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[Pre Order, PS4] The Last of Us Part II $68 (RRP $99.95) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Not as cheap as it ever has been but thought I would share anyway. It's $1 more at Big W and JB HI FI at the moment.

Mod Note: Price has increased by $1 to $69

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -8

    Lots of controversy with this game online.. i haven't been following cause i haven't even played part 1.

    • +20

      Part 1 is fantastic. It came out free with PS Plus a little while ago. Would recommend! Otherwise you can grab a copy for <= $25.

      • +8

        i dont do online multi player games, story based is my thing and TLOU was the best ive ever played…. :)

      • +2

        Completely forgot it went free on PS Plus, I've kept the Disc version installed this whole time like a peasant, lol. Sucks that you have to redownload the whole game to switch to digital, but downloading now to give it another play through in time for Part II. Can't wait!

      • I remember this but weird enough, I can't find the game on it PS+ library.

        I got everything else from Detroit: becoming human to Honour. I'm sure this game on PS+ was way after Honour.

        • It was in October, you may not have added it

      • Yup, ranks up there w/ Half Life as one of the best.

      • TLOU1 is a “PlayStation Hits” game, so you can even find it for ~$19 in the current Days of Play sale

    • -7

      There is no controversy. They delayed the launch by a few weeks because they didn't want a game about a global pandemic that wiped out humanity to be released at the same time as we're all hiding from a global pandemic. Games have been delayed for much worse reasons…

      • +11

        I think he's talking about the crunch culture at Naughty Dog that has been fairly widely reported over the last couple of years.

        • +18

          actually the controversy is in relation to
          1) the main character …. non binary….. lesbian… etc etc and also a misconception that the leaked footage that was recently leaked was an indication of the games story etc
          2) ND and Sony doing copyright take downs on Youtube etc
          3) ND and Sony threatening legal action against content creators when those copyright claims were reversed… and so on and so on

          • +3

            @jimbobaus: There was also the controversy of the leaked plot.

            • @Bryanalves: I'd agree there's been controversy about how ND did their release.

              Delayed release for crunch is not new.

              An indefinite delay, related to research on financial return moreso than the optics of a zombie apocalypse story during COVID, is new. Then a quick backflip and rush to release when they were hit with leaks.

              A lot of that is outside the control of ND and Sony. But where they did have control they made bad decisions.

              I've been a consumer of ND back to Crash. This is the first time I feel like they've got development wrong by fans (not that we're entitled to anything but to be rooting for them to do well).

              I'll judge Part 2 for the product. But I was lukewarm on TLOU, so I'm not sure what will bring me back to ND going forward. I hope for new IP and something other than a linear third person shooter.

                • +2

                  @Bryanalves: Careful with spoilers, please, I had to pull myself from reading when I got to your 2nd paragraph.

                  I'm not buying into where many are finding controversy with the leaked story. I'll keep my judgment until after I playthrough.

                  Consumers can judge now how ND and Sony have handled development and release. That's a part of history now

                  • @poshjimmyxo: Yea cant really explain the core reason why fans mad without the actual plot. If its hard to avoid (i did put a spoiler alert) made mods can help hide it or something.

                    I guess if you don't know the plot then you won't be so outraged as a fan. Then yes perhaps get the game and see for yourself.

                  • +3

                    @poshjimmyxo: 2 hours leaked gameplay and all the main story plots is enough to go off

                • +1

                  @Bryanalves: (profanity) you man.

                  • @onlinepred: Sorry, i already put up a spoiler alert but if it doesn't work I've contacted the mods to see if they can hide it.

                    • +1

                      @Bryanalves: It doesn't work, and I read it. Mate you shouldn't do that. Honestly. Edit it, delete it.

                      • @onlinepred: Sorry, i can't edit/delete as people already replied. I've contacted the mods. Hopefully they address if shortly.

          • +1

            @jimbobaus: Don't care much about 1.
            but I would stay away from this game because of 2 and 3.

            Sony was threatening not only people who publish spoilers but also YouTubers who discuss leaks and spoilers without showing it.
            I somewhat enjoined the first part, but I'm not going to buy the second game just for Sony and ND being … naughty.

            • +2

              @Pest85: The amount of games you could buy have severely been limited now if you base your buying choices on that.

              • +2


                The amount of games you could buy have severely been limited now if you base your buying choices on that.

                That’s a rather bold claim to make, when most people can probably say with confidence that they don’t recall a single other instance of game devs/publishers abusing copyright to strike people for just talking about leaks and spoilers in a very general sense.

              • +1


                The amount of games you could buy have severely been limited now if you base your buying choices on that.

                that's fine with me.
                moreover, if you keep buying as nothing happens, the number of good games without any BS from publishers or developers would be smaller and smaller each year.

            • +1

              @Pest85: don't know why you got down voted when you just expressing your opinion, up voted to balance it out

      • +2

        Dude there are movies about terrorists blowing half of USA up whilst USA 'fights terror'.

        The issue is about Naughty Dog's culture and the disgruntled employee that supposedly leaked spoilers for the game

        • +2

          The hacker known as 4chan refuses to take responsibility.

          The likelihood of disgruntled employee is the simplest answer. 70% leaving is Bioware /Blizzard numbers,

          The managers ran ND into the ground with crunch time, apparently, but it's dubious on multiple fronts, more especially that they were able to use the DMCA to protect trade secrets.

          The scale of damage control, DMCAing their own videos begs more questions and answers.

          As long as you have an enthusiastic workforce, people will sleep in their offices to help out. if the management endorse this, they don't understand how fragile their business is, and how risky Crunch can be if it's proven to be the reason employees were fired for refusing illegal work conditions.

          Especially if Sony gets pulled into a class action lawsuit for lax employment standards and endangering heath. Otherwise it's "not" negligence that a former employee had access to the proprietary IP and leaked the game, or, that it's "somehow" a fault with Amazon Cloud Computing.

          That hacker story seems embellished at best, because the idea of breaking into an AWS cluster / cloud storage area is entertainment. Forget games, hackers could exploit banks and insurance companies, etc who keep their active websites and records on AWS.

          Then, Having development builds uploaded to cloud storage is plausible, but having a dev kit build running is a strange coincidence that no former staff were involved. Especially leaks with development builds so close to release.

          A good deal would be proprietary still, which is how they got the DMCA enforced. But, it's strange that Naughty Dog / Disobedient Canine would have a single AWS login and instance for all of their games, exposed by a patch from TLOU 1, which years later, would have development files for TLOU 2 in the same directory.

          This seems like a very legal spin, given that 70% of the team has churned / changed from 1 to 2. It's perhaps a crutch in order to rely on the DMCA to hide their negligence, and the wording is likely Very Precise to avoid scrutiny and negligence claims.

          I don't think it's enough to put the onus on ND or Sony, but the damage control and misuse of DMCA to censor everyone, even themselves is more of a sign of the extreme damage caused by trying to fix a non-issue.

          The idea of chasing up Memes with the DMCA, is concerning.

  • -3

    I’ll be steering well clear of this travesty.

    • +5


    • -1

      May I ask why? Am I missing something here? I haven't been following any online news about this recently.

      • They kept pushing the release date and then in late April a lot of game play footage leaked. Apparently they got hacked?

        • Yea but is there any reason you wouldn't buy the game? Nothing I've seen has suggested that.

          • +7

            @onlinepred: I'm guessing you haven't seen the leaked footage? If you had, you would understand why people are pissed off

            • +8

              @Jamiea: Abby Smash. But seriously Anita Sarkeesian and her Feminist Frequency BS has ruined this and any other game Neil Druckmann is involved with. (mod: edited inappropriate wording)

              • +2

                @ToTheLeftHandSide: ouch, keep forgetting people like you are still around

                • +2

                  @onlinepred: What people? Because I believe forcing one’s political agenda on the customer should never happen in entertainment? It about entertaining not indoctrinating.

                  • +1

                    @ToTheLeftHandSide: Everything is a political agenda mate, it just so happens you are strongly against sexual preferences depicted in a video game.

              • +1

                @ToTheLeftHandSide: Sounds like I'll love it then!

            • @Jamiea: Why would I see the leaked footage?

          • -6

            @onlinepred: From what I gather people are angry that there are 'unattractive' lesbians in the game, so y'know, a non-issue for normal people?

            • +16

              @CEO Rachel Jake: That's not why people are angry

            • +13

              @CEO Rachel Jake: That's not the issue. They've decided to prioritise pushing their agenda over good storytelling. Why would I pay $$ to game studios that aren't here to entertain me, but to preach their subjective values? Where's the commercial sense in that?

              TLOU is not a game you buy for the gameplay. You probably don't care about a weird story with even weirder characters if you're playing some shooter. But here, it's all about the setting, the characters and story. Like I found it easy to identify with Joel and his motives in part 1. From what has leaked about part 2 (literally everything), they're using a different breed of characters that just don't interest me.

              It's their choice. And it's my money that I am going to keep.

              • -3

                @maxbon: Are you saying they didn't push their own agenda with the first?

                • +5

                  @onlinepred: They did to some degree, but they toned it down to a degree that they didn't sacrifice the story and where it wasn't the central identifying attribute of the main characters. Joel and Ellie were front and centre, but most of the time you'd be playing as Joel. I must assume that many (most) players found it easy to like Joel and to sympathise with his actions and motives.

                  Anyway - enjoy it if you like. I wouldn't - if only 'cause I feel rather strongly about people who are on a mission to push their values on others. Doing so is simply not a video game's place and it is condescending to their paying customers. Not to mention that they're basically insinuating that players need a lesson in "diversity".

                  • -3

                    @maxbon: Are you saying most players were male, and they should have aimed to to males by keeping Joel as the main character? Keeping in mind that there was both same sex and female leads in the first one if you played the add on.

                    • +6

                      @onlinepred: Go and buy it if you like - I've got no problem with that. Neither do I have a problem with Naughty Dog exercising their creative freedom with that game. It's their property, they have every right to do so. Admittedly, I think it's commercially stupid what they've done, but again: not my place to tell them how they should create their game.

                      I just won't spend my money on it.

                      • -1

                        @maxbon: Wow, a whole thread arguing AGAINST creative and artistic freedom in media and arts. Nice.

      • +7

        Let’s just say that what’s been leaked looked so bad for Sony and Naughty Dog that they sent their 3rd party agency on a rampage all over social media with false DMCA and copyright takedowns, even against videos that only talked about the leaks in a general sense without discussing any spoilers or showing any images.

        … Then in their panic, even managed to accidentally strike their own official tweets.

        • +2

          "it hurt itself in its confusion"

      • +2

        Dont get this game

    • Same here, I was looking forward to this game… What has put you off??

    • What? In what way is a sequel to one of the best games of all time now considered a travesty?!

      • +4

        A hacker released a significant amount of gameplay footage spoiling several key story elements. Basically, people are pissed at the "twists" in the story. I would be careful in this thread as you may come across the spoilers.

        • +4

          Oh so people read the spoilers then got upset about them? Okay then.

          Thanks, I'll avoid this thread.

          • +10

            @[Deactivated]: I think the whole thing's overkill. I've read the spoilers. It was so clear that Ellie would burn down Kings Landing from Ep 1, and the fact that she was a Palpatine all along threaded in perfectly. The fact that they were dead the whole time was a little odd, but hey, after 6 seasons of being on the island, it beats eating dinner with Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" in the background, only to cut out mid-scene.

        • Hey man, just wanted to come back to this to say thanks. I had no idea about any of the controversies, so after this comment you made I've avoided ALL discussions of this game until after I finished it. I finished it a week ago and it's still stuck in my head, it was such a ridiculously awesome experience that could have so easily been soured for me if I read any of the leaks.

          So, thanks :)

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Aw, no worries mate! It unfortunately was soured for me due to the leaks so I'm really glad I was able to help someone enjoy their time with it properly :)

    • Bcos you've just got an XB1?

    • +2

      The shills are out in force, I'll be avoiding also, keep the edgy woke politics out of video games. Or don't. Just don't expect to make a huge profit, the target demographics never seem to reward these people by actually giving them their money

    • Why is this so negged. I was going to preorder but I'll wait based on the leaks. Likely to get quite poor reviews

  • +3

    PS4 games lose value so fast so if you're patient enough you can probably get it a lot cheaper later on, unlike switch games

    • +4

      You have a point but I want to play it through quickly enough to avoid spoilers lol

      • +6

        Controversy leaks are enough spoiler for it to wait till its free on ps+

        They really pushing an agenda in this game, it feels like a betray enough to put off many fans

        • -2

          Who is?
          What agenda?
          To what end?

          What the (profanity) are you talking about!

          May I ask who else has an agenda?

          Is it the same one as Sony and naughty dog?

          • +5

            @iamhurtin: The game ends with the world being cured by establishing 5G Cell towers. It's a pretty obvious corporate agenda to get as many people infected by the 5G network as possible.

    • +5

      Generally not with these pre order prices, unless you wait 4 months or so or buy second hand. Otherwise this applies for literally anything in the world, not just PS4 games.

    • +3

      You are probably going to be waiting at LEAST 6 months for this to drop further than the 32% off this price offers. Keep in mind this is likely to be one of if not the biggest releases of the year.

      • +1

        What if it follows a similar trajectory to Death Stranding?

        Price on EB Games at launch: $99.95

        • It's highly unlikely it will. Death Stranding had great launch sales then abysmal sales after. Apparently they still have 3 million copies in warehouse, so they obvious dropped the price to move stock. The Last of Us will sell 5x the amount DS did so they would have no reason to drop the price. Noodlesfordaddy is right, I don't think we'll see any massive price drop for 6 months.

          • @Bombasaur:

            Death Stranding had great launch sales then abysmal sales after. Apparently they still have 3 million copies in warehouse, so they obvious dropped the price to move stock. The Last of Us will sell 5x the amount DS did so they would have no reason to drop the price.

            It took 5 years across two platforms (and many, many temporary discounts and permanent price reductions) for the original TLOU to officially reach 17 million total copies sold worldwide. Death Stranding apparently sold horribly below expectations, but is still said to have sold around 3 million copies in the half year since its launch.

            The problem with AAA titles is that even selling several million copies doesn't necessarily mean success, and apparently having up to 70% turnover rate isn't going to help (bloating the budget to retain what staff they could, and continually training new staff to acceptable levels). Which means that Sony is guaranteed to heavily front-load sales of the game, in the hopes that as many copies are sold at full price as possible at launch.

            Which is why the "had great launch sales then abysmal sales after" is an entirely plausible scenario for TLOU2, especially if the major story beats and twists really plays out as badly as the leaked spoilers suggests they will.

    • True, but once PS5 releases and probes to be Backwards compatible with most PS4 games, the value for PS4 games will increase.

    • I think all games, PS4, Xbox One, PC lose value rather quickly compared to Switch games.

  • +27

    Haven't found anyone that agrees with me (and surely would get downvoted for this) but I thought the gameplay of the first game was medicore at best. The story telling, characters and environment are amazing but pure gameplay.. Didn't think much of it. One of those games where I didn't understand the amount of 10/10 it got.

    • +6

      Fair enough mate - it wasn't everyone's cup of tea

    • What game would you give 10/10 though?

      • +16


        • +1

          I didn't rate it, everyone liked the game play but I hate the graphics and storyline, 4/10 for me.

        • That was ok, but really should have had multiplayer.

      • Witcher 3 is a 10/10.
        Horizon Zero Dawn maybe 9.5/10.

        • +2

          Oh man haha, I didn't like either of those games ;-)

          • @onlinepred: Fair enough, how about the new God of War or Bloodborne?

            • +1

              @Hybroid: Haha, I got gifted the new God of War, and actually used it for a trade in. It's just not my style at all hey, super linear mythical style. Bloodbourne also wasn't my style, it too me hours before I even figured out how to equip a gun haha. I prefer games that more closely relate to history/current day. I really wanted to like Horizon Zero Dawn, but just got too repetitive for me, but the first few hours were epic. BUT I do understand why people love them.

              • @onlinepred: You might like The Order 1886 then. Give it a go.

                • @Hybroid: Strangely I'm 100% hooked on snowrunner right now lol. I'll look onto the order.

        • HZD put me to sleep very quickly

        • +1

          Witcher 3 - 10/10 iAgree

          HZD - 9.5/10 - Nah, I'd rate it 7/10

      • Dark Souls

        • +1

          Come to the conclusion that others like different games and rate them differently haha. I played DS for 15 whole minutes then put it up for sale

          • +1

            @onlinepred: So you didn't even finish the tutorial? Like what you like, but you can't form an actual opinion on a game while playing that little.

            • @ScruffTheJanitor: I just knew it wasn't my style. I would never have picked it up, but got it for free through psplus. I'm not big on rpg at all. I wish I did love them as they get great reviews, and many of my friends love DS.

    • +9

      Not sure why you're getting downvoted so hard for politely expressing your opinion.

      I think the gameplay in a vacuum is nothing amazing, but for me the story elevated it to the point that I enjoyed every minute of it.

      • +3

        It happens all the time. If you criticise a something people love they get really angry even if it’s valid criticism

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