This book is full of fun and verified facts, presented in an accessible manner that I hope will provide you with hours of entertainment. My objective has been to provide you with a lifetime supply of icebreakers and points of discussion. Amaze your friends and family by telling them that pistachios can combust spontaneously or that the holes in pen caps are there to save people from choking to death!
[eBook] Free: "853 Hard to Believe Facts" $0 @ Amazon

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855: When theres no sale, make it free
856: That I didnt download it the last time it was free, and already have books on facts that havent been read
Nah, I believe that.
A single sneeze travels 100 mph and shoots 100,000 germs into the air
You can't lick your elbow
Some chick did that on Millionaire Hot Seat…. Not sure how to describe my reaction, but it made me feel alive again
I can do it.
I don't know why so many people think that nobody can.
I have met others who can also (lick their own elbow)
Challenge accepted…….. Gets arrested
Even some lady from Perth got a mention…..
We'll have to ask Spackbace or Clear if they know the Parkinson's smelling Perth lady?
not sure what this is
but if I ever get arrested for abusing OW pricebeat that's what I'd be packing to read in the slammerI think you'll probably have something else being packed in the slammer…
Wow!! The writer must have exhausted all their efforts and decided… naa… Rest of the wordly facts are quite believable, otherwise who stops abruptly at 853??
One of the reviews says facts are highly dubious or wrong
Anyone give it a quick skim, thoughts?
Use Google
Like the fact -
Perth woman who can smell Parkinson's disease - It is real!…
I find it hard to believe anyone would read this. It's a very dry read and not well put together, very short to the point "facts".
The trivia books that were free a few days ago are much better, despite their minimal flaws, as there is a short backstory with clues for each question.
I guess it depends on what style one really enjoys reading.
854: That people ever paid for this