This was posted 4 years 9 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Instant Pot Duo Nova 3L $131.90, 5.7L $189, 8L $209 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Amazon currently have 30% off Instant Pot.

Other sizes:
3L $131.9
5.7L $189

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Agh.. of course it goes on sale days after I get the older Duo ver for the same price… sigh

    • +2

      Aww, sorry :( Any chance you could return it if it's unopened still?

      • +2

        The checkout person actually opened everything to show me that all the parts were inside which I thought was odd haha. Thanks for the post, at least I've learned I should wait for sales!

        • Buy this one and return the new product to where you bought the first one.

  • Are these any good? I've never really looked into one, but with covid and cooking more - it might not be a bad idea.

    • +5

      I love mine, got it a few years ago from Amazon UK. There are so many Instant Pot recipes out there as well now. I love these 2 bloggers in particular : (check out her YouTube channel as well)


      • What does the instant pot do that regular electric pressure cookers don't?

        One thing I am short on with mine is variable heat for browning the meat prior to pressure cooking, not sure if these do that?

        • I've never used other electric pressure cookers, but IP has a sauté function so you can brown your meat etc first prior to pressure cooking.

          • @greenie: I just do that on the cook function, it does run at full heat which is a bit painful but it can be done by manually turning it off and on

        • -1

          Because you can precisely follow recipes designed for Instant Pots, due to the standardisation of the product.

          • @sickre: I have been using my pressure cooker for a while now, and I can't say that's ever been a problem.

            Point me to an instant pot cookbook, would be happy to try it out

        • combines an electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker and yogurt maker

          just more functions

          if u already have a presure cooker then dont get it

          • @Mokr: yeah mine does pressure, slow and rice, but I prefer slow cooking in a propwer slow cooker with a crock pot, and not sure about the yoghurt making, I don't think mine does that. I thought you could make yoghurt in anything?

            • @Jackson: Instant pot recipes work on other pressure cookers too.

  • +2

    Thanks, picked up the 5.7L model.

  • +2

    I got the 3l in Feb on sale and still haven’t opened it!

    • Aww, you should! I'm waiting for the 3L one to be even cheaper during prime day / Black Friday so I can use it exclusively to make yoghurt lol.

      • Are you using yoghurt culture or just adding existing yoghurt? Does it take long to make?

        • You can buy starter cultures or use natural (no additives, sugar, flavour etc.) yoghurt.
          Add to milk after it has cooled down to about 40 degC.
          Check online for details.

          The instant pot has different yoghurt settings. Takes about 8 hours to finish fermentation.

          Tastes better, is much cheaper and better for health. (Live culture, no additives)

        • +1

          I use natural yoghurt. It takes about 7-10 hours, depends on how sour you like your yoghurt. I incubate mine for 8 hours, then leave in the fridge to set for at least 4 hours (usually overnight).

          Check this recipe (use long-life full cream milk).

          • @greenie: So long life full cream milk is the way to go? I get confused watching all these American YouTube videos as I have no idea what they mean for some of the ingredients lol. Not always sure what our equivalents are. There are very few Australian specific instant pot recipes around.

        • +1

          I've found that a cheap $50 yogurt maker makes just as good a yogurt as the Instant Pot - I only use the IP when I need to make a huge batch of yogurt, but quality-wise I didn't notice any difference.
          Being able to make soy and other non-dairy yogurt is a huge incentive to make my own :)

        • +2

          Just get an easyyo for $20. It's so easy to use just a giant thermos really.

      • You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve used it four times. Two times it wouldn’t get to pressure and I had to cancel and take the bits off and give them a slight bang and then it got to pressure. Not sure If that’s normal of if mine is faulty.

        • Which bits did you take off and give a slight bang? That doesn't sound normal at all, it's most likely faulty.

        • Mine is also often needing a nudge to get the valve sealed. It otherwise boils off the liquid inside and then shows a burning food error.

  • Is this the same as something like this one bellow.

    Phillips HD2237

    Have been looking to get one for my mum.…

    • +2

      Yes it is the same and we have it. You can use all Insta pot recipes on it.

    • I've never used a either but would think stainless bowl in OP will be more durable than the Philips.

      • +1

        Instant pot is a multi cooker. The main functions are slow cook and pressure cook. Most appliances like this can also do some sort of saute/hot cook without lid on so that you can start a recipe as you would on the stove, then pop the lid on and either slow cook or pressure cook the rest.

        If it slow and pressure cooks, you can do instant pot recipes in it.

    • +3

      How about this one? it has stainless steel bowl…

      • once you have the stainless steel bowl they are similar, differentiator is stainless bowl vs aluminium non-stick bowl between brands.

      • If you are trying to save money you can get cheaper, albeit you may not have the stainless steel bowl. they can usually be bought separate for around 50 bucks, as a guide I bought an electric pressure cooker for $29 and another for $40, so even spending 50 on a bowl you could come out with change from 100 bucks

    • +3

      I bought the Philips and regret it. It's very hard to get rid of food smell from the lid of the Philips HD2237 (in fact it's not possiple to) even when u take apart every removable part from the lid and then re-assemnle them. I haven't used the instant pot but from review there are 2 features that don't exist in yhe Philips HD2237: Instant Pot lid can be rested on the side of the pot itself (O realise now how precious this feature is), and Instant pot has steam mode (Philips one doesn't have steam mode and it's not possible to use other modes for steaming because timing is an issue)

      • +1

        Purchased the 6L Philips one from BigW today for $160. Looks great next to my Airfyer. Just need to learn to use it now.

        It does have a steam function, it's listed as a primary feature on the box although no dedicated button.

        Not sure what you mean about the lid, it's just stainless steel which is easy to clean.

        • My seal smells so gross, husband made a stew last week and the smell is strong enough to fill the dishwasher after its been washed and dried.

  • +1

    Thanks OP got the 5.7L.

  • +1

    Saw that, have wanted one for ages, mostly for dried beans and peas etc.
    Around $150-160 would be nice, not exactly cheap for what they are and already have a rice cooker, air fryer, stove lol.

    I guess you may save money getting dry beans instead of tinned ones over a lifetime (and less waste), it's the only reason I don't use them - the soaking and cooking takes a bit too long otherwise.

    • The Breville multicook has a bean and lentil speed soaking feature. Does lentils, beans, all sorts of recipes.…

    • I use the Tefal multi cook and grains machine for cooking chickpeas from dry. Takes a few hours rather than overnight which I love!

      • Curious, what's the difference between using dry instead of canned chickpeas straight away?

        • +1

          less waste (no plastic lined tins), less carbon one would expect, more traditionally accurate cooking to use the dry, probably cheaper also as 40% of the tin is usually liquid, possibly fresher and less leaching of the vitamins (but that would need to be confirmed). All at the expense of extended cooking time or soaking.

          With chickpeas, if I put dried ones in the slow/pressure cooker by the time the mean is finished they are still intact, so you don't have to stop the cooker and put them in before then end if you don't want them disintegrating.

          • @Jackson: Using dry ones, without pre-soaking. Will make you fart more, canned ones are pre-soaked.

            Something to do with the enzymatic breakdown

      • The best way to cook chickpeas is to soak overnight and pressure cook the next day, if cooking straight from dry it takes a lot of time

        • The machine I'm referring to has a special option to cook chickpeas (and other beans) from dry. It's specifically why I bought and use it. It does NOT take a lot of time using it. It is not a pressure cooker.
          Soaking overnight might be the best way but I do not need to do this so I don't…

  • 5.7l or 8l is the 8l too big?

    • i've got a family of 5 to feed and i've been using a 5.7L basic cooker for a few years. Just picked up this up myself and looking forward to the upgrade :)

    • I have a 6L Sunbeam Aviva and it's fine, but 8L would be so much better.

  • +1

    Cheers OP. I bought one a couple of months ago for $269 on the credit card. Can put a price protection claim now :)

  • I got the 5.7l.

  • Crap there's no cash back for this.

  • Is this the one with a stainless steel bowl?

    • +1

      "High quality, three layered stainless-steel inner cooking pot" according to the product description.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, just bought 8L model.
    No cashreward
    No free delivery unless you're a Prime account

    • I chose free Standard delivery, but I had to change delivery from Expedited ($5.99 to QLD) to Standard on the checkout page.

    • It's free standard delivery. You most likely chose expedited?

  • Noob here - are there any downsides of cooking with enough for only 1 person in the pot using the 5.7L? sometimes meal prep for the week will need the 5.7L but otherwise it'll only be cooking 1 or 2 meals worth.

    • +4

      The bigger the pot, the longer it takes to pressurize, so the best option is to go for a size that will suit your normal cooking amount. If you're primarily doing 1-2 serves per cook I'd think the 3L would be the most appropriate.

    • +2

      Leftovers are your best mate when you're cooking for only 1.

    • +4

      I'd go for 5.7L and freeze the leftovers. You don't have to cook as often!

  • Anyone could advise some comparison between the CrockPot and InstantPot? Or they are pretty much the same just the brand difference? Thank you!

    • +1

      The reviews on the Amazon US store indicate that the Instant Pot product to be exceptionally good.……

    • Isn't crockpot just a slow cooker? Instant pot is a multi cooker.

    • +1

      Crockpot express is designed to be practically the same. All the fb recipe share groups for crockpot express say you can use any instantpot recipe. I have the crpckpot express xl which is 7.6l (8qrt). It's decent, I have cooked beans and chili. harvey norman has a cheap extended warranty on it which adds an extra couple of years for around $20.
      Also I've made red wine in it and it was really tasty.

    • +1

      I purchased the crockpot express XL from the recent Myer sale for $149. It was mainly to cook pho which usually takes me 6-8hrs but now only 1.5hrs in pressure cooker mode. Love it. 7.6l is still not big enough pot for me lol I was looking at the Instant Pot aswell mainly for the stainless steel bowl and 8l capacity but it was still $299 at the time. I think that's the only difference between the two. All other functions are the same ie, steam, slow cook, yogurt, boil, saute etc. I'm hoping CP will come out with a stainless steel bowl for purchase.

  • +3

    For those considering the 5.7l Instant Pot, just an FYI - The Breville Fast Slow Pro, which Kenji from Serious Eats uses has gone on sale for similar prices and is arguably a better model (Full disclaimer: I own one and love it).

    The Philips All in One Multi Cooker goes for even cheaper.

    They all do essentially the same thing, just gives you varying levels of control and different bowls etc.

    Also note - most instant pot recipes are written for the 5.7l+ models, you will have to make adjustments to most recipes if you buy the 3l model.

    • +4

      One difference I've noticed is the stainless steel bowl. The Instant Pot comes with one and apparently it's easier to clean. The other two do not (the Phillips has an add-on purchase of one for another $49) and the Breville has some ceramic coated bowl. Even comments on say "Love the product. But would like to buy a stainless steel bowl. Person in the shop said I could but it’s not here on the site so disappointed." and "Great functions and easy to clean but desperately needs a stainless steel bowl as an option for those who prefer chemical-free cooking."

      The problem with such coated bowls is that over time, the coating gets stripped. More $ to replace.

      • +1

        Had the problem with coated bowls flaking. When I buy now I look for food grade stainless steel.
        Bought the Phillips and had to order from their website. Got 2 stainless steel bowls, which were shipped direct from overseas.
        Was good investment.

        Seriously considering getting the instant pot now, because of their 3 yoghurt temperature setting options.

        Making natto for nattokinase, tempeh for getting phyto nutrients, Koji for rice wine etc,
        Need the different temperatures in stainless steel pot.

        • Good to see a fellow natto maker! I've read recipes online for making natto with an instant pot, but I haven't tried it as I wasn't fully convinced it'd work as well as the traditional method. Two reasons: the yogurt setting I believe keeps the temperature between 40-45 degrees which is a tad high for natto. I don't know what the temperature range is on the 'low' setting; the manufacturer doesn't tell you so the only way to know is to buy a special thermometer. Secondly since natto needs some airflow for fermentation, I don't know if the tighly sealed lid on an IP is a problem. Guess the IP is good for steaming the beans though.

          • +1

            @pe arl: Why not use a glass lid for the IP? Some people use a glass lid when making yoghurt, either the IP brand one or just a generic one.

            • +1

              @greenie: Oh that's a good point, thanks! I actually have the glass lid so I don't know why I didn't think of that :)

          • @pe arl: Made first natto this month in a yoghurt maker with water bath at 40 C for 24 hrs.
            Was waiting for instant pot to get cheaper.
            Found the temperature settings online: page 5 in manual.
            Yoghurt function: up to 99 hrs 30 min
            Normal mode:36-43C
            Less mode:30-34C
            More:71-83C for pasteurized milk

            So normal would be good for natto.
            Less for tempeh etc.
            Trying to see what is more convenient and or expensive, or healthy.
            Natto worked great= Nattokinase for health issues and tastes good when made at home.

            Temperature for natto can be up to 45C according to Japanese info.
            Yoghurt maker with waterbath worked well at 40C.

            • @Pumat: That's good to know, thanks for the info. I remember reading someone's blog post where they manually checked the temperature and it fluctuated between 40 and 45 on the normal setting, but I dunno if that's accurate. I might have a go in the IP too then! I've been using a water bath too (42.5 deg) and it's a bit fiddly. Haven't tried tempeh yet but sounds like a good challenge!

              • @pe arl: Fiddly setups here as well + Philips pot doesn't Steam! Need steamed beans, taste better.

                Steamed beans freeze well.

                Seriously considering 8qt. IP so I can make more and freeze most.
                So much time goes into sterilization of equipment and soaking, timing, temperature checking, ferment.

                Bigger 8qt. IP might be better.
                Tempeh is really good, lots of variety. People make it into 'minced meat or sausage, bacon' like products and sell it at high prize. Good to make yourself.

                • @Pumat: Where do you get your tempeh starter from? Might give this a go!

                  • +1

                    @greenie: Got it from Mr. Tempeh in WA, Margret River.


                    They have been making tempeh for a long time.
                    Worked first try for me.
                    They also use cotton instead of plastic! Was not happy with everyone using plastic.
                    Cotton works much better as well.

                    PS sorry for late reply. Pinched nerve in back a few days ago. Incapacitated.

                    • @Pumat: Thank you! Great to hear they don't use plastic.

                      Sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon! :)

                      • @greenie: Found good info on tempeh making. Not sure if one can private message here. Let me know if you want more info.
                        I ended up going rogue and sprouting beans first :)
                        Turned out great, much nicer than normal tempeh.
                        Still not sure if buying 8qt. IP is the best buy.

                        Back very slowly improving, can use my right arm a bit.= Typing again

                        • @Pumat: I found a recipe online that seems very easy to follow. Might give it a go one day, after I buy a starter lol.

                          Why do you need to go for the 8qt IP though? Is the 3qt one not big enough? I'm hoping they'll have an even better price on Prime Day for the 3qt!

                          • +1

                            @greenie: Considering 8qt because 6 l pot only lets me steam 500g dry beans, after soaking/sprouting.
                            Getting 2 tempeh blocks, which is not that much if you eat it regularly.
                            Fermentation time: 36 hrs
                            Soaking: 8-12 h.
                            Sprouting:2-3 days temperature dependence

                            Washing, rinsing time, sterilization of equipment, setting up incubation chamber, washing equipment etc.
                            Time needed.

                            Love the tempeh, but need more blocks to freeze for later if spending lots of time. Time/energy efficiency!

                            I don't use multiple rinsing, because saponins are actually useful.
                            No dehulling either, not needed with sprouting.
                            Add more time if you do that.
                            Plus temperature monitoring is essential, after about 12 h temperature goes up, so need to be around to monitor to not let it overheat.
                            Means I have schedule to be around then, etc.

                            All is not a problem once you have a routine, but I don't want to do this every week at the moment.

                            Check out sunflower seed tempeh and other beans, lentil, chickpea variations! Great food! Worth the effort!

      • My ceramic bowl has lasted well with over a year's usage so far - but you're right, will likely be an issue eventually! It seems like the Philips + the Stainless Steel bowl might still end up being cheaper than the Instant Pot 5.7l version though.

      • We're on our second Breville Fast Slow Pro, the bowl lasted longer than the cooker did.

        • What happened to the cooker out of curiousity?

          • @poppingtags: Died of an electrical fault after 3 years. I don’t think Breville products have great reliability but the ceramic coated bowl has been solid. And to be fair we use it at least twice a week year round.

    • Interestingly Kenji lists the Instant Pot (older version to OP) as The Best Electric Pressure/Multi-Cooker for Most People (scroll down to results).

    • That bpr700 looks incredible with the number of settings you can change. Some reviews suggest the lid is finicky for pressure cooking - what is your experience? Also trying to work out the range for the temperature settings - could you comment?

      • I haven't had any issues with the lid so far, but I have heard people having issues with theirs.

        What would you like to know about the temperature settings?

    • +1

      I also have the Fast Slow Pro (thanks to a deal from OzBargain).

      Something else to add is that the Fast Slow Pro also has a more powerful heating element. This comes into its own when you’re reducing after you’ve finished pressure cooking. What can take over 30min to reduce in the Instant Pot will take 5min in the Fast Slow Pro. An example of this is onions if you’re making French Onion Soup. For me it’s worth shelling out the extra for Fast Slow Pro.

    • arguably a better model

      Can you argue for why that is?

      Also your first two links seem to be the same.

  • +1

    Thanks OP got the 3L

  • +4

    I also got an amazon shopping mobile app discount for another $10 off.

    • Cheers for that! Always a good feeling when you get further discounts.

    • Same. Just bought the 5.7L for 179.99 with that extra 10 off. Now I don't have to hear "You really need to buy an Instant Pot" anymore.

      • You really need to buy an Airfryer! ;)

        Tussling up between the Instant Pot and the Philips one now…

        • +1

          Should get an Instant Pot and hopefully they will release their airfryer lid in Australia :)

          • @greenie: Got the Philips digital XXL from the Amazon deal already while ago and it's absolutely fantastic. Tempted to complement it with the Philips pot one as very happy with their products.

            • @Hybroid: I've been holding off buying an airfryer so I can save space on the kitchen bench lol. Though I must say have been tempted way too often by the Philips airfryer!

        • I've been hearing that from one of my mates. That's a future purchase, and perhaps Instant Pot's air fryer lid if it ever comes out here.

          Have to consider space with all of these kitchen appliances. I guess I won't be using my slow cooker (6L or so) or rice cooker anymore though. That helps I guess.

  • Damn need to pull the plug on this.

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