FF7 Remake! Cloud Relationship with The 3 Ladies: Jessie, Tifa and Aerith! I Am in The Cloud and Aerith Camp, What about You?

This is a long debate, spoilers ahead if you have not played the remake yet. After playing the FF7 Remake (I just finished section 7 when Jessie died………sniff…………sniff), I am convinced Cloud is interested in Aerith more than Tifa. And here is why:

1: If Cloud is thinking about Tifa since he left the village, his reaction would be a lot emotional when he first reunites with her after such long absences, at least warmer than the reaction he is acting in the remake when all he interested in is Gil.

2: Cloud definitely had a like for Jessie, he never pushed her away on her advances, instead of giving out an I don't care about anything attitude, he helped Jessie with the parents visiting missions and happily doing the stealing for her. Later Jessie gave him a kiss which he also accepted, as an ex-soldier if he doesn't want it he can simply pull away. Had Jessie not died, I am sure it will be either Aerith and Jessie fighting over him rather than Tifa.

3: When Cloud first met Aerith when Aerith gave him the yellow flower, he mentioned in the pub wondering what's the story of that girl is all about. I don't recall he mentions Tifa when he is not on the job. And when he meets her for the second time, he immediately becomes her bodyguard and even lied to Aerith by saying he doesn't recall who he gave the flower to. For someone who doesn't give a crap about anything, he certainly lied in that instance, why? Because he doesn't want Aerith to think he gave the flower she gave to him to another girl. He wouldn't be doing that if he is not interested in Aerith.

4: At the train graveyard, when Aerith said "we have a bodyguard don't forget, mine", he didn't pull her away in front of Tifa when Aerith was holding his arm, if he had any love interests for Tifa, I am sure he would at least tried to pull away.

5: Finally, when Aerith put on that Red Dress at the Don Coreno mansion. He lost his speech totally all of a sudden and even said sorry after.

So what do you think?

Which camp are you in?

Poll Options

  • 3
    1: Cloud and Aerith all the way
  • 16
    2: Cloud and Tifa for me
  • 2
    3: Jessie and Tifa for sure if she didn't die
  • 5
    4: Cloud is just Cloud, he doesn't know who he wants


  • +3

    what percent of your income do set aside to spend on your comic-con costume each year?

  • +2

    Self-joke post?

  • i think once i was told i should be team jacob? its not one of the options

  • Cloud 4 Cross Dressing Cloud.

  • +1

    You sure Jessie is dead? In the ending cutscene where Biggs is recovering you can see her gloves and headband next to him.

    • I am convinced she is dead, because Tifa cried…………

  • I actually really really liked Jessie. The voice acting for Jessie was perfect, as do the other two girls especially Aerith.


    Can't get that word out of my mind now.

  • Game was amazing honestly just finished it


    I'd picked Tifa because i think in the original game that is kind of how it goes because Aerith dies

    But in this game i have to admit i like Jessie and was actually sad when she died. - 'Psyche'

    The love triangle i hope gets better fleshed out as it is looks like they are changing 'destiny' to keep Aerith alive

    • Jessie may not have died, Aerith may not die. This is a totally new timeline so Tifa may die

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