Has anyone got the respirator instead of masks when masks were nowhere to be found during this epidemic? What type did you get?
Were You One That Couldn't Find Masks but Got Respirator Instead?
Poll Options
- 5Disposable Respirator
- 7Half-face Respirator (Reusable)
- 5Full-face Respirator (Reusable)
Damn 18 bucks?! These 3M 7502 are $99 at Bunnings.
I hope you bought filter cartridges for it.
u can get full face fake 3M 6800 masks of ebay still. i bought 2 when the pandemic started. i have an original 3M 6800 mask and its basically exactly the same with the same quality. read a few reviews saying that the fakes are identical and they are. $50 on ebay VS $300-$400? for original. i pair them with 6035 filters. havnt used them yet, dont leave my house much. but if its gets as bad as other places in the world i definitely will be. they are 99.99% over 95% N95s.
read a few reviews saying that the fakes are identical and they are. $50 on ebay VS $300-$400? for original.
You're trying to protect yourself from a virus you can't see. Visually, the fake and the original product might look the same, but small manufacturing defects that are small enough to not be able to be seen can render the fake ineffective.
these rubber masks arnt really a complicated thing. reviews have done fit tests. im a spray painter, did a fit test. good to go.
For short term use, it might be okay, but the compostion of the rubber might be different so it could degrade at different speeds. A respiratory mask isn't like a pair of shoes.
The seal on counterfeits purchased from eBay can’t be guaranteed.
Double chins can help right?
u check the seal and do a fit test. then its guaranteed. its just rubber
A few days back I stumbled upon one of those cheap Bunnings 'Protector' brand half-face respirators under the house along with some disposable masks that I must have purchased years back. Unfortunately I bought the cheap stuff - and they are not P2. I can't actually remember why I purchased them in the first place - that is Bunnings for you.
… and yes, I was one of those people that did visit a few Bunnings back in Feb to see if they had masks/respirators - only to find them sold out (for everything other than that $289 3M full-face one which nobody was willing to pony up cash for).
Due to the bushfires I bought three half face 3M with (I think) expired P95+Vapour and with P100 filters.
I used them in my commute to work. [$18 for the half face+ P100 and $25 for the P95+Vapour one from ebay]
Now that covid19 came to town I wished I'd gotten the full face ones for more spooky effect.
So, without a full face one, I instead wear my aldi ski mask and half face when I go to the shops.It's important to check that the flappy valves are clean and dry after each use. Otherwise mould grows on it.
I store them in my dry cabinet at 35% humidity along with other things. That way its nice and crisp and fungus free each time I have to wear it for hours.I'm hoping that expired filters still work. I can certainly breathe through them.
nB: I bought three, one for each adult member of this household.
I instead wear my aldi ski mask and half face when I go to the shops
Do the shopkeepers reel back in anticipation of getting robbed?
Hehe I've had a few reaction from shoppers. A couple of eye rolls and one guy saying Jesus! To a couple of people staying extra far away from me.
But it's pretty much normal.
u dont need the +vapour part of that mask that "expires" the "P100" part of the mask does not expire and thats all that is needed with covid. it will work indefinitely as long as u can still breath through it.
Awesome. The vapour cartridge has a p95 add on. The other ones are the pink p100 circles. Good to know they don't expire!
I do not get what you mean. Which is the +vapour part? that DOES expire? The cartridge?
some masks say vapour or nuisance level Vapour or organic vapour. thats usually activated carbon in the mask that absorbs smells and chemicals in the air. once u take the cartridge out of the packet its starts absorbing things. so it "expires" after a while. but the mechanical part of the mask (P100,P3) dosent expire as long and u can breath through it its working. so for covid u can just wear the same cartridges forever because u only need the mechanical part and it dosent matter if the vapour part expires or not.
I was at Bunnings last night purchasing non COVID-19 related items, saw the 3M full face respirator. Tempted, but nah… Rydalmere store.
Yea i saw two at my local store as well. They were out for almost two months and now back on shelf. $289 omg…
Got one of these. Shoppers look at me strangely though.
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9c/1d/cb/9c1dcb1337fcb993f78a61195…i dont think its you that they look at strangely. they might just be looking at the octopus stuck to the back of your head.
Canary in a coal mine, octopus for COVID-19.
I have a 3M 7502 Half-Face Respirator purchased from eBay before all this happened. It was like $18 but I still haven't used it haha