• expired

Dishwasher $299, Washing Machine $399, Dryer $249, Chest Freezer $249, Bar Fridge $100, Microwave $159, Kettle $35 @ ALDI

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  • +4

    FYI I have a dishwasher from the last sale and I love it.

    • Does it clean well? I have a Delonghi n it doesn't clean dishes properly. Had bought a cheap haier in the past with no issues but after current experience tending to go with something decent. Any opinions?

      • +3

        Try a different brand of dishwashing tablets.

        There's some weird symbiosis going on there, where different brand tablets work better with different brand dishwashers.

        • My old dishwasher worked great with Aldi tablets. Current Bosch however does not, seems to work better with finish quantum or fairy plat. Weird but whatever.

          • @Xizor: So the Finish stickers on the Bosch dishwashers aren't just the usual marketing BS then?

            • +1

              @vawiyoci: I use the Aldi tablets in my Bosch dishwasher and they work great

              • @Numpty21: Same .. I do use the ALDI 'platinum' ones though.. not sure if that makes a difference but they work well

            • +2

              @vawiyoci: Long term advocate of Bosch however in my opinion the models and materials used in construction vary wildly across models. Bit like TVs now, brand only means so much, each model can be radically different to another.

          • +1

            @Xizor: I have a Bosch and the best stuff I've used in it is the Aldi Platinum powder, comes in the blue plastic bottle. Works brilliantly every time, I don't bother with expensive tablets.

            • +1

              @bonezAU: I have not tried that, will give it a go! Cheers

              • @Xizor: It's this stuff
                Haven't bought anything else since I started using this.

                • @bonezAU: Or the same powder from woolies works well too (shine). I go back and forth with what’s available. Finish tablets are good. Just that have to get them when they’re on sale.

        • +1

          I can't recall where I read it, but an article gave the impression that some of the high end, super dooper water saving models trade time for their water efficiency. So if placed on just a quick wash tends to produce disappointing results. The suggestion was to actually follow the settings for a standard wash even if they take hours and hours to achieve the best results.

          I'm just relaying what I recall. I handwash 99% of the time and only have a bog standard dishwasher that does the job with very little buttons or options. :)

      • Oh we had a Delonghi that came with the house. I HATED IT. It didnt clean properly, left soap marks and that top cutlery draw was a total pain in the ass. Gave it the heave ho and got a Beko which works a treat.

      • Remarkably well. We used to have issues with the deeper Chinese your bowls and could only wash them in the top drawer in our old dishwasher. This dishwasher I can wash them whenever.
        Plastic containers are also washing well as long as they're not too deep (not to much bigger than the bowls and they're right).
        Mine also has a self cleaning function.
        My previous was Aldi and gated it, but figured I could use the return policy if this one didn't work out but no issues with anything.
        Note, I use the Earth Choice tablets

    • I also brought from the last sale, is the coming same the same machine? Looks the same and it’s $50 cheaper! Nooooo…

      • I think the previous one had 5yr warranty?

        • Nope, 3 year in house warranty

    • How noisy is it? We have what looks like a cheapo dishwasher and it is very, very loud.

    • oh yes its much better than the shit they used to sell 5 years ago, btw this one is different than the last one on sale that we bought that one has a screen so its a different model and 50 dollars more. so icant say if this one is as good as ours. all are probably not as good as a name brand but for a stanless look cheap dishwasher its pretty good and does the job well

  • +9

    That chest freezer will be good for people

    • +20

      lol. literally?

    • +6

      A 72-kg body contains about 40 litres of fluid.

      So 99L Chest Freezer… could work.

      • +5

        You just need to play a little Tetris.

        • Finally a way to practice my Wim Hof ice water endurance test

      • +6

        You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together.

        And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig". FYI quote is Bricktop from the great movie, Snatch.

        • +3

          got it from the first sentence.

          • @kellycarlos: This person movies.

            • @seamonkey: I f'ken 'ate pi…..

              …..wait, is that sort of quote allowed anymore?

              (not I'm not profanely expressing a historical action of consuming a baked comestible, which may have been stored in the freezer linked in OP)

        • I can't visit a farm or petting zoo anymore without thinking of this movie. Get me a caravan.

    • +1

      What about those of us who don't want to freeze their chests?

      • +1

        Thermal bra.

        • +1

          I misread that as "thermal, bra". As in "bro, do you even know how to warm your pecs?"

          Slow day in the office today.

    • +1

      "Bring a friend"

  • +3

    That energy use on the washing machine…

    • +17

      It really is false economy buying these cheap washing machines. Yes you save $100-200 or so on purchase price, but in the long term you'll pay a lot more in water and electricity use.

      Plus when Choice reviews washing machines, these cheap top loaders don't even clean well.

      Best to look for an 8.5kg front loader washing machines. You can even get brands like Bosch around $500 when on special, or settle for lower end brands like Haier, Beko etc - will still be so much better than a cheap Aldi top loader.

      • +2

        Also keep an eye on Home Clearance. Its the disposal side arm of Appliances Online that sells appliances that are cosmetically damaged. Picked up my washing machine and dryer for a steal of a price.

        • Hya mate is home clearance a separate site? On eBay? Hoping to get a knock down Bosch somewhere

          • +1
          • @Francis82: Dont mind Cozzie. They have Bosch's on there from time to time. However I do swear by my Beko dishwasher.

            • @nedski: Haha I was maybe a bit naive with that question with the banter on here! Allgood cheers much appreciated ! PS yea Beko a bit underrated over here ,they do pretty well in the UK etcI believe

    • That energy use cost would be a moot point with (clean) nuclear.

      We pay too much.

    • +2

      Howdy ex appliance salesman here. Don't take the energy ratings on Washing Machines/Dishwashers too seriously. They are calculated based on an appliances "eco" or "standard" mode and do not take into account how long a cycle will last. Just fyi. This means that a 5 star energy dishwasher could take 5 hours to complete… whereas a 3 star energy dishwasher could take 1 hour to complete. So firstly find out how long the cycle actually takes.

      But in general, top loaders are shit energy/water efficiency wise.

  • I wonder if this freezer can be used outdoors, like exposed to rain, etc?

    • no

    • +21

      It can…………….. for 59 days 😛

      • Sorry i dont get it?

        • +2

          Aldo has 60 day return policy.

  • +1

    I have a $279 aldi dishwasher from when we built our house 10 years ago, I only expected it to last a couple years and it is still going strong, I could of got rid of it years ago but now I am just curious to see how long it will last,

    • Does it clean well? I have a Delonghi n it doesn't clean dishes properly. Had bought a cheap haier in the past with no issues but after current experience tending to go with something decent. Any opinions?

      • +1

        it works reasonably well, I find that dishwashers need to be stacked correctly for the dishes to be cleaned,

  • Dishwasher is Stirling brand and there are photos of the inside on the product page.

    Was this the same model in the previous sales?

    • The model sold back in April was an SS14 at $349, while this one has the model number STR-DWSS12.

      I wonder what the differences are between these two?

      EDIT: found the link to the previous one! https://stirlingappliances.com.au/stirling_products/stainles…

      • Interestingly enough, the dishwasher we picked up yesterday WAS the one from the last sale. They even charged us $350, so we went back and they refunded us the $50. So we got a better than advertised dishwasher for $300!

  • +1

    Tempted to pick up the dryer for the occasional use.

    • +1


      and reviews of the dishwasher in here are very positive so hoping dryer will be same quality.

      • also wondering the same thing

      • +1

        Also interested in this - only want it for occasional use as the line will do for most cases.

      • +1

        Link to the reviews? Need a dryer for occasional use. Cheers

      • +1

        FYI - dryer appears to be the same as this Esatto 7kg Vented Dryer from appliances online. Model name is a giveaway also i think. I have this exact one from appliances online. It's cheap & cheerful.

        • Does anyone know if Dryer can be transported in Hatchback car.. I have Kia Rio hatch

          • +1

            @Danger: I saw a top loader washing machine being transported on a motorbike when I was in Thailand.

          • @Danger: I had a my13 Rio hatch. I managed to squeeze some questionable items in the back, but I'm doubtful about this dryer. I could be wrong, read the box dimensions, and measure the car, but I don't think you'd get the back door closed.

    • Is 311kwh normal for dryer? Would it be cheaper to dry your clothes at the laundromat?
      I saw some heat pump dryers that only consume 155 kwh but they are $1500+.

      • +1

        Normal for a vented dryer. Nobody buys one of these to be energy efficient. It's a convenience item. And not everyone has a laundromat close by, or wants to go to one. I use mine rarely, so the cheap price is a trade off on energy use. Plus with solar, I use during the day and it doesn't cost me anything extra.

  • we got there dishwasher over 3 years ago , and still going good …very happy with it

  • +1

    I need a wine fridge sale Aldi, not a bar fridge.

    • +1

      It went on sale on 23 May.

  • Anyone know if they still sell the front loader washing machine?

  • +2

    Has anyone bought an Aldi kettle before? I wonder if this double walled kettle makes it quieter or if that's more for keeping the water hotter for longer. I need to find a quiet kettle the one I have from Kmart is louder then a jumbo jet.

  • +1

    Good timing as kerbside collection is just around the corner. These should be good for 61 days.

    • +4

      Everything except the steam iron have a 3 year warranty.

  • +3

    ooo the convection grill microwave looks like a good deal! The Kogan one is the cheapest one I can find at the moment that was going for $159.99 for a 28L. Has anyone used this ALDI one before and have thoughts on its quality/power?

    • +1

      This looks like a new model. I bought the 25L one last year and it's OK. Microwave function (900W) seems a little weak and usually need to set the convection 10-20 degrees above what a recipe says.

      Biggest issue though is the user interface. Minimal buttons so have to keep hitting 'up' to increment the cooking time, and totally un-intuitive in terms of grill functions that we've had to stick a copy of the user manual on the fridge next to it. This one has actual numbers for entering cooking time and a whole lot more buttons so hopefully much easier to use

      • ah damn I knew it was too good to be true. Thanks so much! I guess you get what you pay for :/

        • I got the previous one but it was an inverter model which I don't think this one is. It works well and cooks very evenly. It's also 34L not 30Lm

          I also have the Kmart 30L 3 in 1 non-inverter model too. It's only $129 and does a good job too. But not as powerful or even as the aldi one but it's easier to operate.

  • +1

    At 195 kWh the bar fridge will cost approximately $50/year to run.

    • +3

      Agreed, those little fridges are pretty poor on energy efficiency.

      Compare to the 450L LG fridge for example that uses 299kWh for the year, ie 104kWH extra for 402 extra litres. If we extrapolate the bar fridge power use to the 450L size, it would use comparatively 1,828kWH.

      • +2

        A unit of kWh per year per L storage I guess is a good way to compare fridges.

  • Has anyone experience with the dryer before? Worth buying ?

    • +1

      we had the 7kg dryer and it lasted about 5 years before it stopped heating
      we paid about $180 for it at an opening special so thought it was ok for the money

      • Thats alright! i'm getting one then

    • I bought the drier for $200. Little did I know it was a manual model and the electronic one was advertised 3 weeks later. Its still going after 5 years.

  • Do super savers apply for the same week as the catalogue is distributed? Is this happening now: https://www.aldi.com.au/en/groceries/super-savers/super-save… ?

    • +1

      There is no date on the link so I'm guessing it's available now. Good bargain.

  • This was taken on the 14th of jan 2020. 145l chest frezza

    • Excellent price, which store ?

    • Damn, would love a 145L one at that price!

  • +1

    Holding out for ALDI heat pump dryer

  • Dishwasher looks to be same model as last sale? $50 cheaper

  • I have the same bar fridge design, bought 10 years ago! Still as energy inefficient as ever!

  • that is so cheap for a bar fridge with a 3 year warranty, damn.

    The only negative is how in-efficient it is.

    • 195kWh per year. My kitchen fridge that's over 10x larger uses 500 per year. All small fridges are very inefficient for their size.

    • -1

      I got one which i dumped it in1 year use. The small freezer part kept frosting and leaked water. I will not recommend if you want to use it long term. I think it is good for temporary place and will just dump it when you move.

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