• expired

[QLD] Solar Boost Plan 20c FIT @ Origin Energy


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

OP UPDATE 6 - 19/11/2021 - Just got off the phone with Origin Retention's Team. It looks like the number in my post randomly goes to either sales or retention's team. If you call the 1800# just ask the rep if they are in the retention's team before wasting your time for an hour thinking that you are speaking with them and in fact, you're just talking to a normal sales rep, who can't offer anything other than what is on their website. smh… I called the 1800# again straight away and this time it went to their retention's team!

The rep was REALLY helpful. She went on to explain that Origin were losing 100s of customers a day due to their FIT rate drop and expect the feedback of this customer loss will send a wake up call to the 'powers that be' and come out with a better FIT rate. However long that takes is the big question!

Anyway, the best they can offer is 12c FIT which isn't as good for me personally compared to the AGL 12c FIT rates. I'll try again in early December and see what they are offering. Keep sharing in the comments section if you come across a potentially better deal! TIA

OP UPDATE 5 - 14/09/2021 - It looks like this deal is fast becoming unobtainable, unfortunately. I've called a few times over the past week and the best I am getting is 12c FIT. They are all saying the 20c FIT is no longer available and they won't even do 15c now… I'll keep researching and will update here if anything comes up that is worth signing up.

OP UPDATE 4 - 24/08/2021 - I called Origin yesterday to help another person get on this deal. I asked several questions to the rep (who was a part of the retention's team) about the offer and why some people get it and others do not. Her response was that the retention's team is the only one that offer better deals over their customer care team or sales team. The offers that they can do fluctuates from week to week. I asked further about this 'fluctuation' which she replied some weeks they can offer 15c whereas other weeks it can be up to 20c. It varies week to week based on what other companies are offering at the time. Yesterday the most she could do was 18c FIT however, she said call back in a couple of weeks time and it could be 20c again (or it could be 15c, which you wouldn't go ahead with). So that's the latest info I've got about this deal.

OP UPDATE 3 - 10/12/2020 - The deal/offer is still going strong! Don't let the reps tell you you can't get the offer. Merry Christmas everyone!

OP UPDATE 2 - 18/10/2020 - Some reps are now stating that the deal is no longer available however, I can confirm that I still managed to help a friend get this deal as of 16/10/2020. You just need to get the right rep and they will sign you up to the deal. Currently their website is saying 9c FIT which is terrible! Keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

OP UPDATE 11/7/2020 - This deal is still available for those that are in the market. I helped sign someone up to it yesterday no problem at all

Ok this deal requires some explaining so I'll do my best to give you all the details and steps to follow. Please note that this is specific to QLD, possibly even SE QLD and probably only beneficial for larger Solar Systems installed in your residential home or those who can generate high feed back to the grid per day.

I had a 15kw system installed just going on 12 months ago and shared my experience - details here. At the time it was very good value for money and I am so glad I went the larger system. I am currently predicted to have it fully paid off in under 2yrs based on credit generated through high FIT rates from energy retailers. After 1yr I haven't had a single electricity bill (was approximately $450/qrt) and have generated about $800-$1200 per qrt = $4000

When I first had it installed Origin and AGL wouldn't offer me anything competitive due to my solar system being over 10kw. Energy Australia (EA) at the time were offering 16.1c FIT so went with them. Earlier this year EA dropped their FIT rate to 11.5c and was no longer competitive. AGL then came to the party and offered me their 17c FIT rate so transferred over to them mid FEB.

This current qrt I am forecast to have a credit of just over $900. As I always do, I regularly check to see what's available and my brother who has a similar system to mine was looking to come over to AGL as well. He was with Origin at the time and upon making the move to come over to AGL, Orgin called him and offered him 20c FIT with no cap (as per their current plan of 15c FIT capped at 8kw per day then reverting back to 7c FIT) to stay.

Which brings me to this deal:
I called Origin to get the details as I was concerned they may have added in the fine print the 20c FIT is capped at 8kw but was pleasantly surprised to see it was unlimited with no cap. This deal can't be given over the phone with a typical Origin Energy Sales representative (as I found out) and had to call this number - 1800 557 700 and speak with a member from that team who can offer special rates outside of the standard.

As per the screen shot I have as the link, according to my spreadsheet (which works out exact costs by imputing exact usage and feed back to the grid figures) switching over to this Origin deal will increase my credit by approximately $800 per year. I have several other retailers costs on my spreadsheet that spits out the credit I would make and Origin beats them all.

This would only be beneficial if you have a large solar system and can feed back to the grid a good amount (30kw+ per day on avg) and only buying back from your retailer approximately 6-12kw per day.
FIT offer: 20c/kwh
Usuage costs: 24.915
Daily Supply charge: 116.061
Daily Solar meter reading charge: 6.974 (Origin say it's $6/qrt)

Side note - A good price for a similar system to the one I have with 3 phase power (including Smart meter, slightly larger panels 330-350w and Fronius Inverter) with quality materials and workmanship is about the $9k mark now. For anyone with single phase power you can still get an 8.2kw inverter with 10kw worth of panels (have to have a Smart meter installed so it caps your feed back to the grid at 5kw/hr as per Energex regulations) with same quality as above for about $6.7k

Sorry for the long post but if you have any questions or don't understand my method/reasoning for the deal feel free to ask questions. Happy to help where ever I can. I must stress and reiterate that I am NOT affiliated with any Energy/Solar company. I just love doing my homework and research and love sharing it with others who can benefit.


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

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closed Comments

      • I saw these pop up on Facebook as well. As 80% of Facebook products are not as described, I read and dismissed it without second thought.

        Keep in mind these are very new concepts and not proven appart from their "user feedback"

        Eg. What happens to the "bank" if they go out of business?

        I only just found out today SA pays 20%~ more than us in VIC for electricity. That's quite a bit. I hope it will work out for you guys.

        I'm going to hold off for now and check back in 12m to see if it's really as magic as they say or just smokescreen

    • Nice find.

      Personally, I am not loyal to any energy company. If you don't offer the best deal possible I'll gladly switch to the company that will. :)

      In the last 12 months I will have changed 3 times. EA to AGl to Origin. If Origin don't stay the best for me I'll gladly switch.

  • Great post! We bought a new place which has an old 1.5kw system with a dead inverter. Hence been looking to upgrade. Unfortunately only single phase. I initially thought to go a 5kw inverter due to the limit of that but having read this, a bigger 8kw or sth like that with bigger inverter and smart meter may be a better choice. I can fit about 20 panels north facing with only 10 degrees to the east no shade. Could fit more on the side of the house ie west with the 10 degree towards north. Our use is pretty low, about 10kw per day in winter and 15kw in summer so we only spend about $1600 per year on electricity. Based in SE QLD. Thoughts?

    • Yep definitely recommend going the 8.2kw System with 10.8kw of panels! You'll be grateful you did in the long run. Energex will just require you to have a smart meter installed to cap your export at 5kw/hr. The left over you will be using as your normal daily use. Feel free to PM me and I'll go into depth further if you need help.

      • Hmm. Excuse my ignorance, but if the smart meter caps at 5kw does this mean that anything produced over 5kw is going to waste or can this simply not be fed in? Ie if I use 5kw and feed in 5kw I use the full 10kw but what I don't use over the 5kw I can feed in is going to waste?

        How much kW do you get from West facing vs north facing?

        And finally, is there any cast from Energex to get a high system approved and how much does a smart meter add to the bill?

        • +1

          The smart meter only caps your ability to export back to the grid at 5kw/hr. Your house is always using electricity and if you have high usage appliances, the extra 3.2kw/hr (which will only be available during the peak time of the day and if there is complete sunshine) will cover that usage allowing you to feed back to the grid 5kw/hr and generate more savings/income.

          Just know that North facing generates a lot better. Too many variables to compare an exact amount of difference.

          Not sure of your last questions, "any cast from energex"?? Or was it a typo and you meant to say any cost? The only cost is what your system is to have installed. You don't get charged by Energex for approval of a small system over a large system. A fronius smart meter cost is about $200-$400 (depending if you need a single phase or 3-phase one)…

          A smart meter upgrade (completely separate to the fronius smart meter) in your switchbox is organised through your energy retailer and should be free. It takes about 2 weeks to get done when you have solar installed on your property.

          • +1

            @CrocDundee: Great that's what i thought it would be. Makes sense and yes I meant cost

    • The great majority of households don't need 3 phase.


      • Yes totally agree. We don't have that much roof space either

      • Correct. I have a large ducted aircon system so have 3-phase power. I take advantage of that with my Solar and ability to export up to 15kw/hr.

  • AGL says its limited to 10KW ?

    • Correct. Need approval for larger systems.

  • 20c FIT is v good. Been on it for about a year with AGL. Origin was 15c if I recall correctly. they still owe me $3.

    • The OzBargain way would be to make sure you get that $3 back!! :)

      • Baffles me why there's no process/workflow to close out accounts, pretty shitty behvaiour.

  • Mate!

    Perfect timing. I'm with EA and finally decided to pencil in time today and found this On by Energy Australia offering https://www.experienceon.com.au/ultra-solar-plan

    FIT: 18C uncapped
    Usage: 26.27c
    Supply: 0.99c
    Meter: (couldnt see it so assumed max) $0.075

    Was planning to call them tomorrow then thought I'd check Ozb to end the day and found this. It works out about $40 better for so thanks heaps.

    I'm on a single phase but average 24 feed back and 8 use from grid (although that is largely skewed for ducted AC use in Summer).

    Think i'll be giving Origin a call tomorrow instead. Thanks Heaps!!

  • I guess that's why they call it the sunshine state…

    • ya coz we're not the educated state… all we got is sunshine haha

  • I’m in Vic and every retailer has 12c FIT on their available plans. And comments seem to suggest it’s dropping 3c. Is there any way around here to get a higher FIT?

  • Great post, I would love see the Excel sheet.

  • Thanks for this post. I'm looking at refurbing our tile roof and was advised to get solar mounts installed first if we're going to get solar, so I'm now on the hunt. After reading your posts I'm now inclined to look at having 3 phase hooked up to my house so I can have a decent size system installed like yours.
    Prior to reading this I hadn't even considered that by having 3 phase you can export more.

  • Thank you! !

  • Has anyone outside of QLD had Origin or any other provider match this? I'm in the ACT…

    • Each state have their own rates and charges based on their government regulations. You won't be able to have a company match their inter-state rates, unfortunately.

  • Hi, who did your install for 10k? Is there a better deal going you're aware of for similar kit? Prefer not to PM.

    • Hey mate, Where are you located? I had AUSUNTECH Energy do my install 12months ago, however, lately I've sent friends of mine and even my brother to Oz Solar World As we know, there are a LOT of companies out there and I find word of mouth being the best form of review imo. I can't speak highly enough of Oz Solar World and their professionalism from start to finish. They have always come back with the best quote. If you PM them on facebook they'll get back to you very quickly.

      If you are interstate, I know that Oz Solar World and Ausuntech have branches in other states and could do the job.

      Happy to help answering anything if I can.

      • Cheers, Gold Coast is where I'm at. I'll look into them.

      • Also, why do you recommend Oz Solar World?

        • Because they were better on price for the same quality of installation. Very easy to deal with and have always been helpful when I referred my two friends and brother to them.

  • +2

    I just got off the phone with origin, was offered 15 FIT, couldn't get them to bite on 20. They also mentioned a daily cap for feed in too which when met, the rate is much lesser.

    I also put in a switch to AGL over the weekend as a backup, as I was doubtful they'd do the 20c FIT. Once this process is started I will no doubt receive a call from Origin with a better deal.

    Time will tell. I'm curious to know how anyone else went with their phone call.

    • +1

      I switched over to agl from origin a little while ago. Got the call from origin to try and get me to stay and they didn't offer this. Just the 15c with the feed in cap for the good price.

    • +1

      I presume you called the number i posted in OP? If that rep didn't do it, tell them why won't they offer what your friend/brother/sister (any family member) can get at 20c FIT? I could only get it with that number though.

      • +2

        Yea it was with that number. I explained that a friend was on it but she said the best offer was 15c.
        I might try again later today 🤞

      • +2

        I phoned back now and managed to get the deal! Just like someone elses comment earlier, was put on hold while his manager okd it. Very happy!

        • +2

          perfect!! Great to hear!! Yeah I find that sometimes it's just best to say, no worries and call back again and a different rep will okay it :)

  • +1

    When my house was being constructed my builder put me on an 8c FIT with Origin and once completed I tried switching to Reamped. Someone from the Origin retention team called a few days later and offered me 15c + 23% off FIT to stay which I took up. I then switched to AGL who were offering $75 sign up bonus and 17c FIT however since being with them for a month they are still providing me with estimated readings despite having a smart meter. Will be switching back to this Origin on this plan.

  • +2

    Really appreciate this OP! I just made the call and was on the phone for 5mins, including the time the customer rep was “seeking approval” from his manager. He was curious where I heard about the deal, because there had been a few calls about it already this morning. 5mins on the phone for an extra 5c solar feed in! God I love this community!

    • +1

      I must of had the same person as my call was identical to yours. It's such a good deal!

    • +1

      Awesome to hear! this may get ozbargained though.. lol

      • +1

        It may do. He out and out asked where I heard about the deal and how I knew to call that specific number. Simple answer is always “a mate” told me about it.

        Thanks again!

        • +1

          perfect! If only all ozbargain members knew how to deal with questions like you have just answered. Would save us a lot! Well done and I'm glad you got the deal as well :)

  • Just spoke to them and changed. Did anyone get a written confirmation of their plan change via email?

    • My email came about 24hrs later confirming the new plan. Just waiting to transfer over from AGL now.

    • I just tried and they explicitly asked if my system was >10kw and said its not available to me.

      • +1

        I got it approved for mine.. but they may be cracking down with all the phone calls coming in today.. :/

    • I logged into my Origin and under 'My account' this is what I see (noting 15c FiT is the best FiT in my state so I'm okay with that)

      13% off electricity usage and supply charges

      15.00 c/kWh solar feed-in tariff
      Total feed-in tariff incl GST where applicable

      This reflects the new plan change although it doesn't explicitly mention it's uncapped exports… I triple checked with them over the phone so hope there won't be dramas.

    • I got the email within 10mins and actually watched it change live on the Origin app.

      • Ahh - if you are already with Origin it should be close to instant. I'm coming from AGL.

  • +1

    Wow, sorry Crocdundee. I was wrong.

    If people aren't sure about the 20c being the best deal for them, they also offer a 15c FiT along with a 23% discount off usage and supply.

    • No need to apologise :) You didn't say it couldn't be done, just that you were concerned it was unlikely. Those are the two offers they offered me as well. The higher FIT was best for me.

      Just glad some people are able to take advantage of the offer!

      • +1

        I went with the 20c fit as well. Even an average day I'm exporting about 50kWh (so $2.50 better than the other origin option) and only importing 6kWh. So a 23% discount would only save me about 60c.

        Got mum into the 15c option as they have a smaller system.

        The supply charge is higher than agls by about 8c a day as well.

        • Nice!! Same boat as me. Glad it worked out.

        • I called and got the 15c only with no other options. I only have a 5Kw system and are currently with Origin would this be by @CrocDundee

      • I just called today and was offered the 20c FiT and the mentioned 15c FiT with 23% discount. As a total noob to all this, I just got a 6.6kW set up on my house and a bit unsure which way to go. My partner and I work during the week so our usage is quite low. We use 7kwH on average Mon - Friday and up to between 8-10kwH on the weekend. I am currently with Amber they have a cheaper rate but their FiT is like 7c. Anyway, the question I have is which would be the better option for myself to go for? the 20c FiT or 15c with 23% discount?

        my system is 20x Q.Cells - Q.Peak-G5 330 and 1 X 5KW SMA "Sunny Boy" 5 kilowatt solar inverter.

        Thanks for your time :)

        • 20c FIT :) Enjoy!

        • Agree with croc. With your usage nice and low (is this before solar, if so it's very low) then definitely the higher fit. Even now on a very sunny day (depending on location and orientation/angle) you should produce 25 to 30kWhs.

          • @kulprit: Thanks Croc & Kulprit,

            This is before solar as I just got solar installed about 2 weeks ago waiting for final connection to the grid etc.

            Last true bill we averaged 10kwH but at that time I was working from home. the last few weeks I got a smart meter and our daily usage flows between the 8-10kwh.

  • Hi @CrocDundee, can you clarify whether or not this is a Power Purchase Agreement?

    • Power Purchase Agreement? Sorry, you'll have to explain what that means…

      All I know is that I called Origin to get the same deal my brother was offered. The Sale rep said they can't offer anything more than what is available on the website but gave me the number to the department who could (the number in the OP) so I called it and the rep offered me two different plans. I chose the higher FIT plan. Phone call ended. 24hrs later I got the email confirming said plan, as per my screen shot link.

      Does any of that classify as a 'Power Purchase Agreement'?

      • Do you own the system? If you do, then it isn't likely to be a Power Purchase Agreement

        • Own the system? Are you talking about my solar system or the actual deal that I posted, Origin 20c FIT?

          Your comment was, "can you clarify whether or not this is a Power Purchase Agreement?"

          What is "this" that you speak of? If you follow standard English writing it would be inferred that you are referring to the deal that has been posted. Which now confuses me when you say, "do you own the system?".. We going on conspiracy here and saying do I own, "Origin - the system" or am I thinking to deeply here..

          Been in ISO for too long, sorry… I need help with what you are actually asking for here. Be specific, I am slow…

  • Just called the number they are still not offering anything more than 10kw system even after he "checked with my manager", is there anything on your origin contract showing your system? Or did you tell them your system when you switching over to Origin? I'm currently looking at doing 13kw panels (10kw system), but after doing some numbers, there's a fair bit of benefit doing the bigger 20kw panels (15kw system) as I do have the roof space. Thanks

    • Not that I can see on my contract, sorry. They knew what size system I had because I was with them in the beginning when i had my system installed and they wouldn't offer me anything then. This time they did.. Not sure why but may have got it approved to bring me back.. I can't help further with this one, sorry. :/

    • I just contacted with AGL. They told me "As you wish to install the solar panels, so just wanted to let you know that your panels size need to be with in 10 kw" So a 10 KW inverter with 13.2 KW panel cannot belong to a 10 KW system.

      • Wow, does any of these company know what's on your roof besides what you told them? For an instant, if I just bought a house with solar panels on the roof and the previous owner did not tell me what size of system or panels on the roof, and I just want to find a good energy plan/deal with that gives solar FIT.

        • Good point! Thanks

        • ;) Exactly…

  • i'm on AGL 21c from 2 years ago, due to come to the end of hte 2 year fixed rates in june-ish. Thank you for the post. Good to keep in mind for when I get advised of the plan change. AGL are great though, auto refunds if your account is in credit, good solar insights tool too

    • I must admit I really like AGLs app and features. I hope Origin is just as good.

      • I don't think origin has any rewards program

  • On a plan with origin on a 4kw system - 21c FIT in NSW, got onto it last year, currently they offer 20c FIT.

    Has the FIT gone up recently, most places weren't offering above 11c last year.

  • I'm on single phase power and struggling to decide between 6.6kw, 8.4 or 10.2kw systems. I only use about 17kw a day but we are buying a spa this year and will actually start using our air con as well lol.
    I'm leaning towards the 8.4 or 10.2 as only 2.5k more than the 6.6 system and over the 25 years it may last even if I didn't use the "wastage" it won't really amount to much. Feeling like I would rather be safe than sorry. Is there any diasadvanges of buying a bigger system rather than initial outlay? TIA

  • You've just made me realise it's almost time to start digging around for new energy plans. Ours is up in June.

    We're also on the AGL 20c FIT, 25.5c usage, 99c daily, 0.07c meter charge. It's been the best plan I've been able to find in recent times (I research this every few months).

    We've got a 8.4kw system, 29 panels and Fronius inverter as well as 3 phase. Using my spreadsheet, the Origin plan will be ~$36 better off per quarter than our current AGL plan.

    I'll have to give Origin a call tomorrow and see what I can swindle. Thanks for the post!

  • +2

    I should update you all in saying that I am revoking my recommendation of AUSUNTECH Energy. I have since found out some things that has lead me to believe they are a company I wouldn't deal with again. I won't go into specifics but if you read here from the Clean Energy Council AUSUNTECH are not good.

    I would only deal with Oz Solar World for comparison quotes. They have been outstanding for everyone that I have referred to. Again, I don't get any perks or kickbacks and have no affiliation with any energy/solar company. Just giving my honest opinion.

    Happy to help with anyone that wants to PM me. I stopped counting when I reached 100 PMs :)

  • +1

    Some more info for people interested. I was offered the 20c FIT but as I get the 44c government FIT apparently I'm ineligible :(

    • oh that's BS ay

  • Thank you CrocDundee. Called them yesterday and switched from AGL (¢17 FIT) to Origin (¢20 FIT). Confirmation mails were received. Over $50 saving compared with AGL per quarter.

    • Nice! Great to hear of the positive experience!

  • Curious where you would get a 10kw system in SEQ for $6.7k

    I have justed been priced up on a 6.6kw system, 370w longi panels, 5.0 Fronius for $6500. This was from a highly recommended installer.

    Any inside info you can pass on?

    • 6.7k was an absolute bargain of a price and everything was easy as for the install apparently (single story, tin roof, STC rebate was at its best etc..). Generally speaking you'd be looking between 7-8k for a 10kw system but your price for the 6.6kw system sounds okay without being an absolute bargain.

      Feel free to PM me and I'll gladly go through the details with you spec wise but if you want a comparison quote, check out Oz Solar World. I highly recommend them for quality and peace of mind.

    • That's pretty much exactly what I paid for an identical spec system mid last year, father in law got a similar setup maybe $1500 cheaper but the company I went with has a good rep, been around for many years so felt better about them being around to fix anything that went wrong under warranty.

    • If you are interested in a 6.6kW system (315w Longi panel with Fronius inverter) mine was installed earlier this year for $4600 with go run solar

  • Anyone in the ACT got better than 15c with a 13% discount?

  • My experience - currently with Alinta and am located in SE QLD - 28% discount, 11c FIT in top of govt 44c. Contacted the number provided in this OP. They gave me some prices for usage etc. I emailed three bills to them to compare. Asked if they would email as I was out and not in front of computer - stated they would not email the details "just in case they were wrong". I hung up and will not continue to pursue this.

  • I'm in SE Qld and have a couple of quotes currently for a Fronius 6 with 7.7kw Longo, or 7.03kw enphase micro inverters with Longi which is $3k more. I'll be using the north and east faces of my roof, but may go west at a later date if I decide to increase the size of the system. Does anyone have any views one way or another on the micro inverters and whether they're worth the extra?

    • Microinverters are really only for if you have shading issues.

      • and I have no shading issues whatsoever. I have the string inverter guys quoting 11 panels on my north face and 10 on my east, whereas the micro inverter guys are saying I can only get 6 on the north and 7 on the east because they need to keep clearance around my ridge tiles and gutters. I think this is where they've decided the micros come into play because I could then put some on the west (6 maximum) which I couldn't do with a string inverter because they'd need to be in parallel with the east, hence reducing that side to 6 also.
        Are the other guys being cowboys by wanting to fill the roof faces too much or is there no real concern with clearances around the ridges?
        I'm thoroughly confused

        • +1

          If the microinverter guys are saying that then they might be right about the clearances.

          I have seen installs from the street where the panels stick over ridges and stuff and it looks stupid.

          Both of the company's provided a map of how the panels will fit?

          If SE Qld, you got quotes from the main 3, Keen2BGreen, Positronics and MCElectrical?

          All of mine are north and I do miss the afternoon production. At the moment I'm at about zero by 4pm. It's a new install so still watching it with interest.

        • Yeah Similar to what Kulprit said, if you have shading issues or space issues that require you to install panels on multiple roof angles then micro inverters are not worth it imo. They are obviously really good, but they do come at a price!

          You definitely don't want your panels being installed over your gutters (Only a dodgy installer would do that!) Not only does it look bad, when it rains you'll have a waterfall feature that you probably don't want! :)

          • @CrocDundee: I don't see the cost benefit of the micros in my scenario. I like the latest and greatest and the monitoring you can get with them is as good as it gets, but I think I'll be happy just with a 6.6kw system on a Fronius. It'll be $6 - 6.5k depending on who I go with. I've had quotes from K2BG and Posi among others. Its interesting how they all seem to have come up with a different configuration. The latest quote has interestingly recommended Q-Cell 330w panels over the 370w Longi because the larger panels in their opinion are designed for commercial use and to be mounted landscape. They feel mounting them portrait, as in most residential jobs calls for 3 rails instead of 2, which ends up costing money rather than saving. While on a certain level that makes sense to me, I don't know if there's any real grounding behind it.

            • @Hipsi: Personaly, and without knowing exactly your roof configuration, I would go the 370w LONGi panels over the Q-Cell 330w ones. And $6k - $6.5k in price seems a little on the high side? Even with tiles as your roof configuration it seems a little high. I highly recommend you get a comparison quote from Oz Solar World I know they will give you the best price possible and will at least give you an idea if the prices you have been quoted thus far are reasonable. I would have thought the 6.6kw would be closer to $5k with the 350-370w panels and 5kw Fronius inverter…

              • +1

                @CrocDundee: Yeh sorry I should've classified that price range as with the Q Cell panels. If I go Longi I'm looking at about $5.5 incl a smart meter (only because I want to monitor consumption). I'll check out Oz Solar World and might also go back to Posi and see if they'll requote a Fronius system.

                • @Hipsi: That makes more sense :)

                  Good luck! Sing out if you have any questions

  • OP, are you on a single usage tariff or do you have a controlled load tarrif (T31) on this plan as well?

    • I am just on single Tariff usage. I have never been on control load before so don't have any experience going down that path, sorry.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, back in January when my contract was up for renewal, they offered (which I accepted) same FIT/peak usage/supply charge but with 23% further discount on peak usage/supply charge.

    • +1

      Nice! Well done!!

  • I just called that number and they asked if I had 10kw or less solar system, when I told them it was more, they said the 20c/kWh feed in doesn't apply, so I couldn't get it.

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