This was posted 4 years 10 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Free: Dynamic Theme - "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Tifa Theme" @ PlayStation (Asia) Stores


Released today on Thai's store, just create an account and get it for free.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Appears to be only US Store? Couldn't find it in EU/AU store

    • +1

      To my knowledge, Thai's and Sing's are offering them for free, but you can always add another account to your system and share it with your main account.

  • +6

    Who in here is Tifa or Aerith team :) love em

    • +3

      What about Yuffie? :(

      • +1

        Wedge or Jessie best waifu

      • +1

        She's only 16!

        • +3

          According to Barret Cloud is only 1

    • +2


    • A old Jim beam ad with the words ' the Dilemar'springs to mind

    • Cissnei!

    • +2

      I told myself not to get attached to Aerith before playing remake.

      I failed.

    • +1

      Team Lucrecia!

      • +1

        Team Jenova!

        • Team Professor Hojo?

  • What do you mean by Thai's store?

    I got the message "Your account information doesn't match the locale in the URL."

    • +2

      You can use your computer to do the followings:

      1. Log out of your current account.
      2. Create a new account, selecting Thailand as your region.
      3. Confirm your newly created account.
      4. Log into the Thai's account, go to the link and get it for free.
      5. Add that Thai's account in your system (you can add up to 3-4 accounts per PS4 system), and download it.
      6. Now switch back to your main account, the theme is there.
      • +1

        Thanks can confirm it's working

      • +3

        Apparently you can add up to 16 users on one PS4 system…😮

      • Can i delete the account and still have the theme or it goes away with it?

        • +1

          it should stay coz it's downloaded to your drive. it's a helluva of work though.

      • -4

        That's a shame. Already have 4 accounts in my PS4. Partner has two and I have two.

        • -1

          Downvoted why.

  • Does anyone think tifa as a character is memorable? Or was it just that she was 'over proportioned' in an age where over sexualized game characters were considered risque?

    • U are a philosopher.

    • So she was like all the other female video game characters except those few notable for not being "over proportioned"?

    • Dead or Alive wants a word.

    • "…in an age where over sexualized game characters were considered risque?"

      It wasn't risque, it was the norm. Things like this were pretty much the opposite back then. It's today that you can't do that stuff openly without groups of people whining about it. Look how many people complained about Quiet in MGS V. They even stopped putting Lara Croft in shorts because of it.

      Busty underage schoolgirls weren't risque, they were half the female lineup in every fighting game. Hell, Cammy from Street Figher was considered a Tomboy despite her big breasticles simply because she wore a beret. THAT was the 90's.

  • +3

    Thanks OP for the heads up.
    I got mine from the HK store.

  • Goddamn it, just paid a friend in the US to help me get the theme through their Butterfinger promo not a few days ago and now it's free for other regions… oh well.

    • I was thinking of buying it off eBay, but I found them too over priced. So I held off, hoping for it to at least become available locally. And now it free in other regions, but I’m still waiting for Sephiroth!

      • +1

        Good thing you skipped on eBay, people charging $20+ for it… I was tempted too until a friend asked me if I wanted it too, and then a few days later… bah.

        • Had the bonus DLCs included too, which would be useless for our region disc/digital version.

          • @PS6: We can actually get those DLCs from UK region for free. I will try to post one later, but you need a friend in UK region to grab those for you.

  • Thanks OP signed up a Thai account and downloaded this theme. I will try and add it to my PS4 tonight.

    Anyone know why they wouldn't just make this free for everyone?

  • +8

    Found it on the JP store as well. I'm trying not to flood my PS4 with different regional accounts so that it kept to an minimum.…

    • +2

      I got myself a Japanese account personally so this is perfect, thank you

    • Thanks… got mine on my JP acct.

  • +2

    Thanks OP! Team Aerith here!!!!!!!!!

    Aerith for the Waifu and Tifa as a side chick! (Expecting neg storms coming…..)

    Now where is Aerith’s theme???

  • +2

    Team Tifa 100%

    She is looks like the stripper you wanna nail but has the personally of a ugly girl who helps everyone out in the library for 5min of your attention

    Essentially the best of both worlds and in real life the girls like this don't really exist

    • So 'she has a great body' and 'is good with the books'?

      • +1

        "Is that really… important?"

    • is looks like the stripper

      So … a meth addict?

      • Lol i donno what meth addicts you know but the ones i know i wouldnt wanna stand near em let allow nail em….

  • Had to reset my PSN Asia account in Hong Kong to get this Theme. Haven't logged on for ages

  • Best words to describe Tifa.

  • Free on the Indonesian storefront as well…

  • This was a lot of effort to get a free theme. But I now have a HK PSN account. I hope Tifa appreciates it.

  • +2

    Shit. I hope AU will soon get it too. It's not fair.

    • +1

      We never get anything cool or new mate. Always the last one. Farkin oath

  • Seems tedious to acquire it that way, is there ah nevermind.

    Anyways this one blows it out of the water.

    • I literally just watched that about an hour ago!

    • Can't believe it has been nearly 13 years since that released. I remember getting the game and special edition PSP bundle. Hopefully it doesn't take them another 13 years too finish the remake.

  • Indonesian store as well.

  • Classic goes over 23 years. Love it

  • -8

    As this is an Australian site and you must register on another country that's a thumbs down.

    • Deal is easily attainable by anyone in Aus. Not a valid neg.

    • +4

      I'd direct that thumbs down at PSN AU, but that's just my opinion.

    • -1

      What a silly reason to neg. Plenty of deals posted on here where you even have to use VPN to obtain the deal. This doesn't require you to do that and takes less than a minute to create a new account.

    • -3

      This is an Australian site. "Oz Bargain" not, change to another country, setup separate account,'

      • +1

        If it's obtainable in Australia then it's fair game. Just because you're too lazy to do it doesn't make it less of a deal.

  • -6

    Why are people keen on this rubbish?? It's just as bad as Norton. Just try and remove it completely. It slows you computer to a crawl. Just check your memory usage. Just use your common sense and no virus checker required.

    • +3

      Wrong post?

  • ROFL!

  • doesn't seems like its available for au or us not related post

  • I just finished the game last night…..WOW! I absolutely loving it.
    It is totally different to what I expected. The directions of the story it has taken is just excellent. Aerith may not have to die afterall…………

    • +1

      Spoiler alert!!!

  • Not too much of a hassle to create a Singapore account. Only took 7 minutes from registering a new Gmail account to sign up on the PSN. Postcode can be the first one from a single Google search of Singapore postcode lol. Then login your new account, look for FFVII and then to the accessories page under. The free Tifa theme should be right there with a few side scrolls. Download it and then hop back to your main account to use. Quite a nice theme and the classic FF music is heaven I’d say.

    • -1

      Yeah ikr, it is not too much for a free stuff, yet some guys complained about me and even downvoted me lol … Enjoy your theme ^_^.

  • Now on Australian store - https://store.

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