Looks clean to me. Perfect way to spend early release SUPER from the gov't.
Looks clean to me. Perfect way to spend early release SUPER from the gov't.
Need another voting option:
* I'll wait for ps5 to go on special
I'm still waiting for the PS4 to go on special.
Setup those subscriptions on ozbargain and buy buy buy!
*I'll wait for the ps5 to go on special then buy all of them and flog them for a profit on fleabay
Whos old enough here to know Broden?
Another "leak" released - by Amazon France, apparently.
Standard Edition at €499 EUR (AUD$816)
Digital Edition at €399 EUR (AUD$650)
I'll most likely end up getting one, but won't be preordering
Yep, I'll be getting one for sure. Price irrelevant as it'll last 5-8 years till next one.
Well you could wait a few months after launch to have a prices come down and a larger game selection. At launch you're paying full price (or close to that) for the console and the same for the games
Could also wait a few years for the PS5 Pro as well I suppose. I think demand will be crazy high for this and supply will struggle to keep up, no chance getting discounted for many months if at all. Even then, how much would it decrease? $100 max?
I'm happy to early adopt for this even though primarily game on PC. Need a bit more excitement and things to look forward to nowadays.
Fair enough, it certainly wouldn't be worthwhile for me but I guess others like yourself will find it worth getting at launch
Just pay attention to PS5 sold esp at Big W, Target, eBay, TGG, Costco etc. They will always slash the prices even on new models including the PS5 on special occasions/events such as Black Friday, Boxing Day, Xmas Sales, Easter Sales, ANZAC Day, Australia Day, Labour Day, Queen Birthday, Holiday sales, Valentine Day, Father/Mother Day Sales, Halloween Day Sales, EKKA Day Sales etc. Not worth buying at full price during the new product launch, esp the first 2-3 months. Be patience and will save some money. Most major retailers prefer high sales volume rather than high profits.
@Michael Lim: There's absolutely no chance of you being able to walk into a store and walk out with a PS5 in the first 2-3 months mate. Zero chance..
You're absolutely right about being patient to save money but it's not going to be much in the first year at least. You'll be lucky to save more than a cinema ticket's worth yet can get weeks/months of entertainment out of it.
@Michael Lim: Did you even read what Hybroid said? He brings up very valid points that you've just completely disregarded.
I Totally Agree with Hybroid. It happened every single gen console no matter xbox or PS. At this pendamic time, the production will struggle quite a bit time for sure.
If getting one for sure. Be smart, get yourself one preordered. Or be smarter preorder two, And sell one for profit to whoever regret not preordered once out.
Yes, pent-up demand, but they’re selling into global recession, perhaps depression, with credit card limits already reached.
28 Degrees price protection. Launch day purchase for me :)
I need to remind myself to be smarter and leverage the price protection!!
@Craze: how do we do that? I have ANZ Black, I think it covers price protection as well. not sure so how many days but.
@Mentallysick: We were referring to this but doesn't apply to new cardholders anymore. Not sure what ANZ Black offers on price protection, you'll need to check the PDS. Basically you lodge a claim on the price difference of what you've paid vs sale price within the protection period.
@Mentallysick: A quick google returns this page
It says: 21 days, and go to this link to make a claim.
- Make the entire purchase on your ANZ Platinum or ANZ Black credit card account to be eligible
- Find the same product (same model number, year and manufacturer) advertised later in a printed catalogue at a cheaper price within 21 days of purchase
- The store must be within 25km of the store where the item was purchased
- The price difference must be more than $75 – up to a maximum of $300 (E.g. If you bought a camera for $800, the better price you’ve spotted must be less than $725 and more than $500).
@rompastompa: Ridiculous how it says it has to be in printed catalogue. What if it is not in printed catalogue but in their store/website.
@Mentallysick: Yea, they should say published catalogue. Probably a way to discourage people from claiming ;)
Doubt you'd see much a greater than $75 discount within 21 days for this. I believe 28 degrees is within 6 months.
It will be a sad day once I finally exceed the $5000 total claim limit.
Disappointed I missed out on the Coles cards and only just managed to get into 28deg a few months before they stopped offering PP.
But definitely have the same plan as you. Could be a day 1 purchase for me depending on the launch titles available, otherwise willing to wait an extra few months.
@Shekster: I'm at the $5k limit at the moment, can't make any claims until November now. It's $5000 per rolling cycle, and $20k lifetime.
Launch day purchase for me, and digital edition only. I would be happy to not have physical discs, and I haven't gamed since PS3, so I'm starting from scratch. Super excited for it!
@bargaintypeperson123: Oh wow you're right
This might be the only time in history I'm happy to have misread the fine print of a credit card…
PS4 was sold out for months at launch and was selling for a lot more than RRP on ebay. Stock on PS5 will be even more limited due to COVID. If you are even remotely interested in the PS5 it's better to preorder ASAP and change your mind later.
Can't wait for someone to post a bargain for the Digital Edition and the comments that will follow.
yes please following
I thought it looks like an Xbox. So not going with the iconic black console
The xbox is a fridge and the ps5 is a router.
The XBox reminds me of my Xiaomi Air Purifier.
do you still button bash or do you think you can finally beat the King in some games Mr OPM?
Button mash is my only technique. Don't fear the man that knows a thousand techniques, fear the man that's practiced one technique a thousand times.
never pre-order
Nah. I got a PS4 at launch, and i remember it being about 30 minutes of fun unboxing and turning it on, then waiting months for any decent games to come out.
Since then I've turned into a 'patient gamer'. I rarely buy new releases, but rather wait for prices to drop and pick it up cheap. So I'll probably wait for the ps5 price to drop and it has a solid library of exclusives. I've got a decent gaming PC to keep me going until then.
Being a patent gamer is fine for mainly single player games, however if you wait a year or whatever to buy a predominately online game generally you just end up vsing super sweats the whole time at best, or at worse hackers/cheaters, though the 2nd is less prevalent these days on consoles which is nice.
This is NBA 2K in a nutshell
There's plenty of current gen and PC games to play too. I don't trust Sony with the backwards compatibility and think they're a couple of years behind xbox.
There's sure to be lots of patches too.
Welcome to the club :)
I regret buying my XBONE years ago. The most gaming it's had is probably Skate 3 and that is a 360 game.
I think I'll be getting a cheap PS4 before making the leap to PS5.
The presentation was lacking. Rockstar are milking GTA V to death as it'll now be across 3 generations of consoles.
Demon's Souls, Ratchet and Clank and Spiderman are the only things which tickled my fancy.
It'll likely have a launch price of around $6-700 I reckon. Some might argue that's a lot. But there are people who buy flagship phones every year and don't bat an eye.
I'm guessing digital edition would be $600+ and the real one will be $750+
Digital games will probably be $99.95 and disc games $70. I want to like the idea of digital only consoles but when there is basically one store to buy games it's not worth it.
They might make the price disparity between the digital and full version larger just to get people in.
Then easily make the money back since no production cost, no middleman and they can charge as they please with digital copies.
I am really opposed to digital only consoles, I hope it doesn't become the norm
@FireRunner: I don't understand why people pay MORE for a digital version of a game that's reliant on an e-store staying up and your account being valid instead of a physical disc that you can get delivered for cheaper, own forever without worry of disappearing, share around, resell if you wanted to and maintain a nice collection…
I know we've gotten accustomed to it on PC with Steam but we don't have a choice there apart from GOG which is still quite limited. On consoles you have the choice to own your own games (technically a license but still).
@Hybroid: 100% agree, I only consider digital if significantly cheaper than physical. The DRM platforms is one of the faults with the PC master race
@Hybroid: While I agree that buying physical games is better, there have been cases that I have bought digital for the following reasons.
*Difficult to get and expensive physical game, for example Demon's Souls for the PS3 which I bought for like $10
*Goty editions (with all Doc's) of some games that are not available physical. For example. Spider-Man goty and resident evil 7 gold.
There are also websites that track PSN prices just like isthereanydeal for Pc, so one can get notifications when a game reaches a historical low.
Wouldn't disc games be theoretically worth more because you can then sell them/trade them into stores?
If you purchase a digital game there is no pre-owned market available and you are essentially paying more for the game.
It be a perfect world if digital purchases were bound to the console rather than the account.
@SnowDragon: Theoretically, digitals should be cheaper than physical with no production cost and no ability to resell. In reality we find people paying the same or more for digitals simply because of the convenience of not having to swap out the disc or cartridge.
we find people paying the same or more for digitals simply because of the convenience of not having to swap out the disc or cartridge
That's why I do it. Also my game collection would not fit in my apartment if I bought only physical.
Gone are the days when consoles were primarily considered children's toys and were cheaper… It's starting to become more and more like Lego, really expensive collectible…
Consoles have been marketed towards adults for a while, but always cheap enough for parents to buy for their kids. I’n not sure if consoles were ever considered cheap but prices have increased substantially for this generation.
I wouldn’t really consider consoles collectibles other than retro consoles. They’re just becoming more expensive because they’re more powerful.
@FireRunner: A friend of mine has been struggling to save $450 to buy his kid a Xbox One X… To be honest it's not exactly cheap for a kid's console.
He was a bit apprehensive about the game outright purchase prices but then I told him about game pass and cheaper annual subs that show up every now and then on OzB..
@bigbadboogieman: Why doesn’t he just get the One S? At least a cheaper option is available so kids can play the latest games with friends. Next gen doesn’t have that option
@FireRunner: Fingers crossed they announced the cheaper rumored xbox series S soon. But would still have to wait till the end of the year for that.
Yes "micro-transactions" are killing games like GTA, not because they've gone full mobile freemium style where it's pay to win (thankfully), but because its given the publishers no real reason to commission a new GTA to be made anytime soon at they are still raking in like 100million a month from GTA online, that as you say, was originally released on PS3.
People buying microtransactions are killing games as we knew them. I don't blame devs for capitalising on it, that's their one job, to make money. I blame us for buying into it. There's clearly a demand unfortunately.
Have you seen Dead Red Redemption 2? That was in production for over 9 years.
DRR2 has a significantly limited scope compared to GTA due to the historical setting.
The next GTA is most likely in production hell. I assume they have mapped multiple regions and have started multiple rewrites as current events change the norms they are satirising.
While I am sure they intended to launch pre-next gen again as it worked so well last time, the addition of universal SSD's and Rockstar's ambition probably put them back another two years.
tl;dr Rockstar make big games which take time. Rockstar is huge. GTA Online would be a tiny consumer of talent.
It had Ryse, Dead Rising, Call of Duty, Rayman, etc
I'll wait for the initial hype to die down and wait for the bundles or deals to start due supply catching up with demand.
Being an early adopter has never paid off, few games to choose from, limited peripherals and teething issues.
There is nothing game changing (excuse the pun) about this console
I disagree. I've purchased every Sony console at launch and have never had any issues. First releases always have the best value. Early ps1 models were worth more due to the chips used in them, phat ps2 had the expansion port (which I occasionally use with hdd mod), ps3 had bc ps2 chips, psvita and psp first releases editions still have the best screens and hardware, ps4 was glossy? (Ok maybe not so much there) but it did mean you had the OG ps4. Point is, these corporations always take and strip back to save cost. To the average consumer it's probably not a lot but as a life long gamer and semi collector it always pays to get the first release.
Point taken on first releases may have additional 'features' that are removed in later versions. But there was also firmware issues, the lack of games and choice of extras. And most of all, as this is a bargain website, I have never seen a decent deal on the first gen consoles compared to 2nd wave.
The only exception I have is PSVita. The 1000 had a better screen but the 2000 is slimmer, has a better battery and micro USB for charging. It’s my preference between the two.
This poll isn't very good. Should have an option to say "I'll consider purchasing later" because not everyone wants to pay a premium on a pre-order or launch price (especially on ozbargain!). Should also have an option to say "I'll buy at or near launch but won't pre-order"
I might consider it in the future to play the some of the exclusives if the price isn't too high.
Not pre ordering probs wait until it comes out in store
Won't pre-order. Will wait for the revised model that has the day 1 launch issues fixed
Expect a revised model 3 years from original model’s release date. All the launch issues should be well resolved within a year
You seem to forget one thing - day 1 consoles are easiest to jailbreak, as Sony won't have any ideas about zero-days yet.
Newer revisions might have some issues fixed but a chance of jailbreaking is even more smaller.
So you suggest buy one, then mothball it for a year?
I depends on person. If you get it jailbreaked, you will probably not be able to play online at all. So it might be good for single player (or couch multiplayer) games only.
I personally wouldn't do it, as I don't have a lot of freetime and I just want something that "just werks" instead of spending days trying to get that pirated game working.
Also I am a "patient" gamer, so I will only look into buying a PS5 maybe after 2-3 years.
@Blue Cat: I'm the same. I think Jailbreaking is for kids who need to ask their parents to buy them games.
$760USD (still speculation).
So that translates to $1200AUD (preorder, AU price gouging)
Yep heard 650 pounds ~$1100 Australian.
Given it is essentially a mid-high tier gaming pc now that's understandable though.
Over $1k will put off lots of buyers. I don’t know how that will be very viable. Even if the digital one is say $800 that’s very high. I guess Sony and Microsoft would have done their market research to figure this all out but I can’t see too many parents spending so much on a game console.
Is it seriously going to cost $1000? That's ridiculous. My mid-range Techfast build with an RX 5700 cost that much, literally the only thing going for the PS5 is couch players and the appeal to people who can't use a PC for 2 seconds without installing a virus.
@Void: No confirmation on actual price so far. Amazon UK had it listed for 600 pounds (~$1100 AUD) but it was quickly yanked.
@FireRunner: Amazon usually has bs prices. Sometimes I see some books going for $10000. 600 pounds does sound about right for the non-digital, I think the digital would be around 500.
Rumors put the difference as just the optical drive. The bulk of the cost isn't in the optical drive. Speculators are expecting a price delta of $100 to $150 USD.
Microsoft has announced they are releasing two consoles, the new Xbox (low end) and the Xbox Series X (high end). This lineup has the potential for a $400 to $500 AUD system (Xbox One X refresh) and a $1100 AUD system to match Sony.
Does Sony even save money not putting a disc drive in. I thought they owned BluRay or whatever.
Yeah no, I reckon it will be US$450 for digital only and Us$500 with disc drive.
something tells me they wouldn't make 2 models if the price difference was only $50. i'd say it will be at least $100 difference USD
The digital only Xbox One S was only $50US less (rrp) than the one with a disc, unless my two minutes of googling led me astray.
I will be getting one at some point but a pre order depends on price and launch games.
I have enough PS4 games on my pile of shame to wait out a price drop or a good bundle deals.
Agreed, PS6 will be out by the time I clear my backlog!
Quickly post a PS5 reaction video on yt to get them subs
Will wait a few months until there’s a good library of games
Waiting to buy the next gen Xbox from ZackyD.
Won't get one at launch, but maybe down the track in a Black Friday deal. Economically it just makes more sense to hold out, see how the landscape plays out re exclusives and product durability (like stick drift or red ring issues). My PS4 that I bought at launch has been fantastic, but I spent the first year of its life using it almost entirely to watch dvd's.
I want Stadia
Will definitely get one but won't be in a rush to. Like the previous versions I'd wait until there are games that I genuinely want to play.
If it will play all previous Playstation games I will buy it. If not, no.
Seems premature to pre order without knowing the price