What are you personal rules when trading secondhand goods? Online or in person.
One of my rules is cash or bank transfer only. I live in an apartment building so I only give out the street number and meet downstairs unless the item too bulky.
Do You Have Any Personal Rules When Buying/Selling Secondhands?

Last edited 08/06/2020 - 16:41
I use numerous gumtree accounts to send people the question "is this still available" numerous times over a couple of days, then make a lowball offer with my normal account. They accept this as they've been driven to the brink of madness from the *is this still available" question with no reply.
Is this legit or sarcasm? Could be a good idea for future use.
lol so you're THAT guy
So it is you!
As a woman, if I'm buying from a man I take someone with me if I'm going to their house. It's just safety. If I'm buying clothes I don't really have to go inside someones house but can transact from the door and it's usually from a woman so that's that.
always meet in a public place.
I once bought speakers from a girl who was also selling a bunch of clothes, and told me she had originally put up photos of herself wearing them to show how they fit. Apparently this resulted in many sleazy comments and she was wondering what was wrong with guys online and why they thought gumtree was a site to act like creeps, and if it ever once worked out for them.
I just zipped up and told her this had been yet another a disappointing exchange. Decent speakers though.
Casual sexism never was and never will be funny.
Please explain how it's sexist? The joke is that sleazy guys don't realise how obviously inappropriate and unwanted their behaviour is. Those guys should be mocked
I never meet in a carpark or random location, far too often it would result in a no show from the seller after driving however long to get there plus there's no way to test items that require it to be plugged in to the wall and TV like for consoles for example.
if selling, always know of the closest location of an ATM that way those people who show up without the correct amount you can direct them to the closest ATM to get the right amount or no sale.
I never respond to low ball offers.
Don't be afraid to walk away on pick up if the item isn't as advertised (broken/missing parts/very bad condition).
no returnzies
Only meet outside Woolies/Maccas.
When I'm about to pick up an item, I instruct the seller to wear something nice in case I wish to make a bonus transaction.
Pretty easy going here so long as they have provided personal references, police clearance and have memorized the secret handshake.
depends if it's a good 2nd hand item in front of the house
if it is something that will fall apart once i go away defo in a public placeedit: should always be in a public place.
I don't meet at our house. Instead I drive to the next suburb where I can park outside one of 6 matching apartment blocks. I have kids so I dont need weirdos showing up.
I have a for sale Facebook Marketplace account too. Not my normal one. Like others I have a few vaguely named Gumtree accounts too - but don't link them to PayPal.
I don't post stuff (haven't had any bad experiences but want to keep it that way).
Always take a photo of the serial number in case you get hit up for a return. Have had two items which the seller said were not working suddenly go quiet when I said I would only take the original serial number back.
The only time I got burned was early days when I sold a GPU which apparently didn't work. While the serial number matched he had ground down the top of the card to "fit". Only figured that out when I let him return it and tried to RMA it. Now I take computer parts to them so they can fit it i to their system and know it works.
Cash is king. Bank transfer I find is awkward as if it doesn't go thru instantly you are in a difficult situation of saying yeah i know you reckon you paid me but I don't have the money. I have a separate bank account too at a different bank in case of chargeback.
At least 20% profit for any items.
Yeah, don't sell to (fropanity) heads. If they sounds like a time waster, best to treat them like that.
I low ball at around 50% off.
I flip if profit is minimum $100 or 100% markup.
I am open to negotiation, but I don't deal with (profanity).
I do meet people at my house and I do go to other people's houses. But I'm a 6ft,100kg bearded dude. I'm nothing but polite and friendly though.
I help people carry stuff to car.
cash on pickup
always sell in public don't visit or invite strangers to your place.Lol people are way too paranoid. I've sold cars, bikes, furniture, all things electronics for years and have only dealt with people at the comfort of my home. If I had to drive somewhere to sell my items I'd be pissed with the amount of time wasters that never show up or are never punctual half the time.
My only rule is cash only for small items, full amount for test rides/drives and always say you gotta be somewhere when setting times for meet ups, gives them an incentive to be there on time.
Give a receipt and state on it that the goods are used and they are sold as is with no warranty given or implied. No return, no refund.
Get them to sign it and keep a copy.I only do pickups, selling or buying, cash only, outside only
Every money transfer or posted item has always been a massive pain.
I will give my address so people know the goods are fine for pickup…
but…I've had sleazy contacts from Gumtree that I've had to report so I use a different first name and no surname and leave my front door open so my 2 big dogs are visible staring behind my screen door!
Soundslike good rules. I use a fake name like gareth