Hi everyone this is my 4th offer on this group.
We just received a huge amount of Diamond Art Sets at sensational prices.
These sets are of great quality not the cheap version that is readily available at some places.
Please do not compare prices to the cheap versions.
Thank you to everyone's support so far.
Ozbargain customers have been great in supporting our family business.
Thank You so much.
Set of 4 Diamond Art Sets $25.00 (Shipping from $9.99) @ JohnnyBoy
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They look a jigsaw of sorts to me
Think they’re a picture, and then you stick little diamond things on them
Little dots you get to place on numbers to create a picture.
Its a picture where you stick tiny little shiny coloured plastic diamonds onto the picture like a paint by number, they glisten/shine sparkle in the light, Different sizes =different prices, plus with some, the whole sheet must be done and others just some parts of the sheet. Some cheap shops have a cheap version, Spotlight stores carry a brand as do Kaiser Craft stores.
Yeah , your right , plenty options . I don’t even notice such thing exist and not interested. Trying to save money to buy made in oz only. Bring it back oz
Suitable for kids?
Yes, they can be. my kids, 7 and 8 1/2 have done one each.
I still can't believe this occurred (not saying this product is at all associated) - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/06/09/toddle… and actual recall notice - http://www.aquadotsrecall.com/
What are these exactly?