Hi there I need help to buy guitar.
If you can help with the model or make even website link, would be appreciated.
I am a beginner in music.
Hi there I need help to buy guitar.
If you can help with the model or make even website link, would be appreciated.
I am a beginner in music.
I wouldn't recommend the cheapest from the beginning. There are a lot of badly set up cheap guitars that do nothing but frustrate you & sound crap.
You can however find some good second hand guitars on gumtree or FB marketplace for $150-$200 — I guess that would be a good starting point for beginners.
Have you played any guitars before?
What music style are you more likely to play?
What guitars do you like the look of?
Do you have a budget in mind?
Marquez classical guitar - bought mine like ten years ago for about $60 on an online store and still sounds beautiful now. Never had a problem with it. This isn't the exact one I got but would be similar: https://www.marquez.com.au/collections/guitars/products/marq…
You might prefer the sound of a steel string acoustic if you're only ever planning to strum chords but if you want to learn to read music or do finger picking patterns a classical is easier. Wider neck (easier to finger chords), softer strings which are kinder on the fingers of both hands. And (in my opinion) a sweeter, nicer sound. But not as loud as a steel string.
Gibson J200 Custom. If you spend a little more, you most likely going to really commit to learning.
Also, follow this guy on youtube. One of the silkiest players going around.
He is awesome. Love his videos
sunburst mexican strat, black pick guard.
Ask yourself this question. Do you want to be as legendary as this guy is?
What is your budget and what sort of music do you want to play on the guitar?
Start with this guy https://www.justinguitar.com/site-map-and-lesson-structure
Here's his beginner buying guide: https://www.justinguitar.com/modules/beginner-guitar-buying-…
And 'what's the best guitar for beginners' https://www.justinguitar.com/guitar-lessons/what-s-the-best-…
I bought a beginner electric back in Feb was under $400, and got an amp off Gumtree for $50, pretty happy with the purchase and the lessons from Justin (free).
If you're buying second hand, make sure you get someone with more experience to take a look at the guitar, as there might be serious issues that you might not be able to identify.
Stay away from brands like Gibson and check reviews on specialized sites, as quality control can be an issue.
Also, if you buy an electric, don't buy an amplifier. It's 2020, buy an amp modeler/multi-effect instead, as you will most likely also need a tuner, etc…
If you don't buy an electric, you can probably just stick with a simple tuner for now.
Mate you can get really good miniature amps from china that sound fantastic for cheap these days. That is the real 2020.
Check out a Blackstar Fly 3, my house mate had one they are tiny, have a battery and go quite loud - sell for like $100.
thanks mate, I needed a good laugh after a long day of work
Get a mini-amp bro
@Budju: No thanks, I sold my last amp to a studio ~10 years ago and never looked back, it was a 100w JCM 900 head with a 300w 1960A Vintage cabinet.
I'm sure the mini amp sounds fantastic and loud though.
@RiseAndRuin: That explains why you have no idea what I'm talking about. Thanks for a good laugh after a long day at work buddy
@RiseAndRuin: P.S. the old room mate has like $10k worth of guitars and equipment. Also his friend has played guitar for about 20 years, is a music teacher and has a university degree in music production. They both recommend the black fly 3, for what it is.
are you hands big or small? if your hands are not big, suggest Yamaha APX600. Slim neck and easy to play.
If you're buying electric, don't make the mistake of spending 90% of your money on your guitar and 10% on your amp. Even a crap guitar will sound okayish through a good amp, but everything will sound crap through a bad amp
Or spend 90% money on a good multi effects modeler, that's a safer bet than an amp
Accoustic or electric, 6, 12 or 4 string?
I recommend a 6 string Accoustic, try op shops or cash converters, etc.
I own Yamaha acoustic guitar, the cheap one, but it's been great for me for years.
Pick Yamaha, value for money ratio is off the charts
Have you tried playing at all? If not, just get the cheapest and progress from that as your skills develop.