate knife blocks because you can trap germs in the grooves. Overtime the knife blocks become bacteria heaven.

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