Hi everyone,
I finally bought a home. Settlement is next week.
The townhouse is about 10 years old in great condition with 2 levels (upstairs bedrooms, downstairs kitchen and living). However I want to do some work before moving in:
1. paint walls
2. replace carpet upstairs
3. replace kitchen benchtop
4. replace lights and switches with smart home lights and switches (can wait until after moving in)
I have looked up some rough quotes and estimates for those work, but I am very much still confused, and would appreciate any pointers, tips, advice and insights
This looks like something I could do myself, although I have never painted walls before. I'm not looking to paint any feature walls. Color would be a light beige.
I have not yet searched how much materials would cost (including hardware), nor how much it would cost to have someone do the job.
a. Is it recommended to paint the walls myself? Why/why not?
b. How long would it someone with zero experience to paint a house around 130m2, noting temperature is low, and I suspect that means paint will take longer to dry.
c. What are the factors to take into consideration when deciding whether to do the paint job myself?
From online search and quote, it appears to be around $600 for installation + cost of material. I will go checkout some providers this weekend to get a feel for the carpet.
a. Assuming a provider has sufficient stock, what does the installation process look like?
b. How long would it take to re-carpet 3 average-sized bedrooms + walkway (my guesstimate is about 50m2)?
c. I heard some people remove the existing carpet themselves. Is that something you would generally recommend doing? Why/why not?
I have searched online, but am still quite unsure about the process. I will make some calls and visit some providers on the weekend, but would appreciate any advice before then.
I do not mind the current kitchen layout/cabinets, etc. From the diagram below, I would just prefer a wider (more depth) benchtop on the Right side (benchtop with the sink and under which there is the dish washer).
Top side
[-]——-[-] Right side
Top side
[-]——-[—] Right side
From my online searches, I understand options could be:
* Full renovation: replace whole kitchen benchtop, cabinet, splashback
* Part renovation: replace bits and pieces, e.g. benchtop and cabinet doors
a. Is it even possible to replace the Right Side of the benchtop only and make it fit the rest, or will everything need to be replaced? Will the cabinets below the benchtop need to be replaced?
b. Do providers usually offer installation, or will I have to get someone else to install? If it is the latter, what factors do I need to consider to ensure 'compatibility' (ie. the benchtop will fit)?
c. I heard there are 'Flatpack' options available. How do they work?
In my current apartment, I have a mix of Google Home Mini, Alexa echos, Tuya smart lights, Philips smart light, Philips switches.
Because of the mix of ecosystems, overall the systems are not very reliable (esp. tuya devices).
Ideally, I would prefer an ecosystem that would work reliably, and would not require internet (e.g. zigbee).
a. Is zigbee the way to go or should I consider zwave or others?
b. Should I get all Philips products or are there comparable or better alternatives for use?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Ive reno my whole house.
Painting is easy, do this before replacing the carpets.
A couple of tips.
Don't use masking tape, if you are using Acrylic paint (Dulux Wash and Wear) then it's water-based, and can be easily cleaned up with a wet cloth.
The issue with masking tape is that it can leak behind the tape, and if you leave it on for too long it will be dry and you can't clean it up. Rather go slower can cut it without tape.
Use a cutting in a paintbrush, it works great. Monarchs are great brushes. These have a slight angle to the bristles.
Don't buy they cheapest roller (pink ones) either, they will leave fluff. I have had no issue with mid-priced rolls.
This video is great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v61PVzLNemk