Hi, can anyone recommended a good router for a single storey house under $150.
Am with TPG and been given NetComm router which keeps dropping out.
I was looking at TPLink Archer A9 AC1900 and contacted TPG and they were very quick to say they so not support 3rd party routers but will assist in setting up.
Many of you may be using other routers and would appreciate for any help.
Ignore TPG, get the Archer A9 if you like it. You will be able to get it working even if TPG say no.
Keep the Netcomm (which TPG supplied and support) - so, you can swap it out if you need their support to diagnose, say, a faulty line in the future.
And remember non-TPG companies (eg. Aussie Broadband) will help you out no matter what equipment you use.