Well.. my partner got a call yesterday saying she was a runner up too.
I just got a call saying I was another runner up.. So unless the 3 of us represent 60% of the runners up… im sceptical!
Entry conditional upon ‘entrant’ being a ‘homeowner’ in the metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia. The ‘entrant’ consents to OzShut Pty Ltd & its associated entities to make contact via telephone or email to discuss the competition & results or other promotional matters from time to time. The ‘entrant’ may ‘optout’ at any time by email request to [email protected]
Well.. my partner got a call yesterday saying she was a runner up too.
I just got a call saying I was another runner up.. So unless the 3 of us represent 60% of the runners up… im sceptical!
I've got a guy coming out here in 10min, am gonna get a quote for a small toilet window and hope it's under $250 lol. Yea not sure what's going on, no runner up prize is mentioned in t&cs
Did they mention the $250 to you too?
Yeah i didnt see any mention of runner up in the T&C's either
We both got the same comment about the $250 off - i imagine its a ploy to get a quote/lead…
@djlethal: Yea, ah well I'll let you know how it goes when he's here. They've approached us before and are also the ones that like to stick a billboard on your verge for a discount, not a fan.
@Bytelover: So yea, that was terrible, shouldn't have bothered. Pushy guy, wouldn't do a proper quote, just wrote down some numbers. Reluctant to give figures for individual windows. Asked for both of our phone numbers, gave him fake one at least.. No mention of the 'prize', couldn't be bothered mentioning it myself
Tried to remove my 'win' but it won't work 😑
@Bytelover: Sounds great lol - apparently booked to come here at about 6ish so I look forward to it!
@Bytelover: Holy crap what a horrible experience…
Measured nothing, bailed because I was in the kitchen with the dog while partner was talking to him.
Had to leave to “call the boss” to see what to do, when he came back told him to piss off. If you’ve been here 20 mins and haven’t measured anything you’re wasting my time
@Bytelover: Phillip apparently..
I sent them a nicely worded email to their "opt out" address above. Would suggest you do the same or they'll probably pester you.
The funny thing is…. I was actually looking at shutters and have been for some time…. so it was quite opportune for them, and their crappy professionalism probably cost them a sale…. oh well…
@djlethal: yep, we were also seriously looking, though not quite ready to buy yet!
Our guy quoted a price for us, but it was including the 6 month sign/billboard out the front, he didn't even offer us the option not to have it :')
Ill definitely check out the opt-out! Cheers for the tip
I also got a call that i was a runner-up.
They pushed me into having a guy come out to do a quote (even though i told them i'd recently lost my job and couldn't afford it)… Rang back the next day and cancelled.
Got a phone call yesterday that I am one of 5 Runner ups.. Bit sceptical about it. They said I've won $250 towards shutters per window, and want to come out to do a quote. Knowing these guys are quite aggressive in their marketing I'm not sure if this is legit, but they're coming out today anyway 🤷♂️
Anyone else got the same?