Hi All -
I bought a brand new Outlander in Nov2019.
Not sure if this is related/source or the cause - in April I took the car in for its first service and with that they do a complimentary clean inside and outside wash. Since then everytime whilst driving (mind you only driven 5 times since due to working from home etc.) I have or the Mrs has noticed a little roach roaming around.
The car is very clean, and I have checked under seats and usual areas for any food droppings, but nothing.
We have never seen more than 2 of them. But they are definitely there.
Is it wise to just spray the car with roach spray ? Or there is a more sinister issue at hand ?
Latest sighting: today whilst driving on my neck and one in the boot area (noting Outlander boot is same cabin space as rest of car)
Environmental conditions - currently located in the Middle East, apartment complex, parking at ground level with car port (shade above) and temperatures are averaging about 45 degrees daily
Some pictures I took today
Update 1 26/05: thanks for the suggestions thus far - will remove the toilet paper and water bottles from the car, spray the car. See what happens.
Do all 3 but instead of taking it to dealer, take it to a local car wash when not busy and ask them to look over the entire vehicle for 20 bucks.
Edit: Where did you get Masafi bottles here? Are you in the Middle East? Why are you asking this here?