This was posted 4 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Epic - Disco Elysium - $29.99 AUD (after $15 off coupon is applied) - Epic Store


This is a great deal for this fairly recent game. - the all time lowest price for this game (save a giveaway which was over way too quickly and had limited keys).

From the website:

Disco Elysium is a groundbreaking role playing game. You’re a detective with a unique skill system at your disposal. Interrogate unforgettable characters, crack murders or take bribes. Become a hero or an absolute disaster of a human being.


Original deal: $15 off Coupon (Min $22.99 Spend) @ Epic Games

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closed Comments

  • +1

    This is a good game

  • +4

    A VERY good game - carries quite a bit of replay value too.

    Not bad for $49, even better for $29!

  • awesome deal. newly added on epic store i believe?

    • It's been on there since the game came out.

      • I don't think it was. Was looking for it like when the coupon was released and couldn't find it, then checked their website and it was saying steam and gog.

  • Another +1 for this game. Some of the best writing in a video game.

  • +2

    If you dont like using Epic (which many dont) its actually way cheaper if you get around geo ip block (using russian ip) on gog and buy the game drm free from there.

    • -6

      Have you checked if that breaches their T&Cs?

      • Abusing regional pricing to get games for cheap is usually against most T&C's but its rarely punished.

        • Try to do it with Steam and see what happens.😉

    • Why would you circumvent a regional pricing system for a DRM free game? If you're going to breach T&C/ToS why bother paying at all? if you want to play the game with a legitimate copy, buy it using your actual regional pricing, not sure how it works on GoG but on Steam you have a pretty high chance of getting banned for abusing regional pricing.

    • +1

      You could just get a grey market key for a cheap region and activate it via VPN which isn't all that different to what you are suggesting. Thing is, you can get banned and it's not really worth it.

      The game is worth full price. $29 on Epic is a steal. The game is THAT good.

    • +1

      Can you enlighten me on why you don't like using Epic Games ? I mean no disrespect and its an honest question. I've grabbed a bunch of games from them recently with the AUD$15 coupon (including this one) but have no idea why people don't like it. I haven't played an enormous amount of time on Epic bought games but i havent run into any trouble at all when playing them. Have others ? Just curious really if i might be risking something by using them.

      • +2

        There is a whole discussion about this and you don't want to get into this here - trust me.
        There is nothing wrong with Epic and playing games there. Epic has less features at the moment than Steam - that is a common complaint.
        The exclusivity period of some games is a very contentious issue too.
        But as I said, nothing wrong with playing games on Epic. If you see a game you want and the price is good, get it, play it, and do not worry about anything else.

  • Where do you get the $15 coupon?

    • +1

      On the Epic website. Just claim the free game and you get it automatically. Or you can just claim the coupon.

      • +1

        I couldn't find any info I had a coupon. It appeared automatically in the checkout when I added it to my cart. THanks

  • +2

    Masterpiece. Don't miss out.

  • +2

    Disco was one hell of an experience, great price for it

  • +4

    It's been said a lot already but it really is a good game. If you don't already have the coupon just get overcooked for free on Epic and get the coupon and then snatch it up.

  • +1

    Would love this in switch.

  • Does this play like an old text adventure game where lots and lots of reading are involved?

    • +2

      There is a great deal of reading yes. Pretty much the entire game is based around conversations and what choices you make during those conversations. Even combat.

  • +1

    This is one of the best rpg games out in the last decade. I paid full for it.

  • +1

    Another recommendation for this amazing game. It really is a work of art. If this game doesn't make you laugh until you cry, you're dead inside.

  • Resisting buying this. Waiting for a Switch version.

  • I just wish this game had full voice acting…. prefer to listen in games than read walls of text.

  • -3

    Is this actually a game? Seems like a glorified graphic novel. Plenty of reviews seem to agree.

    • Yeah it's a game. It's open to an extent. You can engage in side missions from the get go.
      You have choice of dialogue options and skills which enable you to have unique insights or perspectives to resolve issues.

  • +2

    get some culture guys. there is no harm in reading.

  • Did anyone else get some sort of $2.25 refund on this a few days ago? Not entirely sure why..

    • Yep, for a price reduction apparently. Whatever, I'll take it!

    • Yeah, I think it must have been an error.. we already got our free money with the voucher.

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