The second payment is late- Should I have done something?
Does a Sole Trader Have to Report Regularly to Continue to Get JobKeeper?
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Ha Ha lucky you 😊 I was on there for nearly 2 hours today but they fixed my mistake. When I was filling out the forms hadn't realised that stage 2 blue box would take me to the page I needed to be on so had not completed my registration and cut off date was down as 31st May,the 1st person said they couldn't help but put me through to someone else second person I spoke to said they also couldn't help but then said they would check if they could do anything after checking they said the Government had extended the cut off date until the 5th of June and she took all my details down and finished the application for me then said I should have the money in about 5 days
Best part (except for the getting what I want) was both times I got a message saying you have reached the front of the queue and your call will be taken by the next available operator and then I kept receiving this message for next 35-40 minutes 😊
so short answer the phone call is worth it no matter how long you have to wait
But yes, you have to report monthly. That shouldn't affect the 2nd fortnightly payment if the first went through OK though.
No sole trader has the second payment yet.. the monthly reporting should open up on Monday, then we will receive payment shortly after.
The ATO is requesting monthly declarations for how much you had earned in the previous month and a prediction of how much you you will earn in the coming month
ATO pays you monthly
Do you declare JobKeeper income as income for the purpose of JobKeeper?
my understanding is that once you're in, you're in but they want to get monthly declarations to track how business is going?
For sole traders, will jobkeeper be a business income(ABN) or TFN income for tax lodgement purpose?
May's declaration is now available in Business Portal
Call up the ATO, I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of wait time and the extended hours when I tried, they fixed up an issue with my claim in a tenth of the time I had spent trying to figure it out.