Hi all, I just got email from Paypal with lots of offers, here's what I thought a good deal.
For anyone who loves All in One Finish Powerball, here's a new deal from Paypal to buy at Harvey Norman Bigbuys. Free delivery. Limit 3 per person.
100x Finish Powerball $20 (Free Delivery) from Harvey Norman Bigbuys - PayPal Offer

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Heads up. Due to a response that exceeded our expectations, orders made now may not be dispatched until after the weekend. May. Just in case you desperately need to use your dishwasher and were going to drop to the ground, hands in the air looking up screaming "WHY! Why did they not arrive in time!"
good thing i'm still drowning in tablets from the last deal!
Plussed for rep humour!
Sold out yo
"*Harvey Norman BiG BUYS stocks ‘parallel imports’. These are genuine branded products and are imported into Australia without the support of the Australian distributor. Parallel import product may differ in ingredients, design or composition from locally distributed products. Harvey Norman BiG BUYS endorses the quality of these items under our normal conditions of sale."
I don't know much about the whole parallel import thing…is it a big issue?
That'd be Mr.Harvey's way of saying "if the consumer is going to import and bypass me, then i'll do it and bypass the local distributor and make some money too".
Tabletki All in 1 zmywają skutecznie nawet w krótkich cyklach. Dzięki unikalnej formule Powerball, tabletki Finish rozpuszczają się 3 razy szybciej w porównaniu do poprzednich tabletek ALL in 1.
It's Central European stock. Have absolutely no answer as to why. Tabletki!
All in 1 tablets wash utensils even in short cycles. Thanks to the unique Powerball formula, Finish tablets dissolve 3 times faster compared to previous All in 1 tablets.
It's Polish. The Finish Powerball tablets stocked at Coles and Woolworths are made in Poland too. Harvey Norman is just bypassing the local distributor.
bigbuys website says "Made in Germany" so I guess the quality is o.k? I ordered 1 anyway
I thought they were made in Finland…
That would be its sister product: Finnish Powerball
well played, Cluster, well played :)
Hey hey - someone is on my wavelength ; )
Very droll Kirt. But it seems Cluster has got the laughs. (The life of the straight-man is a thankless task.)
LOL yeah…didn't want to spell it out… :P
You can get it for $17.60 if you pick it up from the store.
Really? But it's only pick up from Auburn (Nsw) or Loganholme (Qld). $2.30 it great for delivery, save on fuel and your time, unless you live so close to the store. :D
Spoken like a true OZBargainer
Wishful thinking: If they can post a deal for Quantum or Max all in one tablets
20cents per wash is not that great a deal really. Cheap if you really want the Finish Tablets but not cheaper than other brands that perform as well or nearly as well for less.
I tried Choice's 3rd preference (Aldi powder) and it's nowhere as good as the Finish tablets in my dishwasher. I think the dishwasher brand matters too though - mine is Technika.
We use Aldis tablets. That were great and super cheap.
Yeah i have been using those as well. Work well.
Then again I have also used the safeway homebrand when we were out of the alda ones and that works fine as well.
I tried a cheaper brand (Morning Fresh) and it was nowhere as good as the finish ones. I was surprised, usually it's all just marketing BS.
Same here.
I've got the new Morning Fresh liquid to try though. One thing i don't like about the powerball tablets, is sometimes they stick and don't come out of the door.
HOw much does Coles brand tablets work out ot be ?
we used Coles tablets and then now we have moved even "lower" I guess to coles brand powder..
Didn't really notice much difference in the three..
This is a great deal, just purchased.
Just bought 1 pack too
I just got a pack too.. free delivery and each tablet is 20c = bargain!!
would be good if current coles price was included in description… just checked and it's $12 for a 28 pack, i.e. 43c per wash.
so this is a pretty good deal :)
What's happening to me!? I'm thinking about buying it even though I don't even have a dishwasher =/
Hahaha. Who are you kidding oztrek? This is your work buddy!
I guess you also truly an Ozbargainer..lol, lots of us, want to buy things that are on sale, although we don't need too, I used to do that :)
I think the Reject shop does em for $20 too…
When you confirm that, be sure to submit a deal.
Reject definitely have a similar box (91 tablets) for $20 everyday price. They too are parallel import (not sure from where) in their last catalogue they had a box of 45 for $10 - I suppose for those who use paper plates! The finish tablets are definitely more superior than other cheap / generic tablets around.
Great, ran out of tablets recently.. so good timing.
FYI - Nothing to do with PayPal - you can order them on AMEX CC directly
Also - there is nothing to stop you from ordering again and again - 3 at a time! Time to cleanup!
bypass paypal. Id much rather use my AMEX
Why oh why do i keep checking ozbargain…!! :)
Thanks for the link :) Purchased just the 1.
"Why oh why do i keep checking ozbargain…!! :)"…lol.. this website indeed is addicted :P
This is a good bargain, got 2 packs at another sale but tempted to get more!
Got enough to last me two years :), hope it won't expired.
Picked up three packets. Lets hope they have stock.
We've got stock. It'll be clear on the site when it's no longer available.
Funny you say that. I've just had a dilemma where I ordered the nappies at the last sale and when I went to pick up at Auburn, they had no stock! The guy couldn't find my order. Needless to say I was not impressed. I guess that's the way online shopping goes, stock levels can be mistaken. Having said that, this is still a good deal as it's got the free delivery. I'm just scarred from pick-ups now.
Hi vickster, that's not funny at all! Will get onto the warehouse about it
Just ordered 2 packs… Hope they will perform better than the current Morning Fresh tablets we are using..
thanks i was just about out of these, they do work good.
Nice bargain bought 2 boxes this stuff is the best
Getting this on the HN page after the paypal link:
"The City (Gold Coast) and Postcode (4209) do not match in the delivery details.
Please correct the delivery details below"Any ideas what to do next?
Rang Gerry. Sorted.
You'll need to enter your suburb exactly. I had the same problem when I entered St. X, instead of St X.
do these ones have the disovlable wrappers?
Nay. That's Max or Quantum. All in1's you unwrap
I thought they were lottos at first sight……
Yes me too, thought it was 100 lottery tickets for $20 :P
Good deal.nice to see HN is fighting back.
bought 2 as well - thanks OP
For comparison BigW is selling 112 of these online for $33.56 + (in my case) $7.00 delivery. Good deal, thanks.
Cheers for the comparison, certainly saved me going hunting. All ordered.
just ordered myself 2 of these box's
FYI just a few days ago i picked myself up a box of 20 tablets for $10 at Coles.
Good value for these
Sold out
I ordered two boxes, but as a follow up, while the price is great for a delivered product it's not fantastic. Finish Powerballs are $12 for 56 tablets at Cheap as Chips in Noarlunga SA. Same direct import from Europe, made in Germany. 21.4c per wash instead of 20c. The latter price is still better and it's delivered, but this isn't something like getting the product for half price.
Buying from supermarkets that deal with official distributors is the serious rip off here.
Mine was delivered by AAE..they're sparing no expense on the shipping, I see.
Yes it isn't the cheapest delivery system but it's trackable and fast. One of the reasons why our shipping options are always the cheapest. Apparently spell check is informing me that trackable isn't a word. "Add to dictionary"
I've received an email yesterday that my order has been shipped.
For some reason I couldn't track my order when I clicked the link.Unfortunately the matching request does not have tracking available. You will be required to contact the carrier directly to identify it current tracking status.
Anyone got the same problem?
Hi kumak, try tracking your order here. http://alliedexpress.com.au/
The system isn't as good as I'd hope but it should give you a rough idea?
Thanks oztrez
Received it yesterday by Allied and am impressed with their updates and shipping.
dont really need paypal, i can checkout with $20 delivered with credit card.