An article by talked about what term are being coined for the current economic crisis and how economists might remember this in future. Here are some terms from that article.
What do you think best describes it?
What Name Would You Give to The Current Economic Crisis?
Poll Options
- 53Great COVID-19 Recession or GCR (Morgan Stanley)
- 3Great Virus Crisis (Ed Yardeni)
- 4The Pandession (David McWilliams)
- 14The Great Lockdown (IMF)
- 3Global Hard Stop (Bloomberg Economics)
"The Brodening" has a nice ring to it.
The Great Brodening
The Wuhan Crash.
Many, but by no means all, novel viruses are named after the places where they were found.
Japanese encephalitis…
"The first case of Japanese encephalitis viral disease (JE) was documented in 1871 in Japan."Hendra virus…
"HeV was identified during the first recorded outbreak of the disease in the Brisbane suburb of Hendra, Australia, in 1994."Ebola virus…
"The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name."Marburg virus…
"Two large outbreaks that occurred simultaneously in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1967, led to the initial recognition of the disease."I guess the above should be petitioning the WHO to revise the names to something neutral and not linked to any geographic location.
Gotta call it something.
Also MERS, although 'Middle Est' covers a lot of land.
Spanish Flu should have been called the Kansas Flu.
(Think it was Kansas where it started, CBF'd looking it up)
GPFC global pandemic financial crisis. (archi of Ozbargain)
Covid Goldmine - some are making a killing from this
The combined fortunes of America’s billionaires ballooned by $434 billion during the coronavirus pandemic…that marked a 15-percent increase in the total net worth of the nation’s more than 600 billionaires between March 18 and May 19.
SourceIf most people are losing money from losing their job and the government are accruing massive amount of debt, that would be the usual place that the shift in wealth would go to.
It's not some kind of natural process, it is intentional.
At the risk of being taken to court for libel, I think you are being a bit one sided there Kahn.
Why don't you mention the Chinese billionaires who have also massively benefited from the pandemic? Especially considering they supply the majority of the worlds medical supplies. Last time I checked China was in second place with the number of billionaires and rapidly rising, which I find rather ironic considering China is supposed to be "communist".
It's well known in the financial world that China has been a prominent "winner".
In fact apparently Eric Yuan, a Chinese born American founder and CEO of Zoom has profited the most over the past couple of months with his wealth ballooning 77% from $3.5 billion to $8 billion.
In fact the article below which is more up to date (April 11) than the one you posted, suggests that "Only 9 of the world’s top 100 billionaires have gotten richer during the coronavirus pandemic — and all of them are Chinese"
I'm not saying the article I posted is completely accurate, and neither probably is the one Khan posted, but I think it's more prudent reading from multiple sources and forming your own opinion, than that which may be forced down your throat buy people, governments and corporations that have their own interests at heart…
No Bat Out of Hell?
Chinese Virus Depression
Chinese Originated Virus Imposing Depression (COVID)
Lol, I like the all caps.
Or Scamdemic.
Super Secret Totally Not Tinfoil Hat China Engineered Wuhan Virus Triggered Diplomatic Failure Trade War Recession.
I love how it rolls of the tongue.
Coincidentally, it also spells SSTNTHCEWVTDFTWR.
No pun intended.
I would call it The Great Aquisition Bailout because the largest businesses in the world eg Amazon. are swallowing up all their competitors who have been forced to shut down and the tax payers have funded it.
Levels of socialism for the wealthiest (while everyone else is left to practice "rugged individualism") are at their all time highest. For example the US just approved a 25 billion dollar bailout of the lobbying sector, the sector that exists for the wealthy to control the Government.
I would call it The Great Aquisition Bailout
The GAB?
Isn't that Facebook for the neo-Nazi set?
everyone who doesn't agree with me is a nazi
Or has a Facebook account.
@brendanm: So you're a neo-Nazi who posts on Gab?
Huh, explains a lot. (PS: don't use your real name on there.)
@D C: I actually didn't even know it existed until you just posted about it above. I don't have Facebook, Twitter, gab or any other "social media". I don't feel the need to virtue signal to the world constantly.
Nice usage (again) of "everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi" though.
It's like Facebook for free speech in line with US laws.
Facebook for free speech in line with US laws.
Right. Neo-Nazis, as said.
All you can eat Wet Market.
Kung Flu Crash
(neg away snowflakes)Its catchy.
Dammit, so simple yet brilliant!
As mentioned originally by Donny Trump..
China virus crisis. Pretty catchy.
I think Trump disease is more of an intellectual disability to be honest.
What about "Plandemic"?
Can we add this one top the poll?The Great Petrol Price Correction of 2020.
2020 Financial COVID Up
The Greater Leap Forward
Super Duper Global Financial COVID Depression2020 Covid Crash
The chinese burn
Boaty mcboatface.
The badly thought out and unfair abuse of political power
Pam is sooo 2019.
HelloKaren? Is that you?
The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of March 2020
That time we all completely lost our minds and shit for two months in March and April 2020 when we didn’t really need to.
The “what sort of economy falls apart so quickly” crash.
The Great Toilet Paper Caper.
The CRAP - "Can't Acquire Rectal Paper"
Can't Requisition Arse Paper.
This is how acronyms work!
For carp's sake…
I'm going back to bed.
Financially Unprecedented Coronavirus Krisis (F.U.C.K)
I'd call it 'vegan's revenge'. After all, what is 'coronavirus' an anagram for? Other snappier names based on this welcome…
Attack of the Pooh
Train from Wuhan
China Flu
I'm not sure the anagram above was clear. I find the fact that 'coronavirus' spells 'carnivorous' pretty wild. I only mention this again, as I hoped some good names would come from this.
ofc if the current crisis were a person they'd be Donald Trump or some people think should be called broden