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Free nbn Internet to Low-Income Families with School-Age Children @ Vodafone (Excl. Pre-Existing NBN Users Since Mar)

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Vodafone understands that access to nbn™ is now more important than ever.
In partnership with NBN Co, Vodafone will be providing education assistance to those in need. We’re offering low-income family households with school-age children access to the nbn™ network on our Essential nbn™ BYO Plan for $0/month until 30/09/20 - so they can have access to online education at home.

The Essential nbn™ BYO Plan comes with unlimited data on nbn™ 25 with a Typical Evening Speed of 22Mbps (7-11pm).

How can I check if I’m eligible for nbn™ Education Assistance?
To be eligible, you must:

Be receiving the Jobseeker or Family Tax Benefit Part A or B benefits
Have at least one school-age child living in your household
Not had an nbn™ service active at your address with any provider since March 1 2020

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I have school-age sense of humour, does it count?

    • +30

      I suppose not:(

    • Nah you gotta make dad jokes to prove you have kids

      • My jokes are sterile, they can't have kids :(

        I suppose they could adopt…

        Does it count?

        • Does it count?

          Your jokes aren't a calculator…

  • +2

    How much is a modum to buy from them?

    • Modum better of buying Netgear or other brand I reckon

      • thank you, I'll plug it into my computor

        • +7

          You guys definitely need nbn™ "Education Assistance". Ha ha

  • -4

    This makes no sense. It should be given to Doctors and Nurses for free!! Like most other marketing from big companies.. :P In seriousness though this is great to see. I would like to see more freebies for those without jobs rather than Doctors.

    • I think giving stuff free for medical staff while they are putting themselves at a higher risk of infection during pandemics is acceptable.

      Permanently? No.

    • +1

      Maybe stop buying/leasing merc and they could afford roughly 60-70 dollars a month for internet.

    • Why the bitterness towards healthcare workers? When you total all the people employed in health, doctors only make up a small percentage.

    • should be given to people who already earn hundreds of thousands??

  • This is a great initiative and I can pass it along to a few people. Only problem is that having a voice only NBN plan probably counts as having an existing NBN service right?

    • Still counts as existing service.

  • +2

    That is an incredible deal and there should have been a lot more of this over the last 2 months.

    kudos to Vodaphone and I hope the get a follow up bump in sales.

  • Can I cancel my current nbn now and apply for this?

    • Not had an nbn™ service active at your address with any provider since March 1 2020


  • -2

    What's the likely wait time to get connected though (it'll have to be satellite)? If it will take 3 months to get hooked up and it runs out in 4 months then the deal is not all that fabulous.

    • +3

      Choosing beggar?

      • Once you go NBN you aren’t allowed to go back to ADSL so I’m trying weigh the pro’s and con’s of this “freebie”. I’m attempting to not automatically jump on a bargain this time because there are now consequences (above and beyond an empty wallet, which is usually the case).

        • What is your dl/ul on adsl?

          • @whooah1979: 19.9/0.9 at the moment (morning). Multiple devices all streaming usually work fine, but we get whole house drop outs for 5 mins at a time which happens more often than I would like. Currently $50/mth 250gb ADSL plan + phone line $35ish/mth. After the freebie (which may be of 0 months use if rural satellites are taking ages to install)… Telstra’s low end NBN (just for an example) is $75/mth + ~$13/mth for youngest child to have Boost prepaid phone for 000 access (if we get rid of the landline). Plus, heritage house to consider for satellite installation (unless they can utilise the old Foxtel dish’s holes). I’m concerned taking up this deal might be a case of: if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it…?

            • +1


              19.9/0.9 at the moment (morning).

              That is good even with dropouts. We had 1/5 of that. Stay with it as long as you can.

        • Does it matter? They can't afford either.

        • Don't move to Skymuster satellite. You can stay on ADSL. Get Telstra to fix your dropouts.

  • +4

    "Be receiving the Jobseeker or Family Tax Benefit Part A or B benefits"

    Makes it sound like another government initiative. "Unless you're already asking for handouts you can't be poor". That's as crazy as not including an unemployed person in official statistics if they didn't bother applying to work for an existing company.

    • +1

      Or, it's simply a logical way to implement programmes targeting the poor. It's not perfect, but it's close enough.

      What's the alternative? Have vast teams of people analysing your whole life to try and work it out? Which would have to be done on the individuals discretion given there's no way to comprehensively define "poor".

      • You're making the same point.

        Why isn't there an ATO income reporting option where you get a status confirming you meet the criteria for "low income" but without having to sign-up to a government welfare agreement? Should be very easy in the interim with the newcomers not requiring an asset test for JobSeeker. A lot of new dole bludgers will need to fulfil "mutual obligations" in just over a week's time. This is to make sure private employment services providers can rake in billions of dollars, more than half a billion dollars last FY in "commissions" for jobs they didn't help find.

        You'd be better off in affording the NBN if you're one of the 5 million dole bludgers getting JobKeeper via their dole bludging employers, some of which will be shut once government subsidies run out.

        • I don't think we are making the same point at all.

          What would be the point in having a "low income status" if you don't want welfare? I don't see what that would achieve.

          • +3

            @callum9999: Yes we are.

            So you can get free NBN?

            I thought my facetiousness was making my point clear. I was just answering your question regarding the alternative.

            I assume you've never been a social worker but just take my word that the numbers of people you hear about in government-subsidised programs grossly underestimate the number of "rough-sleepers", "unemployed", "direct/indirect victims of domestic violence", "direct/indirect victims of substance abuse", "direct/indirect victims of mental illness" and much, much more. And the people that can't ask for help are often the ones that need it the most. And there are many forced familial, social and cultural situations that make signing up for welfare an intractable task. If you leave your bubble it will open your eyes.

            • +1

              @peterpeterpumpkin: NO WE VERY OBVIOUSLY ARE NOT. It's incomprehensible to me that you could finish your smarmy response with "if you leave your bubble it will open your eyes" while simultaneously maintaining we are saying the same thing.

              Which, incidentally, means I can no longer be bothered to interact with you. I'm somewhat sick of people who are incapable of forming their own arguments so instead decide to imagine what I might think and argue against that instead. I'm WELL aware of the struggles some people go through (and don't need to be a social worker to know that - I don't know if you are a social worker and just completely ignored those people beforehand but don't assume I'm anything like you…) so if you're going to assume such utter rubbish, goodbye!

  • +4

    Same deal Superloop had about a month ago. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/531642

    Good initiative from NBN co though.

    • +1

      It's not great speeds but hey it's free.

      • Should be good for streaming though? accordingly to netflix, this is the required broadband connection speed. As long as your not smashing the 4k vids, should be fine.

        1.5 Megabits per second - Recommended broadband connection speed
        3.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for SD quality
        5.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for HD quality
        25 Megabits per second - Recommended for Ultra HD quality


  • Do you have to use their router/modem??

    • Only if you want 4G fail over.

  • How many people don't have internet at home? I don't understand why people wouldn't prioritise it, especially with kids at home.

    I grew up in a single income home and we always managed to find the $110 for Telstra internet, which was a lot in the 1990/2000s! Now $65 a month gets you a way faster plan and tones of downloads

    • +4

      Many people use 4G, mobile broadband, or their phones for internet rather than a proper internet connection. Especially when you can get 100GB for $28 (Circles promo)

      It also promotes the NBN as more people will be connected (good for their statistics) and the ISP as an increase in the number of households who end up keeping it after the free period.

      • True. I hadn't considered that. $28 is a lot more affordable and 100gb is plenty if you don't stream much.

    • How many people have free NBN at home?

      This deal is great for people that still use PSTN, 3G, 4G or other fixed line Internet that isn’t NBN.

    • +1

      You don't know much about human behaviour do you! People regularly work against their own interests.

  • Online education is coming to an end. In NSW online learning is finished for public education. So this is about 8 weeks too late to really be helpful. I’m sure it’s more just Vodafone / NBN trying to sign more people up!

    Also the DOE in NSW provided laptops and internet dongles to families who didn’t have those things when schools were asking children to learn from home.

  • Great initiative, yet again proven that no time is bad for creating business opportunities. @Vodafone, could you please explain why you cant help your existing customers?

  • What's the cheapest NBN modem/router that will work with this you can find on eBay/net at the moment. Please advise. Would this work? https://www.ebay.com.au/p/1239211529

    • That won't work, that is an ADSL modem. You need a VDSL modem router.

      If you're really desperate to get one cheaply you could try the used section but I would suggest buying new to avoid potential issues.

      Perhaps try a budget TP-Link VR500v dual band VOIP ready modem $75 however the reviews for this seem to be mixed.

      • Thanks all for the replies. I have got TP-Link archer VR-400

  • does this offer come with a voice service too? has anyone taken up the offer yet and were they asked to show proof of job search allowance or family tax and having kids?

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