Seems a good price for 32gb, even if it's only 3000mhz and CL16 (I've overclocked the 16gb kit of this to 3200mhz without trying to push it)
eBay said more than 10 available
Seems a good price for 32gb, even if it's only 3000mhz and CL16 (I've overclocked the 16gb kit of this to 3200mhz without trying to push it)
eBay said more than 10 available
Just waiting on GPUs to come back to March prices :(
Or $15 more for 3200 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Corsair-Gaming-DDR4-32GB-4x8-320…
Not bad but id want 2x16GB for future proofing (better to have empty slots now than have to swap it all later)
Fair call on the 3200mhz if you want to overclock it towards 3600mhz but man how future proof do you need it to be in terms of capacity? A regular user/gamer surely doesn't need more than 32gb while ddr4 is still relevant.. surely the future upgrade is ddr5
The only thing that's been future proof so far, has been my Microsoft Intellimouse 2.0. Still going strong after 20 years.
That mouse would require a very large desk to be able to move the cursor all they way to the right, without lifting the mouse?
My Lian Li cases are future proof and going strong the last 12 years. As is my G15 keyboard, Silverarrow Cooler (got a free AM4 mounting kit when i asked for one via email), and a bunch of other stuff. Parts are made to last. I'll never understand anyone who thinks they need the latest and greatest every year.
@xrailgun: Just got my parts for a new build yesterday. I'm still rocking 1333mhz 8gb RAM nearly 8 years old.
This is a good price for 32gb as I just paid $150~ for 2x8gb Corsair Vengeance 3000mhz..
I’ve finally replaced mine two weeks ago after 15 years. Still holds up today, but my sons apple juice didn’t do it any favours.
I'm using 16GB DDR3 1600mhz for gaming like Assassin's creed odyssey. No problem so far.
A lot of mini-ITX boards only have 2 RAM slots, so getting 2x16GB is important if you want 32GB on one of those boards.
Thanks for the 3200mhz link was going to buy another of the LPX 16GB 3200mhz kit to add to my system. Can now sell my LPX kit to offset the cost.
Its $10 more.. and SO worth spending $10 more for 3200Mhz XMP
Future proofing well if you're buying DDR4 then you're not future proofing full stop. DDR5 is just around the corner. What a nebulous comment.
Zen 4 and intel in 2021/2022 is not what i would call right around the corner… we havent even got zen 3 or intels latest stuff.
this sold out as i was checking out :(
UPDATE: i think this was a pricing error and they've pulled it. This kit is usually $500+, and you can see the 3000mhz version listed for $600 on their store
Thanks OP and @macmanluke , bought the 3200 set and was surprised to find it is Samsung B-die , was not expecting that
For anyone interested in a 4000Mhz 16Gb kit (2x8Gb), I found this on Amazon earlier, there's two kits left in stock:
I got that stuff and it does 3600 @ 16-19-19-39 1.45v any tighter timings and it won't even boot into windows. But rock solid at that speed, may do it at lower voltage but still never goes over about 35-40c under load so I'm happy leaving as is.
Its Hynix DJR.
I've overclocked the 16gb kit of this to 3200mhz without trying to push it
With what CPU and board?
I've been want to over clock mine to 3200mhz but don't really know enough about overclocking ram. I have the same 16-18-18-36 2x8gb kit as you. What settings do you have yours set at to hit 3200mhz. I had been thinking of using Ryzen dram calculator from a video I saw on YouTube but with corona and all the shit happening I forgot about it until now.
Gigabyte x470 gaming 7 WiFi mobo
1080 ti strix
You need to figure out what type of RAM chips is actually in the modules. If they are decent RAM chips, then you have a good chance to overclock in 2 DIMMs configuration.
Hardware Unboxed Steve's video doesn't really show you all the steps. Unless you really know the RAM inside out or you have Samsung B-die, I don't recommend you go direct DRAM calculator. You are better off using Thaiphoon Burner to properly export your RAM settings (that is the step Steve did NOT show/tell you how to do it - but that's crucial for people without top notch RAM modules). Import the settings directly to DRAM calculator, rather than mess around and do guess work. Steve knows his stuff, but we (at least I) don't and couldn't be bothered working out each setting.
Most motherboards have pre-configured settings for each DDR4 memory level, just use that as a baseline and tweak slightly if required. That might be easier than Thaiphoon Burner + DRAM calculator.
4 DIMMs on Ryzen is a different story.
cmr16gx4m2c3000c15 and samsung d-die from what I fund on reddit and people clock it to 3200 easily apparently.
@mckayver: Sorry, don't know much about Samsung D-die. 3200 isn't hard to do for 2 DIMMs especially, just set it in the BIOS to DDR4-3200 and give it a go.
Read carefully though:
I've overclocked the 16gb kit of this to 3200mhz without trying to push it
Overclocking 2x8 is a lot easier than 4x8, especially on AMD Ryzen systems. I had to change to Micron-E die RAM modules for my 4x8 setup and still not that happy with the overclocking result (3600 with 2 DIMMs is AOK with Micron-E, but no chance with 4 DIMMs for my Micron-E - settled for 3466 (could actually go a bit higher, but I don't want to bump up RAM voltage). Samsung B-die would be the best but too pricey.
i've had 16gb kit for 2 years and are great and led are still like new.
These are their older models, but still great RAM for the asking price.
nice deal op, terrible time for building tho… ampere and zen 3 on the horizon.. be patient people!
these are pathetic. 4*8 makes it hard to expand and 3000CL16, well. might be good if there's room for OC
You wouldn't buy this for overclocking anyway. I'll never understand the point in overclocking ram. Last time I went the whole overclocking route was with my 2500k etc, now adays if it plays the games I want.. then i am happy. Saying that, I use this kit for VM's, etc. You don't need 32gb of ram to game.
no LED BTW, performance -20%
what? one of the first words are "Stunning RGB. Striking Performance". did they paste the wrong product image on this listing?
My bad….
Very tempting 32GB, more RAM than even chrome could consume.
Been running this kit since 2016. Works perfect.
This memory compatible with Ryzen 3000s?
Thank you
Pretty darn good value
$50.25 for a 8gb 3200mhz RGB stick
Do these just randomly pulsar between colours or can they be assigned a set colour
I have the 16gb set, I can choose a colour to be static/pulse/breathe etc for each stick. Or you can let it cycle colours
Relieved to see some normality return to PC part prices…