Probably one of the best deals with Epic's sale. Cheapest all time price. Requires the free $15 coupon
Original deal: [PC] Free - Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition | $15 off Coupon (Min $22.99 Spend) @ Epic Games
Probably one of the best deals with Epic's sale. Cheapest all time price. Requires the free $15 coupon
Original deal: [PC] Free - Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition | $15 off Coupon (Min $22.99 Spend) @ Epic Games
No, the coupon can be claimed for free:
Alternatively, if you claim the free copy of GTA V, you'll be automatically given the coupon.
Good price with the coupon
Edit: Finally pulled the trigger on this one after waiting forever
Same, been watching this one for a while now. Finally went ahead with it! I'm excited :D.
Thanks OP
Enjoy,it is an incredible game!
One of the best !!!
keep saying id grab the full game at under $20 (no rush and already finished on ps4)
hell yes to this deal
Thanks OP - got another $15 coupon after purchasing.
That's how they make you spending and spending :)) anyway, it's a good price for this game
Is this game better to be played on PS4 or PC?
Definitely PC if you have the hardware
Running it now on High-Ultra on an Intel i5-6600 + RX 480 - 8GB. Sitting on between 55 - 75 FPS @ 1080p.
Definitely PC and definitely head over to nexusmods to grab all the awesome mods out there. I'm playing again the 4th time just to experience new mods!
A GTX 1060 will run this smoothly at 1080p.
Please suggest me some mods that will take the game visuals to the next level. Ideally just a few mods and not a mod list of 200 mods :D !
The dozen other mods I'm using is more for game play/QoL tweaks or rebalancing.
@Kingduytan: Can we still install the mods with Epic launcher? Or is these mods are independent to Steam Workshop?
@d3n0tz: I don't own the game on Epic so I can't give a definite answer. However I'm positive the mods will work since they are independent of game client, and they all work fine on both Steam and GOG clients for me.
Fast travel to everywhere
Slots Slots Slots
Warm Clothes for Skellige Warriors
PC if you are able to run it. I originally played this on PS4 but now i'm replaying it on my PC (recently built it), its a much better experience and you also have plenty of amazing mods that enhance the game even further!!
It wouldn't surprise me if Witcher 3 is free next week.
Great, now you've got me all paranoid.
This sale runs until June 11th and the coupons last until about November apparently.
Think I'll wait to see what the PSplus/Humble Choice lineups are next month before committing to anything :)
If they do us dirty like that I'm review bombing them.
Just wait until the last day of the sale to buy the games you want. Simple.
I dont think it will be free next week. More like the 18th of June (a week after the sale ended).
Would this have to be run through the Epic platform?
Its been rumoured a few times now that this is the free game next week. The rumours were true with GTA V, so i dunno if id buy this. The sale is on until 11/6/20 by the looks, so i would be waiting to see what happens next week.
I don't know but I couldn't see it myself. GTA had a motive, first it was vice city then gtav that became free. They also subscribing people to get newsletter which will feature free I game cash. Feels like epic paid them for a fixed price to give unlimited keys for free.
The witcher though makes no sense why the game would be free. Feels like they'd have alot to lose here. The other epic games are mostly indie games.
Again this is just total speculation
agree and if it does, id suspect it would not be the GOTY edition. the expansions on sale tend to get to $10 so even this is cheaper than a free W3 then buying the expamsions later on sale
Doesn't really matter much, the sale is from May 14th to June 11th, the coupon is valid until November 1st.
If the game is given for free in 6 days, it's easy to just wait and have it then, either a free version if it is the next game on rotation, the $8.69 otherwise.
Lets hope its not FREE on the 18th of June :(…
apparently that is a leaked list of the next few free games. Witcher3 isnt on that list, so everyone that bought it can stop worrying, and everyone that wants to buy it can go ahead and do it :)
Assuming this is legit of course!
Been waiting for the steam goty edition (because of steam achievements)
How are achievements on Epic? Similar or same as steam?
just go with steam
doesnt answer my question tho
yeah pay $70 more for steam achievements 😂
nah I paid ~$25 when it was on sale on steam
nice price, but I wouldn't play an epic title on epic
Any cashback?
edit: bought my first game. Thanks OP
Awesome, time to grab this! Will be sure to report whether this melts my PC or not! lol
Can you redeem this in GOG as well like with the steam version?
you can do that with the steam version?
You cannot do that with the Steam version either.
No, you need a GOG key for that. Cheapest for that version is $21.97 when on sale.
Still a great price for hours of pure enjoyment
What's the cheapest AAA game I can get with the coupon?
Probably this, as the minimum spend amount is $23 I think
Just bought it for $8.69. No need to add any other games since it's price before coupon is already above minimum required amount.
far cry 4 gold is really cheap for 12 bills.
I just pulled the trigger on this the other day during the humble sale. Oh well at least I got GTA free. Been playing the Witcher on Xbox One with game pass and living it. Now to load up a tonne of mods on the PC version.
edit: fixed
Interesting that this one works tbh. This is from the T&C's from the website:
"Qualifying games and add-ons must be a minimum price of $14.99 after any promotions and discounts are applied. Taxes and other fees do not apply toward the minimum purchase requirement."
When I tried to buy Vampyr the coupon wouldn't work as it was under $15, but the Witcher does allow me to get it at the price mentioned above. Lucky I guess.
Here is why;
The first part with the $14.99 refers to $US while the $15 is AUD. They have not fixed that and it is confusing.
In other words:
Game must be $22.99 AUD or more to apply a $15 AUD coupon
Game must be $14.99 US or more to apply a $10 US coupon.
Hope that helps.
Vampyr does not qualify this time around. I got it during the last sale when it came down to $4.99 US.
Witcher 3 GOTY is showing as AUD22.94, so I can't use the coupon…this sucks
It works for Witcher. Just try it. Unless they have lowered the price by a dollar. 🤔
Just checked: you are right. Doesn't work anymore because they lowered price from 23.94 to 22.94.
Work colleague shared this, so will be interesting to see if it does happen…
That would be nice although they will have to refund a lot of people who bought the game intil then.
Plus, the game is listed now and not pulled as the article suggests.
bargain! bought one for my grandpa
Cheers, Just claimed
Such a great price, purchased.
Also saw Far Cry 5 gold edition for $18.73 not sure whether to pull the trigger but it is the ozbargain way…
What if Witcher 3 GOTY will be the next free game =]]
So it looks like the next 3 FREE games will not be Witcher 3:…
That means, Witcher 3 can be the FREE games AFTER the sales ended :(
Thank you for posting…
Of course they make the voucher not work on the game now…
CD Projekt Red won't be getting my money any time soon, due to this.
Bummer! bit sad they dropped $1 just so we cant use it purely for the game :/
Sheesh really?thats dodgy. I hadnt rushed to buy it as the expiry was not till june.
So Epic games doesn't let you put two items in cart so you can meet the minimum $$ requirement?
So it's not actually the price you posted? It's actually A$23.69. I thought you had to make a $15 purchase to get a $10 coupon afterwards?