This was posted 4 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - ARK: Survival Evolved - Epic Games


ARK was meant to be the free game last week but instead, we got Overcooked. It has been postponed because of the current situation in the US. One of my friends who plays ARK said it was due to an in-game event. This is not a leak, Epic Games confirmed on twitter before this whole situation. Unless they change the game which is very unlikely.

Enjoy 😋

Also available:
[PC] Free - Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection (Was US $39.99) @ Epic Games

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closed Comments

  • +26

    I'll go heat up the popcorn shall I.

    • +1


      • +3

        Why is this controversial?

        • +2

          Read the comments from previous Epic deals

  • +21

    inb4 lysander whinges :/

    • +21

      To be fair, they turned out to be right after all, heh.

      • -4

        Got no idea how ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      • +2

        He was 100% right. He's a top contributor for games to this site, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

        He's still swimming in GTA5 upvotes, no complaints.

  • +1

    Huh… Is this the last mystery game?

    • +10

      This week is the last mystery game but not the last freebie.

      • +1

        Back to the freebies
        It's the cheaper games but more than one every week, right?

        • +6

          If the game they want to give away is not child friendly (as in PG rated), they usually give away a second one that is.
          If the game is rated PG then then might give away only one.
          But they have also given away three or more games on occasion.
          This week will be 6 games if we are technical: 1 mystery game plus the SNK Collection.

  • Hope it’s true this time round lol

  • +13

    I’m just looking forward to the day I have a pc decent enough to play all these games I’ve been hoarding..

    • +1

      I was debating on getting a pc before the mystery games. Once GTA came out it was confirmed. lol

    • +7

      You might be waiting a while with ARK, last time I checked it was horribly unoptimised even with enthusiast spec gear. Fun game though.

      • doesn't offer the best graphics either…

  • +1

    Ark has been declining after the sale to China.

  • This game is way more enjoyable once you use mods, but how does steam mods work if this is on EPIC?

    • +1

      Yeah agree and as far as I understand, it wont work with steam cross play nor will it have access to steam mods. It will be enjoyable I guess, ignorance is bliss after all so likely new players wont appreciate how the game plays with less grindy rates and QoL mods. I played my first 3K hours on officials so still plenty of fun to be had.

  • +2

    Well if your friend says it's so, then it must be…

      • +1

        He is saying his friend said the delay was due to the in game event. Which is 100% correct.

      • +4

        Here we go again c:

        • -6

          You make it too easy. Ha, ha, ha.

  • +2

    The user reviews are mixed.

    Maybe one of the lowest scoring epic freebies?

    • +14

      Have a look at the profile of the negative reviewer if its public, you will see something interesting in that most negative reviewers;

      1. Still currently play the game
      2. Spend more time playing the game a week than a full time person spends working
      3. Have thousands of hours played

      I don't usually do any of the above for a game that I hate and review negatively, I find it very strange.

      • Ark is what you get if someone fine tunes as much as possible a game that rides the line between fun and incredibly frustrating.

        Its got just enough to want you to try it again every few months but its basicly designed to be annoying.

    • +10

      I played this a few years ago. When I was playing the online community was horrible. Almost identical to the GTA5 online community.
      Everyone griefing other players, a few high level players dominating everything.
      Ignoring that, this was one of the most grind-heavy games i've ever played.
      Pick it up for free and see what you think.

    • +11

      Welcome to Ark. One of the most frustrating but long-term addictive games I've ever played.

      At some stage one of your most loved tames will fall through the map, or get stuck in an inaccessible spot, or be unexpectedly overwhelmed and eaten by Troodons and part of the grieving process is to go online and leave a bad review, sulk for a few days, then go and put a few hundred more hours into it.

      • Save your progress regularly

    • +1

      Lucky I didn't bought this, I played it on Game Pass. Not even worth paying anything for it. I was like Ark should be free, and here it is! Lol.

  • Hummm, what other games available on epic should we be anticipating?

    • +1

      Normally the games are added to Epic with the sale so it's hard to predict it based on their already existing library.

      • Oh is that it? I thought they just pick one from their list.

        • +1

          Some of each scenario have happened.

  • +2

    I probably shouldn't play so much Overcooked first.
    If Ark comes out, I'd look at all the wildlife and think "Can this be cooked?" when in fact I should be running for my life.

  • +4

    This deal is active now. Dont forget to scroll down and get all of the free add-ons.

    • +1

      idk if I'll ever have time to play this game but damnit, i must also click and own all the add-ons

  • +2

    It looks like the store offer is getting smashed, HTTP500 error when attempting to claim game. Will try again later.

    • Same here, tried on another browser

    • Excellent, order went through this morning. Shame there is no multi-select or 'grab all' free addons functionality. Thanks for the post OP.

  • +1

    Do we even have to buy games anymore ?

    • +1


  • I really have to thank Epic for giving away such a epic Library of games, I hope they never stop doing this!!!

  • Does anyone know if there is crossplay between steam? This is probably my favourite PC game of all time. have logged 1900+ hours on it.

    I'd like to introduce some new friends to the game. Was thinking of hosting a modded server on steam account, and maybe play on the epic one with friends.

    or find a nice server, and have old friends and new friends on the one server

    • You'll be able to host a server with Crossplay enabled, but you can't have any Mods enabled. Wildcard have said Mod support will come to the Epic version, but it's not there at the moment.



    • +1

      I think those are always free (they are on Steam too I think).

  • Is this the VR version? or can I play this in VR?

    • I see option to enable VR but it keeps crashing for me with my Rift. Does VR option work for anyone else and if so, with which setup ?

  • Might be time to try this game out. All I recall was seeing it around the same time as Horizon Zero Dawn and thinking there was a lot of dinosaur riding action going on

  • Bugga I must be bugged can't even join a server.

  • currently, ARK launched from Epic Games cannot connect to Steam servers, i also haven't found a way to add mods. 95% sure it's a bug (and hopefully will be fixed soon).
    also, this game is tuned for upwards of 100 players so i suggest searching "solo settings ark" on youtube. i doubt you'll have fun on the current tuned settings if you're singleplayer
    i love this game but it's very poorly optimized, so if you're lagging that's why, probably not your pcs fault lol

    thought i'd share this info, hope you guys enjoy!

    • No mods yet. They will come, but it depends on Epic adding the feature to the store. Server connection issues is definitely a bug, as crossplay is supported. Dedicated servers with Crossplay enabled should work with the Epic version as well.

  • This is all just a conspiracy to get me to buy a new computer that can run these games.

  • Nice first post, thanks OP!

  • Was excited to try out but kept crashing at menus with UE4 error. Fixed by applying FPS cap. Now it just won’t load into any server at all and goes back to main menu. I’m well above min specs.

    It may be free but not much point when it just doesn’t work…

    • If you are trying to play any of the DLC's you need to enable (and download them first) otherwise it just kicks you back to the main menu.
      For all 4 its another 40gb of downloads roughly.

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