Rich in B Vitamins for Vitality
B1 essential for brain function
B2 supports your nervous system
B3 essential for energy release
Folate helps fight fatigue
Vegemite 2.5kg $35.71 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 12/04/2020 - 13:53 by 2 other users

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closed Comments
Go spread some seawater on toast and let me know…
What's your point?
he's a bit salty
salt is 100% salt.
Do you have more?
$14/kg is expansive.
Even if cheaper, how long can a family of 4 finish the whole bucket?
Costco (if you have membership) works out to be around $12KG
I can finish mum's 500g in 2 weeks visiting.
35g a day is 7 times the recommended intake, better watch you kidney.
Recommended intake for what?
@SirDale: You do know that vegemite is not 100% salt.
Therefore 35g of vegemite is not 35gram of salt
Therefore it is not 7 times the recommended intakeIt is about 50% of the daily recommended intake of 2000mg of sodium
@[Deactivated]: Recommended intake per serving is 5g…
@[Deactivated]: Recommended daily limit for sodium is 2200mg = 13.3 serve X 5g = 66.6g to reach it
Not 150g/day also you can only eat 66.6g of this and eat absolutely nothing else beside water.
That’s a lot of sodium in your diet!
Yes… it does cover quite a large area.
Doesn't matter - not like it's going to go off.
Good for staying home.
No offence
Some taken
It's almost as if different people have different taste preferences in comparison to you!
All the people that down-voted him.
Airports that way..
bye felicia
Hahaha… only -12 :) ?
To be expected… neg away my loyal Australians!
Try the Cheesy Bite version (it's like Vegemite for beginners), it doesn't have the sharp taste which repulses some people. Spread on fresh white bread with generous butter/margarine.
This is almost enough Vegemite for an American's first attempt at Vegemite on toast.
I’ve never heard Vegemite titled ‘Vegemite Yeast Extract Spreads’. I mean, you’re not wrong, but surely it’s just called ‘Vegemite’, haha.
It's just called Vegemite.
In France, it's called a Royale with Yeast.
What do they call Promite? Le Promite?
Say what again mother f@@@we, I dare ya, I double dare ya.
Not sure if it's an Asian thing or just my fam, but when we make rice porridge /congee we'll mix a spoon of this (or Promite, Bovril) in the bowl + a fried egg. Still my go-to meal when I'm sick.
also nice in stew
I remembered growing up with a spoonful of Bovril mixed with porridge.
And this is how I grew accustomed to Vegemite.
Definitely. Congee with Vegemite? Perfection!
I was thanking it might be a good substitute for soy sauce.
It goes pretty well in soups.
Both salty and contain glutamates, so could well be interchangeable. Never tried.
You could probably get away with substituting vegemite for a heavier soy sauce variety like Tamari.
Perfect, this will last me until the next global pandemic arrives.
Vegemite. Yuk. 👍🤮🤮🤮🤮
I got -14 votes above for saying that mate, and rightly so mind you!
Here's a plus vote for solidarity. I can't stand the stuff!
Sorry I have reached my down vote limit. I did not know this existed :)
Your displeasure has been noted :).
I think I'll walk to Woolies.
560g bottle for $8 @1.43/100g = $35.75 for 2.5kg
$7.142 per 500g compared to standard price of $7.1428 per 500g at coles woolies. Not a deal. Unless of course the bulk pack suits you.
Negged deal for this reason.
Who the hell needs so much Vegemite!!
Tom Hanks
This works out no cheaper than the smaller size per gram so buying in bulk doesn’t save anything