Not a massive discount but the first sale and if you've gotten bored of doing jigsaw puzzles while staying at home maybe these puzzles will give you something else to do.
Also save data in S1-3 will unlock more puzzles in S4 and there's a demo now available for S4 if you haven't played a Picross game before and want to try it out.
I’ve had these on my Wishlist through Dekudeals for ages, as I love picross puzzles (the Pokémon and Zelda ones on the DS were my introduction). It’s not much of a discount, but they’ll probably never be on sale again… I didn’t know about save data for 1-3 unlocking more content in 4 though….
Edit: Purchased all 3, haha. Daisy-chaining the Gold Point discounts, I think it came out to $31.20 or so, and I’ve got another 60 gold points from the third purchase.