This was posted 4 years 9 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

MAXXIS Re-Fuse 700c Tyres $19.99 (Was $49.95) + $8.95 Shipping (Free over $89.95) @ The Bicycle Store


Sale on Maxxis tyres and tubes.
Link to all Maxxis deals…
700 x 25 tyres $19.99…
Welter weight tubes $9.99…

These are my favourite tyres for commuting. Used to commute around 50min each way to Melbourne cbd daily for many years on these tyres. Beach rd, St kilda rd, all over city, Nepean hwy etc and never had a puncture.

Sale also @ Velogear but $8.99 shipping or $99.99 free shipping

Related Stores

The Bicycle Store
The Bicycle Store

closed Comments

  • +4

    Rolling resistance looks pretty terrible unfortunately

    • +1

      One could say “rubbish” even

      • +8

        The refuse is a commute, "training" tyre. Every cyclist needs to decide their needs then buy the tyre that makes them happy.

        The amount of 'road' cyclists i passed with flats daily made me never regret rolling on these.

  • +10

    If you ride for the exercise then working a little harder shouldn't be a concern. Look like pretty good value if rolling resistance isn't a priority.

    • +12

      I only run race tyres for my commute.

      If I dont I will get overtaken by e-bikes which is super embarassing.

      • +2

        The amount of road 'race' guys giving me a double take as I passed them up hills sitting down was 'embarassing'. You only get out what you put in ;)

        ps mtb guys with backpacks passing us all was even funnier!

  • +2

    Used these for years …although it has been 7 years since 8ve been on the deadly treadly.

    Went for more than 2 years without a puncture. Great puncture protection.

    Going to buy a few as I’m about to build a bike and get back out there.

    Nice price.

  • OP, do you know how many km's you got from these re-fuse tyres?

    • +2

      I have gotten 2500kms+ on 25mm ones. That was from about end of 2017 to 2018 sometime when I changed wheel sets.

      Don't believe I ever had a flat whilst using them.

      But I no longer ride my slim slicks.

      Ninja edit: also appears I paid around $80 for a pair so this is a great price!!

    • not the OP, but on a 25mm on the rear, I get about 6000kms, on the front well over 10k kms

  • dupe of the 1st

  • +1

    Thanks. Got 5. Also a heap of other cheap tubes.

    • +4

      no u

      • +8

        The reason I drive is because of people that say what I said above. It's not me at all… it's just an example of ignorance that is representative of a (hopefully) small percentage of drivers. I respect riders and understand they have basically zero crash protection

        • You should enclose your quote in quotations ;)

    • +2

      On your bike!

  • +2

    They selling these for a while now. Bike99 could price match plus delivery.

    • How do you get them to price match? Thanks

      • +1

        They have brick and mortal stores everywhere in Melbourne not sure about Sydney. Just Google for the phone number

        • Thanks mate. Will check it out on Tuesday (tomorrow is public holiday in WA). I hope the deal is still running.

  • +3

    Good deal but lots of poor reviews for this store. I decided to try them out for myself a couple months ago and would also recommend avoiding - as posted above, better to do a 5% price beat at 99 Bikes.

    Ordered 2 tyres and they sent one in a completely different size. They have no phone number for support, so the only option is email which always takes at least 48 hours for a reply. They said they sent a return label to me (one rep said via post, one said via email) but was never received. Took many follow up emails just to get the return label, the tyre has been returned to them but there is no sign of my replacement - they said they dispatched it about 4 weeks ago which seems doubtful now.

    • Haven't bought any bike stuff for a few years (just getting back into it). Hopefully no dramas with the (my) order(s).

      PS Also paid via Paypal so any issues and should be simple getting ressolved.

  • +2

    Wow. Thanks for the warning

  • +7

    Sign up to their newsletter and get $10 off as well. Code was TAKE10 but not sure if this is generic.

    • +3

      How can anything be more generic?

    • Didn't work for me.

    • +2

      Need to register an account (the code is linked to an email address) and spend at least 45 or 49 dollars (one email said 45, one 49). I bought two tyres, then added on two $5 tubes and then got the $10 discount.

      • +1

        The $49 minimum and the $45 minimum are two different codes (worth the same amount). One is for creating an account and the other is for signing up to the newsletter.

  • +3

    great price for a bike tyre = most repuatable commuter tyres range $40-$50 - i have been using gator skins lately but i am aware this tyre does have a good reputation - main criteria is puncture resistance and these are that by the sound of it…glad to see bike stuff on ozb so +1

  • +1

    I had these in the past, wet weather traction was a bit hairy. I now use Michelin endurance and I'm a lot more confident in the wet with thesw but the refuse will probably do more mileage.

  • delete dupe

  • +6

    Get the folding instead of the wire bead… Thank me later..

  • I bought these 4-5 years ago and they were a massive PAIN to put on. Other than that, they're pretty good but I would not buy another set due to the pain of swapping them out.

    • Perfect excuse for a second wheelset! ;)

  • Good price for these tyres, and they are of decent quality.
    I wouldn't know about this website though, I believe they could be related to velogear, as many things appear similar.

    • Looks to be the exact same sale with similar but different shipping prices so i'd guess they are the same.

  • +2

    No way these retail for $50, i remember i used to buy them for $25 years ago

  • +1

    Looking at some of the reviews they don't seem to have a very good track record.

    • +4

      They are the worst

      • Their FB page is also full of complaints from unhappy customers - don't people look at reviews before parting with their money?

        • As per their terms:
          Handling time 1-3 days
          Sending to same state:
          Metro - up to 2 business days
          Country - up to 5 business days
          Sending interstate:
          Metro - up to 3-6 business days, depending on lodgement and destination points
          Country - up to 4-7+ business days

          Pay via Paypal and if you don't receive in that time raise complaint with Paypal.

          As per @Forenti 's comment you can try 99 Bikes for 5% price beat + delivery. Haven't bought bike gear in years so was unaware of that but i'll see how i go.

          For me, any dramas and their warehouse is a 15min drive away

          • @Villainous: Please note due to COVID-19 and the safety of our staff and customers, pick ups and walk in customers are temporarily suspended.

            • @bongom: Hmmm i didn't see that lastnight, i wonder if they didn't just update that as i emailed them lastnight about pick up.

        • +2

          Can confirm this company are the worst I have brought from them a few months ago, long lead time, part of order missing, so much correspondence, such a long time for the support guy to get back to you - it is a concerning when the support guy replies back with his name and (I'm new and currently in training) on the end!!!

          but they delivered in the end and got a good deal - that is the most important thing..

          • +1

            @PerthectDeal: I bought something from these guys a couple of months back. Lead time was slightly longer than I had anticipated (around 6-7 business days from order being placed for same state metro), but other than that I don't have any complaints with them.

            Admittedly, I was only buying a rear skewer for my trainer so it would be hard to mess up. It did arrive in good condition and what I asked for.

  • +1

    Can confirm these are very puncture resistant, crashed into a curb the other week and tires held up fine no issue.

    Rim was not in a good shape but tires were no issue and managed to hobble home fine.

  • Good luck with the store, not the best in terms of service and delivery. Have used them in the past. Bicycle store was a Sydney based store that closed few years ago. Now the online website is mananged by velogear.

  • Not sure why the negs about the store. Have had minimal issues and of the few, all resolved very quickly. I've purchased quite a few items from them over a few years.

  • I am just wondering if I need 700 x 32 ones which ones would be the best from puncture resistant perspective ?

    • +1

      Tyres or tubes? What bike is it going on?

      • Merida Speeder 100 Flat Bar Road Bike (2018).
        Can tubes be puncture resistant ?

        • +1

          Yes, you can can thicker tubes which are harder for thorns and glass fragments to penetrate. Alternatively you can inject them with slime (or buy them pre-filled), which seals small punctures when they arise. You might lose a little air before they seal so carrying a pump is always advisable.
          I used to run Gator Hardshells on my daily commute for their puncture resistance but their wet weather performance was an issue one day (front wheel slid out going around a wet roundabout). So I moved to a better wet weather tyre, which was less puncture resistant and used slime filled tubes.

          You need to figure out what best meets your specific needs regarding tyre/tube combinations. Your commute (assuming you do) will be different to mine e.g. different climate, road/path conditions, elevation changes, traffic etc In addition their can be other considerations like your fitness/weight, target speeds (if any), budget etc. YMMV - and remember, you're not stuck with the same combo. It's easy to try something different and if it doesn't work, change again.

  • Being away from bikes for a while, why is there now a shrader valve? Horrible thing. The little brass bit snapped off inside the short (useless) bike pump. Bought a new tube, first wouldn't seal/ let air out when removing the pump. Then same thing happened again. Got 1 ride out of it. Grabbed an old 'car valve' tube from 1990..happy times. Still holds air, and can top it up at the servo if ever needed. Whoever 'shrader' is, they're either a moron, or a genius as everything seems to have these rubbish construction valves.

    • +2

      Whoever 'shrader' is, they're either a moron, or a genius as everything seems to have these rubbish construction valves.

      Schrader are the car style ones.

      The smaller, thinner connector is a presta.…

      • +2

        Haha, yes ..big day ..Tired! Sorry Augusta Schrader. Presta valves.. terrible. Did some research, skinny rims/ holes/ weakness..I get it now. Still rubbish.

      • I'm forever getting them mixed up too. I've never busted presta valves but I've bent plenty, so probably close. Complete non issue with the car valves.

    • +1

      Presta valves have existed for a looooong time. I suspect it's a problem with the bike pump itself. Some bike pumps are valve specific, but most modern ones fit both without an adaptor. Also, don't use a servo pump for bike tyres - you can easily blow the tube.

  • I don’t post often but this store is terribly slow at shipping goods and the words “In stock” doesn’t mean a lot to them. Don’t be surprised if you get an email in 2 weeks saying “sorry, this is out of stock”.

    • Precisely, they are hopelessly slow in shipping and delivery. I once bought a back pack and was told after 2 weeks that they don't have the them in stock. Even though the store offered me an alternate/upgrade the replacement was shipped only after another 3 weeks.

      If you enter very large quantity for a order the website allows you to proceed with the order. They have no proper inventory/stock management.

  • What's a good width to go when converting a mtb 29er to these 700c commuter tyres?

    • +2

      I'd say at least as wide as your rim.

  • The long delivery times suggest drop shipping?

  • +1

    I just received a shipping notification from Aus Post. I ordered 4 of the re-fuse 700x25's.

    • Wow that's good to hear.

      I ordered probably 5min before posting the deal and haven't got anything yet. I ordered the 23c's + tubes though.

  • So what do theses tires actually do, apart from road raging drivers.

  • +1

    ive used this tyre, good tyre.

  • Can someone link me to a good video on how to change a tube. Gave it a shot on the weekend and was unsuccessful. I want to know how to do it because I once walked/ran a bike over 2 hours to get home

  • +1

    Not sure of a good video to point you to but i do the following:
    1. Check your rim tape and inside of tyre to ensure nothing inside will puncture the tube
    2. Inflate tube to untwist and obtain correct shape
    3. Seat one side of tyre on rim
    4. Partially deflate tube enough to hold shape while placing inside tyre but not balooning out. Ensure it's sitting up inside
    5. Once inside tyre place valve through valve hole in rim
    6. Work the tyre onto rim and pushing down to ensure it's seated properly
    7. Finish by using PLASTIC tyre leavers
    8. Inflate to max pressure and re-mount wheel

  • +1

    I can confirm that 99 bikes has beaten the price by 5%. Although in store they didn't know their own tyres well and tried to tell me they didn't have the same model. Then I sorted it out via the website and they were very helpful and quick. Got back to me in about 30min via email. I'm picking up 2 of these as soon as I can be bothered driving over there.

    • .99cents off @ 99bikes! ;)

      bicycle store responded to my email enquiry today and I just got email update of awaiting shipping for my order. So far so good.

      I'm now thinking i should've got a couple of spare tubes so maybe i'll hit up 99 bikes also for the extras

      • +1

        Just checked stock @ 99bikes and no Maxxis welter weight tubes in vic and no refuse 700x23c wire bead at all…

  • +1

    Have received shipping confirmation and tracking number from Bicycle store as well as from Auspost.

    Hearing people here saying they had bad experiences in the past with this store had me worried that I had put up a bum deal for everyone…

    Hope everyone else has the same quick turn around.

    • +1

      Same. Got the shipping/tracking info. I only put my order in yesterday at 11am., and the reply after ordering said 1-5 business days, so I expected a long turn around.

      • Nice, good to hear!

    • +1

      My order was delivered this morning. I put a set on straight away and went out for a ride (beautiful sunny day in Melb). Maybe I was just lucky but couldn't really fault bicyclestore on service, delivery speed or product. Very pleased. Thanks for posting the deal OP

      • +1

        Yep my order arrived this morning (Melb) also. Very happy. Tyres and tubes are on but still finalising getting the bike back on the road after being neglected for a few years. Hopefully tomorrow!

        Glad you got a good deal too.

  • Can anyone comment on tubeless tyres? I have a basic commuter bike with 700x23C tyres that will need replacing soon. Was considering going the solid/tubeless route but I've never used them before.. Other than no air and inner tube, whats the real difference?

    • You still need air. Tubeless are not solid. They don't have an inner tube which could be prone to 'pinch' flats and you can use a leak stopping goo to prevent puncturing in them.

      • Ah, cheers for clearing that up. I don't really know much about this stuff at all..

    • +1

      its great, but its an absolute pain and messy. you have to put sealent every 3 months or so. if you repair it, it gets really yucky and messy inside. also you need to buy a new pump for loads up the psi and shoots it all out once to seal the tyre to the rim.

      i used it in my aero bianchi bike, but switched back to latex innnertubes and racing low rolling resistance tyres.
      just stick to innertubes, it only cost $5 for an innertube. also get a tyre for commuting that is a great defense against punctures.

  • +1

    Great, got some for my wife so i can keep up with her

    • Good value

  • My experience is exactly opposite, worst tires I ever had, moneywise gatorskin or schwalbe (pretty much any) are better and cheaper per km. Refuse started getting punctured after 1000km, the others were going strong after 5000km, the exact same commute, 150km a week.

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