Strapit Surgical Face Masks 50 Pack - Online Only $69.99 delivered from chemist warehouse
Strapit Surgical Face Masks 50 Pack $69.99 Delivered @ Chemist Warehouse (Online Only)

Last edited 16/04/2020 - 14:26 by 1 other user
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supply and demand.
Supply and demand my friend, but yes I agree, crazy prices!
This is not a bad deal in my opinion coz last week I had to sell both of my kidneys for half a mask and a 30ml bottle of hand sanitiser.
You've gotta be kidney!
it's alright, you will have them grow again. I bought all my iphones from 3g to 11 pro max with this method.
Maybe consider that the wholesalers have jacked the prices and the pharmacy's need to increase their prices to not take the loss…
Crazy price doesn't necessarily mean CW is price gouging. Just a comment on the price.
Central Park Priceline is selling $4 per mask…
Post a link please.
I'd love to get 10 for $3I said I remember when I did - before the mass-murder of these masks - that made them so rare.
ahh the days when I was child, and you could buy an ice cream for a six pence (when Australia was pounds and pence before dollars and cents)
Perth Chinatown selling them for $10 EACH! So……..
that's literally robbery , call the cops.
I guess the obvious question here is can you get some today at a better price?
Price gouging
Do you actually believe that CWH are able to get them in at the same price as pre COVID-19? The price they are getting these in is not that far from what they are selling them for.
It's not 2019 anymore.
I feel like these would be in better hands with the doctors and nurses and stuff…
Maybe some gloves too so they can put the masks on their faces instead of their hands.
Don't think they need to buy from CW right ? XD
That depends on the quality. These could be those "made from an Asian country" which are "not fit for purpose".
i guess the ones made in USA out of tshirts are fit for purpose
T-shirts and a coffee filter
From what i looked up, Strapit is Melbourne based and an Australian owned company.
Edit: On the box seems to show developed in Australia and made in China
80% of the worlds mask is made in china lol.
if they were made here then this price does sound reasonable
As a small NDIS provider, we have to source all our stuff from places like this even though we are an essential service. Normally we would have no use for PPE. So we dont have accounts with big companies. Not all these CW masks are being used by folks walking around woolies looking for more loo paper.
Sorry, didn't mean to imply anything like that, I just meant I wish there was a way of knowing this stuff was going to the right place.
any health workers should've one if they want as well.
Yes but unfortunately humans of society atm feel the need to wear these now just go collect mail from the front of their house.
The deal that got deleted for being spam was $54.99 delivered
Actually its really funny that the mod team has no consistency!
What a rip off! Playing on people’s fears to extort them of their hard earned cash. It’s not what has the world become, it’s more like the current climate has allowed them to show their parasitic ways more freely — thinking they will be less likely to be singled out amongst the other blood sucking scum.
Welcome to capitalism, comrade.
Before you start bashing capitalism just remember that state sponsored suppression of information and arrest of whistle blower doctors is the reason we're here, comrade.
kapitalizm makes such price gouging legal but the supply problem persists either way.
At least these are australian standard not like some other tissue thin masks
Not a bargain, it's the opposite. What a ripoff
Hey but it says only $69.99!
No deal…
Price gouging
This isn't price gouging. It's supply and demand.
Horrible price for cheap mask
If you purchase this you deserve to be separated from your $70.
What a joke. And to think we have effectively closed down private hospitals, dentists and other primary, necessary healthcare services because of a severe lack of PPE.
Price gouging
Shameless Price gouging
Based on current demand, $1.40 a pop ain't that bad. Consider the chemists who are charging the same masks or very similar, for $2.50 each.
From what I see in-store these days, this is considered a bargain especially if you're using them on the daily and a few a day.
I bought 50 mask for $35
Where from ?
Link please……go to aliexpress
haha aliexpress takes way ages.
I bought a heaps boxes of 50 masks for $45 each in Sydney.
Maybe we need a completely different website called 'Oz not a bargain but in stock'
gee $70 for 50 cheap masks, and it's a bargain…
At least you know these meet the standards. All the others on ebay and amazon are of unknown quality.
The Strapit Surgimask is the highest quality Level 2 mask meeting all world standards including:
Australia: ASN 4381:2015
Europe: EN14683
Similar price on the manufacturer website…So these are rated Level 2 to AS 4381?
This is not really suitable for prolonged use or use in situations where there is a risk of exposure to fluids.
If you are concerned about people sneezing on you, or spittle contact you should be aiming for Level 3.No disposable mask is really suited for prolonged use. Level 2 is more than enough. Hell, some surgeons use level 2.
If you are concerned about people sneezing on you or spittle contact, you should be aiming for N95. Fluid resistance is more for accidental splashes…or maybe people sneezing on your face from 10cm away, in which case you probably would have more problems than mask rating.
N95 are respirators.
@Tiggrrrrr: There is no difference between a P2 respirator, dust mask or face mask. They all comply with AS/NZS 1716.
@whooah1979: P2 is the EC spec.
N95 is the US spec.
AS1716 is the Australian Spec.These are respirator specs.
This post is about Surgical masks. Hence AS4381.
Surgical masks are not designed for use as particulate respirators and do not provide as much respiratory protection as an N95 respirator. Surgical masks provide barrier protection against droplets including large respiratory particles. Most surgical masks do not effectively filter small particles from the air and do not prevent leakage around the edge of the mask when the user inhales
All those Chinese real estate development companies going to buy them out!
Better than nothing, but these particular ones are as useful as a serviette.
This is disgusting
Disgusting. Leave the masks for health care workers.
Yes! Get sick and add workload to them. You may then thank them publicly when you recovered (not without taking the valuable medical resources). By the way, what makes you think the well paid government procurement team is unable to, if they really want to do their job well, secure the same supply when a consumer business can?!
These aren't the cheap POS masks you'd want 'health care' workers using.
Spam price gouging. Not a bargain!
Not only gouging, but also taking them away from those who actually need them!
Totally agree. Surgical masks should be going to hospitals, where there is a shortage.
when this covid 19 is all over -I'm going to be glad these stupid posts stop
just stop clicking into them and you'll be able to stop reading them straight away… just saying,
crazy isn't it. it's almost as if people are complete gluttons for punishment.
People negging this for price gouging yet hundreds of positives for a 50ml hand sanitizer bottle @$3.50ea
wow.Good callout
i guess they work better than these? lol
I don't need this as I won't be performing any surgeries.
this is not cheap
Expensive yes, but they seem to meet standards. Health organisations can probably afford them.
Ordered one thanks
I honestly expected better of Chemist Warehouse.
This is disgusting.
Worked there for 2 years. I expected worse lol
Absolute price gouging.
I'd rather they remain out of stock than give the message to wholesalers that this is acceptable. Keep them available for the government to requisition at a reasonable price.
Price is ridiculous.
+1 for undercutting grey market prices (<$1.5/mask) and having a more reputable supply chain
wow moderator removing neg vote…
Where's the bargain exactly?
yes he did removed my vote and comment too for writing SPAM =:)
Your negative vote on this post has been revoked by a moderator as this comment has been unpublished due to "inappropriate use of negative vote".
Absolutely disgraced. MOD - PULL THIS AD DOWN now.
i don't wear them in Perth, as it's pretty safe here as long as you keep social distance + not touching your face. I agree we should lets the health workers have them first around the world, not just in Australia. For age 65+, it is understandable if they are wearing one. So i am not negative this deal for the health worker or age 65+ who can't get one.
Made in Wuhan?
If it was a Strapon I'd consider it
Price gouge
Dont know what was the price before but These ones are obviously superior quality meeting Australian medical standards, not like the cheap ones from ebay or other websites
Absolutely, sure you could pay half but the quality could be less than half (useless)
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Ridiculous pricing.
I remember when I got 10 for 3$ , whats wrong with people nowadays…