Food Delivery Job Wages

Hi all

I have been made redundant from good paid job after 5+ years with the company. Very disappointed and distress at the moment. I feel it was unfair dismissal (they keep the guys who joined less than 1 year). Well, nothing much I can do. As a friend told me, we are "small" people.

Back to topic.

I am thinking to do food delivery job with my 1.3 litre car. I don't have motorbike nor fit to ride bike.

Can anyone who has done this job enlighten me how it works and how much we can get in a day in average after cost? is it worth?

Can we sign-up with multiple companies (uberEat, menulog etc)? And which one pays better?

Are there tricks to maximise the income, like deliver food during lunch time or dinner time? How severe is the competition with other drivers?

There are 2 shopping centers about 5 kms apart near me, and 1 a bit further about 9km. I guess it is better to stand-by inside shopping center or park off-street than drive home back and forth. Is it allowed by lock-down rules?

I cannot do coles/woolies due to back-pain, also don't have large vehicle licence.

Lastly, has anyone do this as full-time job? I imagine the job will be dried up once people are allowed to dine-in outside again?

Thanks all.


  • Why were you let go?

    • +4

      They told me that my role is not required.
      I think they don't get into trouble if they told me the real reason (like personality etc).
      I feel I have been back-stabbed by my manager or team lead. I myself still cannot believe this is happening. Even I haven't told my family. They give me 2 weeks notice.
      By the way, thanks for asking. I feel alone, my colleagues even don't want to talk about this.

      • Are you of Indian origin? Are they too? Just curious.

        There's always dozens of delivery riders hanging about waiting for ages on the streets in the CBD. Not sure if demand has plummeted or there's just a lot more of them nowadays. Maybe both.

        • No. They group together but I don't want to spread hate against others.

        • Holy wowers, that photo is crazy! I never knew that was a thing. So these people literally spend all night on the sidewalk ready to jump on delivery orders? Seems like a traffic safety issue, and also in breach of social distancing.

          Surely there are better uses of time. You'd be better off working for Maccas if you can find a gig there. Sure as hell beats those conditions.

          • +2

            @SlavOz: Yep, that's exactly what they do, all day and all night. Huddle in groups blocking pedestrian walkways at multiple hotspots across CBD. They never adhered to any social distancing rules. This spot is on Liverpool Street, you'll see them all the time.

      • No problem. Shame on them. Herefor you if you need it.x

        • Thanks mate. I feel very sad and cannot sleep well.

  • I see these deliverers everywhere, I saw them at 4 pm today and 4 am for all night places. They do seem to wait in the area Lunch and dinner would be busier probably

    • Do you start work before 4am??

      • I am a can collector/bottle recycler. I see the deliverers EVERYWHERE ie Red Rooster, Maccas, Pizza, Hungry Jacks, etc. I was thinking the late shift might be good because there are only 2 places open at the time. Maccas and a pizza place/ Only Maccas is open 24 hours

        • I see. You are essential workers. Kudos to you.

          • @whymecov: irs essntial to me, I am about to go and do a round, I will see these guys

            • +2

              @screensaver: Were you full time? You're required to get 4 weeks notice if so. Also are you getting a redundancy payout? If the business has more than 15 people you are required to.

  • +16

    I can't help you about being a delivery driver, I've never worked in that industry, but I can tell you one thing.
    Please don't try and hide that you have been made redundant from your family and friends, it will eat you up inside and make your life hell. You and another 1.5 million have lost their jobs, you are not alone.

    If you need help, ask for it, don't think you are on your own :-)

    • +2

      +1 to this.

      When I was made redundant I grabbed a pizza, bottle of wine and told everyone I knew.

      Had multiple interviews by mid the following week from the network effect. Admittedly this was not during a pandemic, but you never know who is hiring if you aren't telling people you are available.

    • Looks like it is not worth it to do food delivery for side job?

      • well they see me getting the cans and so far they havent so its probably worth it

        • I got confuse. Do you meant worth or not worth it? Because you said you see them waiting everywhere.

          • @whymecov: I dont just see them waiting, they are also collecting orders

            • @screensaver: ah I got you, that's a good thing. But who order food at 4am in the morning?

              • @whymecov: people do, I see the deliverer cycling in my street, a quiet suburban street. more than once

    • Thanks mate. I have this community, some friends on Linkedin. I messaged few of them, two call me directly, offered sympathy. The others said they feel sorry, surprised and will let me know if they hear anything.

      But in reality, I think I won't get a job within 2 weeks or 2 months. And for some reason, I feel tired with this corporate office job (I am not in management level)

  • +2

    Don't get too down, it's happening everywhere, keep your chin up and a positive frame of mind. I know it's hard but you can't let it get in the way of you moving on to bigger and better things in life.

    In the meantime, you might be eligible for the Jobseeker payment from Centrelink. I'd suggest register yourself with Centrelink online asap to apply for Jobseeker. There's no shame in it - you pay taxes and now the govt is helping those in times of need and this is a time of need for a large proportion of people in your shoes. Apply for anything else you are eligible for also to help you in the meantime while you find a job.

    As others suggested, talking about it with those who are close to you will help you mentally, give you someone to lean on even if it's just to listen to you vent your frustrations, and perhaps might put the word out that you're actively looking for work and you never know, something may come your way. Best of luck with this. You'll find something soon enough.

    • And at least the rate is a bit better now.

  • +1

    Hey mate. Don't really know much about the food delivery job.

    This kind of thing happens though. Try not to take it personally. This is probably because of the current economic situation.

    Stay positive and move on. Why not apply for other jobs in your field? Sounds like you have some great (5 years!) experience and knowledge. Surely the competitors might be keen on you? Don't focus on the being a "small person". What's stopping you from skilling yourself up and rising up the ranks somewhere else?

    Perhaps you can get the government centrelink bonuses for now as well.

    You should be honest with your family too. Best to be transparent. Might be difficult at first but in the long term it is the best.

    Things will get better!

  • You will go BROKE delivering with a car not to mention the issues with finding parking every 2 mins.

    Grab a cheap motorbike

    • +1

      Or moped you can ride on a car licence.

  • Hi Op, If I was in a similar situation I would probably look at a few short term options and the longer term getting back into the space you have plenty of experience as that's where you are likely to get the best return on your time. It may be good to consider a couple of different jobs in the short term, just from a cash flow perspective so you minimize eating into any savings you have. I would look for something that has an hourly rate - night stacking, cleaning etc. As many have mentioned above you and many others will be in a similar situation, none of your fault just a very bad time for the whole world. Make sure you apply for job seeker asap to get the maximum benefit in the short term. Just keep focused and you'll get through this period.

  • I feel for you bro it always sucks when you get sacked but it is a hell of a lot worse then you did nothing wrong but management is hopeless

    I dont know if food delivery is 'well paying' matter of fact i've heard some studies say it is less the min wage but if you need the money i guess you dont have a choice

  • -1

    Ive just been out, looks like saturday night is a busy night for them

  • +1

    I feel it was unfair dismissal (they keep the guys who joined less than 1 year).

    Getting rid of you and keeping someone else is not "unfair dismissal". It's just a business decision.

    It may take a while to find a new job in your field (I'm assuming) but I would only look at delivery driver as a last option. If you're paying temporary rent I'd move out of the city as soon as possible (sounds like that's where you are). You won't be able to afford for long.

    You say you have a bad back - that means you should be looking for work that requires standing up and constant movement. A bad back usually comes from sitting in an office chair doing nothing for 8 hours (unless you have a serious injury or medical condition). Woollies, Coles, or warehousing jobs are a good option to look into. If you're following the proper safety guidelines, you won't be lifting with your back anyway, so you will be fine. All you need to do is drop everyday grocery items into a box. They also pay much better than Uber. I used to work for Coles warehouse while I was at Uni. $33 an hour as a casual, $50+ an hour on weekends. Public holidays were just insane.

    Search on SEEK for "warehousing" or "pick pack" jobs. It's dominated by Indians so you'll fit right in.

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