• expired

AmEx Credits: Catch / Grocery Run ($100/$15), First Choice Liquor OL ($100/$10), SubscribeToday ($60/10$) & Kogan OL ($100/$25)


Catch / Grocery Run
Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, in-app or online at Catch.com.au, or online at Grocery Run, by 28/04/2020 to receive one $15 credit. Limited to 10,000 Cards. Exclusions apply.

First Choice Liquor Online
Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.firstchoiceliquor.com.au by 27/04/2020 to receive one $10 credit. Exclusions apply.

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $60 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.subscribetoday.com.au by 31/05/2020 to receive one $10 credit. Limited to the first 50,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

Kogan Online - Targeted
Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-app at Kogan by 12/05/2020 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 25,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

Edit 1: Added Kogan Online offer as only 1 out of 2 of my AmEx cards have this offer.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
First Choice Liquor
First Choice Liquor

closed Comments

  • Seems targetted for kogan.

    • Definitely targeted; only Velocity Escape had it. I think I've used my other cards on Kogan before

      • only had it on essential, never use Amex on Kogan before on any card

      • More of the case only primary card has the offer

  • +1

    Strangely I only got the Kogan offer on my card?

  • Thanks, got them on my Amex Essential card.

  • +4

    Thanks OP, just a reminder for anyone who had the targeted spend $100 get $20 off Kogan credit, when you click the link and activate the credit you have to the end of the day to use that credit or it expires

    • I keep getting Bad Request on mine when I tried. Might have to try another computer and browser …

      Edit: Credit expired last night, which explains why.

      • +3

        Oh so maybe they all had an expiry of yesterday as well, makes sense the timing of this offer then as they wouldn’t have wanted them to stack.

    • Excuse my stupidity, are you saying the offer has 1 day expiry after activation?

      • Offer expired yesterday. No one can activate it or use it if they already saved it

        • +1

          Mine says 12th May expiry

          • +4

            @Vash1984: That's the Amex credit, not the Kogan.com credit which was offered to Kogan customers over the Easter weekend. donkcat was suggesting that one could spend $120 minimum and get $45 off, however the Kogan credit expired yesterday.

  • Got them all except First Choice liquor on my platinum edge card.

  • Kogan only appeared on my main card

    • Same. None on the supp cards.

  • I got all 4 on my Qantas card.

  • Can this be used with Shopback for extra cash back?

  • +2

    Didn't get the two I wanted. Catch and Kogan

    • +1

      What an irony!! .. i got both, and I didn't need either of them :)

      • Haha indeed

  • Neither of the 3 on my Explorer.

  • Thanks Op! I got $25 off $100 Kogan on my Amex Discovery! But like some of us, only got it on my main card, not on supp.

  • +2

    How Amex decides who gets the offers?

    • I would assume, it would be some data that either the retailers or Amex has on the customers usages with those shops or similar shops and repeat purchases etc…?

  • Got all of them on both my velocity, platinum and regular! I hardly ever use the regular, only for getting offers 😅

  • Can't find any decent bargains on either Kogan or Catch. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • +1

    The Catch one is targeted, too. I got the Kogan one but not the Catch.

  • I also got one for David Jones $100/$15 on one of my Qantas Discovery cards.

  • +1

    Only Kogan on my Amex DJ’s Platinum none on my supp. I’m really disappointed with Amex offers, I’ve raised it with them numerous times, I get crappy offers- >$500 big spends hotels, Sony, rental cars. Was promised marketing would look into my offers.. never happened. Looking at cancelling, as high annual fee, no benefit.

    • +1

      Genuinely curious, why the DJ Platinum? When I signed up with Amex, it definitely looked like their worst card (high annual fee, low points earn, small sign up bonus etc)

      • +1

        Yeah I second this. Unless you spend heaps at DJs (and I mean HEAPS), why? Even as a staff member where you get the annual fee at half price, I wasn't interested in signing up

        • +2

          You and BargainGeezer are right. I upgraded during a promo-annual fee waived first year and I’ve used the airport Amex lounge twice. Advice which Amex is best?

          • +2

            @Tiklpikl: Explorer sounds like it may suit you more; costs more but (fingers crossed in the future) you can use the Travel Credit. Maybe make a thread in the forums with what you want from your Amex and I'm sure others will be happy to offer suggestions.

            I only have the normal DJs Amex because like you, they tried to upgrade me from my Storecard and said if I upgraded, I wouldn't have to pay an annual fee for every year I hold the account. Glad I took them up on that offer!

          • +3

            @Tiklpikl: Explorer like kerfuffle said if your DJ Amex collects Membership Rewards, or Qantas Ultimate if you're signed up to collect Qantas. Both have higher annual fees vs the DJ Platinum ($395 and $450, respectively) but each come with a travel credit equivalent to your annual fee.

            The Qantas Ultimate is slightly better in that it earns 1.25pts per dollar, as opposed to the Membership Rewards 2pts per dollar which generally ends up being 1 point on whatever airline you convert to. But then the $450 travel credit can only be used on Qantas stuff, while the Explorer's $400 credit can be used on flights, hotel, car hire etc.

            Also, the Qantas Ultimate is currently currently running 100k bonus points when you sign up, and this is available to you if you haven't had any Amex product within the last 18 months (DJ cards are don't count, so you're fine if that's your only card). The Explorer hasn't seen a good sign on bonus in AGES, with 100k bonus the best you're going to get (the equivalent of 50k Virgin points).

            Depends a lot on what you value/redeem for and whether you're already locked into one scheme or not. Even the Platinum Edge might be worth it in your situation, as it earns a similar rate to the DJ Platinum but the annual fee is $100 less and you also get a $200 travel credit for your trouble.

            P.S. If you use a referral link from OzBargain, or if your friend has an Amex code, you can earn the referrer a few extra points and you get an extra 10k points with the Explorer/Platinum Edge iirc.

  • +1

    Does catch work for marketplace purchases?

    • Interested to know the answer to this…

      • +2

        Just made a purchase on catch marketplace and got the amex confirmation email straightaway.

        • Same for my purchase today.

  • +1

    kogan remove the egift card i think, the kogan egiftcard link shows below

    Sorry, we can't find the page you're looking for.

    • +1

      Kogan r dodgy they probably removed it for this promo. I got nothing to buy on their overpriced crapshop. At least with a gift card you can delay your purchases down the track or gift it as a present if no use.

      • eGC maybe available towards the end of the promotion. Just wait till the last few days.

  • Does the Kogan offer work in the marketplace? T&Cs exclude things like koganmobile but no mention of that?

    • Just tried it and confirm it works

  • I don't see any of these offers :-(. Anyone has links?

  • +1

    Any idea if we can buy these Catch gift cards and claim the Credit?

    • yes, i just did and received the confirmation email from Amex.

  • Does the Kogan credit work if paid on Amex via PayPal?

    • +1

      No, because PayPal is a third-party processor

  • ref "spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions" does that mean you can make multiple purchases on different days as long as they add up or pass the $100 before that offer expires? might just buy some catch and kogan gift cards to use later on.

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