How Useful Is Phone UV Sterilizing Box?

Since the pandemic started, I use the 70% alcohol wipes to clean my phone after each trip to the supermarket. I am just wondering if this cleaning process can be replaced with a UV sterilizing box? I have a few questions for those who have used one before.

1) How do we know the effectiveness of a UV sterilizing box?

2) Has anyone tried Xiaomi Mijia FIVE Multifunction UV Sterilizing Box before? Does it work well?



  • +2

    Not sure how effecctive it is against COVID19. Cheaper just to simply use some cleaner on a cloth isn't it. Which reminds me I should do that. Definatley the mobiles need regular cleaning as they are magnets for germs. Gee people take then into the loo.

  • +3

    Why not just bring your phone to the supermarket in a plastic bag.

    After shopping, remove the phone from the bag onto a clean surface, dispose the bag and clean your hands before touching the phone.

  • I'm with Dedbny.

    I have some isopropyl alcohol in an old "eye glasses cleaner" spray container and mist up my whole phone and wipe it over with soft tissue paper.

    This is something I did/do regularly - nothing covid-19 related, just a good idea in general!

    • Might be better to spray on cloth then wipe so as not to damage phone if not IP rated.

  • +1

    UV? Leave it out in the sun haha

    • Not quite. The UV required to destroy a virus (or any genetic matter) is UV-C. This is almost completely filtered out by the earths Ozone layer. What we get down here on the ground is UV-A and UV-B.

      So, unless you planned on sending your phone up above the ozone layer, sunlight down here won’t kill a virus straight away and may take hours to do any damage.

      • +1

        pesky ozone

        • +1

          Blocking out all the UV-C and stopping us from sanitising our phones for free… Ozone was put up there by the Chinese government to force us to to buy Xiaomi UV-C lamps…

  • +1

    Not using your phone at the supermarket is an option too. Just saying..

  • +6

    How is your phone getting "contaminated" at the supermarket?

    • apple pay? ive realised u can pay wave by just getting your card about 5 cm away from efpos machine. does that trick work with phones nfc?

  • its about as effective as alcohol wipes, although way more expensive and it won't get rid of grease. So no, would not recommend

  • Just make sure it is UV-C and not A or B that a lot of the eBay sellers are trying to flog to people who don’t know better… Just do your homework before you buy anything with UV on the box.

    Also note: UV-C can be dangerous. Exposure to it can leave you with sunburn in seconds that would take regular sunlight hours to do.

    Oh and you could always just use a small bottle of isopropyl spray and some wipes. Probably easier and quicker AND safer.

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